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Everything posted by Runningmom80

  1. Care to elaborate what you didn't like about it? It will be nice to cross this out of the budget. :)
  2. which one should it be? I'd love something that's approachable and not terribly dense.
  3. He loves it! My 5 year old got the target version, he loves that too.
  4. We have a teepee that I string twinkle lights on and the kids use as a little reading nook. From outside it kind of looks like a Christmas tree, maybe you can do that? :)
  5. I wish they would have been mature grown ups and not used us as pawns. You would think that should be obvious, but I guess "the kids' best interest" was not a priority. I seriously can't think of one thing my parents did right regarding their divorce, besides the divorce itself. Ok, I guess I'm venting and not helping. :lol: I can tell you what I wish would have happened. I wish that my parents would have remained civil, if not friends. I wish we would have still spent some holidays together, or had monthly dinners together. I would have loved to not hear any of their negative thoughts about each other. I would have loved to be able to come home to one parent's house and not filter what I had to say in order to protect the other parent. I would have loved to share when I had fun with the other parent without feeling guilty.
  6. Hmmm, I had decided against EXPLORE, but I didn't realize this was the last year. Now I need to re evaluate.
  7. Last year was the Brick Shakespear books. This year he got a Sphero BB-8 and a shirt that says "bookworm."
  8. We do Friday Free-writes a la Bravewriter. My DS is a reluctant writer, so we started this fall with just 5 minutes, and he could choose any topic. The first few months were mostly just paragraphs about Star Wars, or Transformers, or Legos. Now I will sometimes give him a topic, and we are up to 10 minutes. He doesn't love having a topic but he doesn't fight with me either. He actually asks for free writes now!
  9. I have the same concerns, which is why i also want bookshark. :lol:
  10. ok, let's play "who ordered what from this thread?" I subscribed to MEL science, but it won't be here until mid January. I'm also still trying to figure out how to work in book shark....
  11. I've only heard that the numbers are strict. My son literally missed it by 1 point on one section. (The WJ needs 2 sections with 145, he has total score at 145, and broad reading at 144. :banghead: ) I was encouraged to apply with a portfolio, but I'm not jumping through those hoops because of 1 point.
  12. I just realized I never posted my goodreads link. :) https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/13950352-amber
  13. Just to add another experience, I have a BA in creative writing, and I'm currently applying to MFA programs. I was burnt out immediately following undergrad, but I got back to it within a couple of years. It's most definitely not the most lucrative degree, but I suspect she already knows that. :) FWIW, I graduated from San Francisco State University. They aren't nationally known, but it was a great program, lots of authors passed through while I was taking classes. SF at the time had a huge poetry scene.
  14. Yes, I am not interested in those types of blogs. Even on here, I make sure I let everyone know, "hey I don't know what I'm doing, my oldest is 9," when answering posts.
  15. We have a lot of snap wear that has glass containers with plastic lids. The glass containers nest together, and we stand the lids upright. For the mason jars, I store them upside down in a cupboard next to the glasses.
  16. I'm in the middle of Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates. Next on my shelf is The Whole-Brained Child.
  17. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/groups/228-minimalist-living/
  18. id be too concerned with the chemicals leaching to do that. We are moving to all glass food storage
  19. I didn't love it either. I felt like it was too much like Gone Girl, which I didn't love, but prefered to GOTT.
  20. I added everyone on good reads, so if you get a strange invite, it's me. :)
  21. Yes, right out of highschool is probably perfect.
  22. That was my first book last year! How did you like it?
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