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10 Good
  1. I really like Journeys of Imagination from Winter Promise. The book choices are excellant for my 3 year old. HOWEVER, I would never again buy an entire package from them because of shipping issues. I would by the TM and then get the books used on Amazon, Ebay, where-ever. My three year old also is not writing yet, so we are adding in the Rod and Staff About Three series when we resume in January to boost pre-writing skills and we also do reading eggs.
  2. I ordered the R&S About Three books for my 3 year old. I saw a lot of positive feed back on a thread here a couple of weeks back. They came yesterday and I was going through them and I am wondering, how do you pace them out? Like 4 pages a week or 6 pages a week? Or do you not bother? I don't want to rush her through them and she will be doing an online phonics program (starfall or reading eggs or both) as well since she knows all her letters and sounds.
  3. The shipping was the first time was not too bad. Took 5 weeks to get everything in. The second time, it trickled in over 4 months. The would say it was shipped and it wasn't and then they sent a couple of things twice and I had to pay to send it back. Total nightmare.
  4. I bought it used for my kids. I agree with what a previous poster said. It is VERY choppy. It would have driven us all nuts. So I sold it. I want to love WP. This was my second purchase of their products. The first was also pieced together, had activities that didn't seem to fit, and jumped around in ability levels. Some of the books are 2-3 grades ahead while other are a year behind. And for us, it had too many activities - but I know that some families LOVE all the extra's.
  5. He is 2 months younger than my DS, who is starting K in January. My DS is reading and doing basic math... and to get him to that point, we used MEP Reception for the math and Progressive Phonics for LA. For his K curriculum, we are using: ETC 1, 2, and 3 Starfall and various early readers Liberty Math K (I excpect to get through this halfway through the year and bump up to Liberty Math A) Lollipop Logic D'Nealian K Science??? Still unsure. I will probably add it in when he turns 5. Literature - books from Sonlight P4/5
  6. I am new, too. And I made mistakes, too. Mostly in under-estimating my children. We are starting pretty much fresh in January, keeping only a one or two courses that have worked for us.
  7. My DS is on track to start 1st a year early. I will let him in math, logic, and phonics/reading/spelling. I will keep literature, history, science, art, music, and bible age appropiate rather than grade appropriate so as to not overwhelm him.
  8. Would this work for an almost 5 year old who is reading the stories on starfall (short a through U). Or would you hold off to gain a little more maturity? Or would you place at the K level and whiz through it as a review and then do A? Or would you skip it and go straight for ETC 1 and 2 as planned?
  9. For my pre-k, I do a lot of (free) printables from the 1+1+1=1 blog. I do a new preschool pack every week and she really seems to love them.
  10. The only way my daughter retains is if she is doing something else. She needs to be busy while I am reading. She has always been that way. My son is the opposite. It is the main reason I ruled out Sonlight. I felt I would have to read everything twice even on the same core.
  11. I realized yesterday that I am going to need a new printer to start this homeschooling endeavor. I am using quite a bit of downloadable curriculum and resources (startwrite, expedition earth, some ebooks) and my old one is 8 years old and sucks ink. My husband is going to add one to my Christmas list. However, money is super tight. I need to keep it under $100. Any ideas of where to start looking? I cannot afford a ton of ink everymonth. Maybe an ink budget of $35 a month. Thanks in Advance.
  12. I just joined these boards but I was this and wanted to answer. I am a recovering alcholic. A previous poster is right. It is not how much. It is how much is it affecting your life? Does it cause problems in your daily life. Do you feel the 'need' to have it. Can you go with out it? Is it a 4oz glass of wine or an 8oz one? And so on. Obviously you have some concerns or you would not be bringing it up. Thats says there *might* be an issue.
  13. Does anyone here use this? Would it work for a Kindergarten and a tag along preschool? Any other recommendations for social studies/geography for kindergarten?
  14. If my DS stays on track, he will be doing 1st grade work about 5 months before he turns 6. However, I also go by age and if he were in school, he would start 1st a few months after he turned 6 and so I label him by age rather than work for purposes of play groups, cloverbuds, sunday school, etc.
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