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Everything posted by Runningmom80

  1. No experience, but hugs to you both. DS 9 has EoE and NG tubes were discussed in the beginning, and I can't imagine how rough it is on you both. :grouphug:
  2. See, I've seen on FB PG groups that PGR is asking for test scores as well. I've actually decided to apply with our close as we can get without actually qualifying scores. I might sign him up for EXPLORE if it's not too late, but I don't see him doing well on a bubble test, and he's less than enthusiastic about taking it. Bribery would definitely come into play.
  3. I think someone recently shared an article on this board that said adults do read phonetically, just very quickly. I didn't read the whole article, so I can't comment further. It was within the past couple of weeks. I think a combo of both types of teaching is needed,memorizing high frequency words really helped my twins!
  4. DS was a precocious reader as well, he was sight reading by 2 and reading fluently & phonetically by 3. I taught him the phonics because I had taken a Montessori class that touted the virtues of phonetic over sight reading. I think he picked up some of it on his own, but I definitely helped him crack the code.
  5. My kids loved it when I told them that last year at age 4. They found it funny. Perhaps I'm raising sociopaths..... we were at the MoMA during a trip to NYC, so they had already gotten quite an education. Maybe the ear was not shocking by that point. :lol:
  6. Yes we love master chef jr too. Child geniuses sounds more along the lines of toddlers in tiaras.
  7. Yes! My kids love that show. As far as the OP, I have never seen the show but it sounds like just another run of the mill reality show exploiting kids. Blech.
  8. I wish I had some New Year inspiring books to talk about, and I would love to include something like that into our reading list, I'm going to research. I do usually start back after the holiday break with fun reads. Last year we read "Fortunately the Milk" and this year it's "The Graveyard Book," which I'm now realizing were both written by Neil Gaiman. :lol:
  9. I agree that Joel was being a jerk, but those actors had zero chemistry. (Julia and whatever the other guy's name was.) It was just not believable. And I always hate when tv shows go the "just a kiss" route. It's a crappy story line. Either have them really get into an affair or show Julia walking away before it gets to the kiss part. It's lazy story telling to have them just kiss so it creates a conflict, but not one that is too large to overcome, i.e. the happy ending is still possible.
  10. I felt this too, but then I decided it's how he sees it, and that's all this book really is. I think we want it to be something more, because he so beautifully and forcefully conveys the pain of his black experience. I felt like for me, a white woman, who did want the answers to fixing this mess, it is unfair to ask for more, I need to just take it as his feelings on the page. I was also discouraged that he seems to think it really can't be fixed, that we will just move on to a different "lower class" to step on, but upon really lingering on that, I wonder if he's right. I am going to re read it in a week or two because there are parts I want to dissect.
  11. I agree, I hated that story line because of how that was handled.
  12. The whole thing made me mad, Joel was not cool either when he was working that job, but Julia was such a baby about leaving her firm. Get a grip people! :lol: And yes, joel over the chubby guy from The Office ANY day!
  13. I never said the financial ramifications should not be taken into account. I said there seems to be a notion that the sole purpose of college is to get you to a high paying career. Because, it can be argued that ANY college degree can get you to a career. However, in this thread and others, it seems the BS is the end all be all of financial security, and anyone who encourages their child to pursue a BA, (because that is what the child wants) is either rich, or delusional. I know several people making a living, providing for their families, and leading productive, fulfilling lives with degrees in English, History, Music, and Art. In fact the people in my circle that seem to be just chugging along in a disillusioned march to retirement are the accountants, IT professionals and engineers. I realize that this doesn't mean there is no satisfaction in those jobs, I'm just pointing out that it's not as formulaic as it's being implied in this thread. ETA: I'm also not advocating mountains of student loan debt, and I'm not sure where that came from? ETAA: I do know two happy and fulfilled accountants, one teaches classes at our local CC, and the other works for a non-profit.
  14. Don't even get me started. :cursing: :cursing: :cursing:
  15. I guess I see college as more of a gift I'm giving to my kids. Just like the Montessori school we're paying for now, and also like the career I do not have (yet) in order to give them the gift of my time to home school them. If it's seen merely as an investment with returns expected, I can see why it would only make sense to get a degree in a higher paying field. That's simple economics. For us, it's more than that, and I guess we are in the minority. ETA: My eyes are wide open as to the cost of college, and it's condescending to suggest those of us that don't value the earning power of a degree over the child's own educational desires are just living in la la land about what college costs.
  16. I'm not. The thread was actually in response to many who seem to view it only as a means to a job. I see it as a mix of both.
  17. Well, today he asked for Singapore because "mathematical reasoning is not really his style." It was nice while it lasted! :lol:
  18. So a college degree has nothing to do with learning?
  19. Yeah, it's not the career death sentence it's being made out to be. I know plenty of people, some immediate family who have art and music degrees who are either making a decent living, or if not, are happy with where they are in life. (One is younger so she's waiting tables and playing in a band on the weekends.) I find it so interesting that on this classical education home schooling board, the majority opinion is to drop learning what you love once your future earning power is on the line. :laugh:
  20. There will be. I remember reading that they were working on a different story but the Bergdahl story became more timely so they switched to that.
  21. I'm listening, I agree it isn't as riveting, but I'm learning a lot about the military. I still need to listen to today's. ETA: I hadn't read a ton about the case previously, I was only vaguely familiar, and I actually went into it thinking she was going to convince me his desertion was justified. I do get the idea that Sarah K thinks he was justified in leaving, but I'm not at all convinced.
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