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Everything posted by Moniksca

  1. I'm looking forward to reading the second book, I'm waiting for it from the library. I'm only hold 13 of 50 now, it's been a long wait.
  2. my ds had a tv in his room when he was 5 but it wasn't hooked up to cable and it was only for viewing his dvds a couple times a week. It has died since then and hasn't been replaced. We're down to one tv now.
  3. We're using L'art de lire level 3 now and I love the pace for my ds10. I agree with what everyone else has said about the program. I've purchased the downloadable workbooks from them the last 2 years and have not had any issues. I know Mission monde which is meant for grade 4 and up also has an elementary component to the program but have not used any of it.
  4. I went back to school when ds #1 was 1 years old. I voted 4 years old would be the best age. He came to some of my classes with me when he was 4 and would be able to colour and such without causing a disturbance during class. I had ds #2 during my masters so I'm use to having babies while in school though, I don't know if that's normal.
  5. Wow, I think my Dr. is set on inducing me. I had a super quick labour for ds #2, I was 2cm dilated at the dr's appointment and had ds 2 days later (I walked in w/ my contractions 8 min apart and had ds an hour later) so he said that if he saw the same signs he'd offer me the option of induction. I'm farther from the hospital this time around w/ hubby working 14 hr days so I don't know what I'll do.
  6. I was told by my doctor that the 3rd child is usually born sometime in between the time the 1st and 2nd child was born. For example, my first was 37 weeks and my second was 40 weeks, so I should expect baby #3 to be born some time in between 37 and 40 weeks. I'm 36 weeks now and was wondering when your 3rd child was born in relation to the first 2?
  7. The door needs to stay open since hubby works nights so I need to keep an ear on the boys in the other room. My toddler wakes up at night sometimes. I'm curious now as to how our cats will react to the new baby.
  8. weeks/months? that's not what I wanted to hear. I will definitely up the fluids. I just feel so on edge because hubby is a truck driver so I'd have to pack up both of the kids and cab it to the hospital 20 minutes away. I want to catch things before it's too late and I end up having the baby on the side of the road.
  9. This is baby #3 for us and I never had them with the first two. My water broke for the first, and I had very subtle contractions 10 min apart and had the baby 2 hrs later for our second. Yesterday, I had these braxton hicks contractions all. day. long. From 2pm to 6am, every 20min to 2hrs. I'm 35 weeks and seriously thought baby was going to show up by now. This is throwing me all off. Can this go on all month? I just had one a half hour ago, and for whoever says they aren't painful, they have been a hell of a lot more than just uncomfortable.
  10. I've heard of aluminum foil but not the double sided sticky tape, lol. I'm hoping this is the case too. Thanks for the crib tent suggestion will look into it.
  11. We've set up our crib for the new baby and I've been keeping the door close for now but once the baby is here the door will need to stay open. If the door is open they both like to climb in and around the crib, how do I keep them out of it once baby is here?
  12. :iagree: I have this one as well, I love it.
  13. None and none on the way anytime soon, ds is very sad.
  14. I've purchased from The Learning House in the past with no issues but I'm in Canada and not sure how much shipping to the US would be.
  15. We love L'art de Lire here as well.
  16. I've read the grammar/logic sections thoroughly, several times. I always miss/forget something.
  17. Just finished doing the floors a couple minutes ago. I do them every saturday, keeps me active.
  18. Yes, my dh is the lowly peasant though since I'm pregnant. He often expresses that is how he feels since the cats don't like him much compared to the kids. They also go in right after to use the litter box right away.
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