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Everything posted by cschnee

  1. Have you seen this? http://www.guesthollow.com/homeschool/curriculum.html There's a human body program for preschool, grades 2-6 and high school.
  2. More than a fun read! They have tons of math in them. My dd says to read Awesome Arithmaticks first.
  3. We have used and will continue for the next 3 years to use Canadian History through Modern Eyes by Heather Penner a book someone already mentioned. It gives a variety of books to use as a spine and we chose The Story of Canada and The Spirit of Canada. We also watch Canada: A People's History as she suggests. The Spirit of Canada is an amazing books with songs, legends and snippets of Canadian History. We've added in picture books, songs and novels from our library. We love it! And as I already mentioned, it will take us 4 years total to cover. We will be intertwining it with sotw 4 over the next 3 years. I've really tried to find maps a la sotw to go with the program, but no dice! If I ever put together something, I'll let y'all know.
  4. This is what I've done in the past....photocopy good diagrams of different insects from your insect guide. Then when you see that insect for real in the wild, cut it out of your photocopy and pin it in the appropriate manner in your insect case.
  5. Hello there, I haven't been in on any previous MCT posts but will give my 2 cents here. We, dd grade 5 and I, have been using the Town level books. We finished Grammar Town and Building Poetry and are still working on CEI and Grammar Practice. Dd loved all of the books and enjoyed the story in Paragraph Town but I think she felt the writing was too difficult. So we are planning to do WWE 4 this summer (excerpts to be used will be from the many books mentioned in CE1.) I would love to finish Parargraph Town (we got to lesson 10), so maybe we will continue with it next year before moving on to Voyage. We definately will use the grammar, vocab and poetry portions.....just not sure about the writing portion.
  6. I agree what with what the others have said, start with 1. We take 2 years to do each book because there is so much interesting stuff to learn. We will be taking 3 years to do vol 4, along with Canadian history.
  7. That would be it Hannah, I'm in Canada. Will the archive.org thing work for me?
  8. It's always taken us 2 years to do each of the SOTW books because we do a lot of projects and extra reading. After we finished SOTW 3 early in the year, we started using Modern History through Canadian Eyes (MHTCE). Because they mesh so well together, we will be doing both SOTW 4 and MHTCE on a rotating basis over 3 years, starting in Sept. There's so much to learn and so many excellent resources. That'll take us to the end of grade 8. In grade 9, I think we will do Mapping the World with Art as a refresher and then in grades 10-12, my dd can chose what she'd like to study in more depth. Just an example of another way to do history!
  9. What about the Mosdos Ruby program, http://www.mosdospress.com/4th_grade_ruby.html, as has been mentioned on this forum in other posts.
  10. Yikes! I still can't see where to download it.
  11. I don't see how to actually get the books. They go into my google library, but I can't download them. Can someone please help! Thanks in advance.
  12. I send my MM books to Staples all the time. I just send them the pdf file, pick black and white double sided and a binding. I really can't remember how much it cost, but it was reasonable and way better than doing it myself!
  13. If you know the rules of grammar, you can turn it around and NOT use the rules to write totally different, far out, what ever you want, prose and poems. Get what I mean?
  14. We did Elements earlier in the year, 1 chapter a week, 2 sessions/week (about 2 hours each time.) We did the reading, experiments, games, websites, that she suggested, and watched several Schlessinger videos about the periodic table. We also did several GEMS guides after we had finished the program (GEMS Chemical reactions, Crime Scene Chemistry, Vitamin C Testing) and another program called TCM 2120 Science Simulations that had a unit on acid/base reactions. I think Elements is an excellent program and plan on using Carbon Chemistry next year.
  15. There's also The Timetables of History by Bernard Grun. It's a huge book, done up like a timeline with headings of history/politics, literature/theater, religion/philosophy/learning, visual arts, music, science/technology/growth, daily life.
  16. Yes the Family Math books (I owe the main one and the level up) are excellent for the games and activities.
  17. I bought the powder and made some of the solution and had tons of it. I still have some of the power left too! Make sure you try the solution before you use it in the experiments. Like the GEM Guide suggests, you don't want to have to add too many drops of juice before the solution turns clear. BYW, it is totally cool how the indophenol solution (very bright blue!) turns clear when vit C is added to it.
  18. We too have done a lot of the GEMS units. Right now we are working on Microscopic Explorations and Algebraic Reasoning: Professor Arbegla Introduces Variable and Functions (grades 3-5). I think our favourites so far have been Secret Formulas (grades 1-3), Mystery Festival (The one about the bear for grades 1-3), Chemical Reactions, Crime Scene Chemistry (chromatography), Vitamin C testing (free on the web site, order the indophenol from Home school Science Tools.) We found Bubble-ology difficult to do with only the two of us because one has to compare many bubble diameters and we kept feeling dizzy from all the bubble blowing through a straw. Some require lots of data, so it's better if there are more people involved (such as Bubble-ology.) Cindy
  19. Here's what I've done for several summers...Hogwarts Summer School of Correspondence! FOR PARENTS & EDUCATORS ONLY. A group for homeschooling parents who would like to provide a fun and educational experience for their kids during the summer in the form of the (fictitious) Hogwarts Summer Correspondence School. A place to exchange ideas and share activities related to the Harry Potter Books. HogwartsSCS-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
  20. My dd is in grade 5 and is finishing up level E. We usually manage to do 2 levels/year.
  21. We love the "Horrible" series here too! And if you have younger kids and/or kids that love comics and graphic novels, you should consider the Horrible magazines, available from Horrible Ray at his website of the same name. He's in the US and I believe he has better prices than Amazon. Also Murderous Maths are in the same genre and are absolutely hysterical. Lots of math in there too.
  22. I second anything by Marilyn Burns. This is for math. Right now I am using Lessons for Decimals and Percents in The Teaching Arithmetic Series by Math Solutions Publications. We just finished Lessons for Introducing Fractions.
  23. SOTW (we'll be starting 4 next year) Modern History through Canadian Eyes WWE (we used 1-3) MCT (we're using Town level) Spelling Power Marilyn Burns Teaching Arithmetic series by Math Solutions Publications Latin for Children GEMS Guides TOPS learning systems some AIMS guides
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