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Everything posted by Once

  1. No these are brown and flat....definately not keloid. Interesting, though, my daughter had a keloid scar in the last three years. I hope she avoids any future ones because it really hurt her.
  2. These are hard questions to ask even without the complications of Lupus. I know because I have had to ask them before and they leveled me to the ground. I am sooo sorry you are going through this and will pray that you find a place with more peace and health soon! :grouphug:
  3. hummus with veggies grilled chicken on a salad (grilled the night before)
  4. 1/2 cm in diameter at least. They might pass for liver spots but that does not make me feel better. :tongue_smilie:
  5. That is good news! I was 8 years younger last time and I wonder if my age is catching up on me. Next time I will make a mental note of doing it in the fall so I can wear turtle necks. Hopefully this will keep them away for a few years. I hate them, too.
  6. About a month ago I had 37 skin tags removed. About 15 were on my neck and the rest were on my underarms. It hurt like heck!!! Well, I still have the brown burn marks and they are bigger than the skin tags were. I have had this done before but I do not remember it taking so long to heal. Anyone here have skin tags frozen off with liquid nitrogen? Is this normal and I just have to wait longer? Is there anything I can do or put on them that will help the scars minimize? When I google it I cannot find any reference to the brown scars I have....only one mention that an office never had anyone say that whatever scars were left were worse than the tags before hand. I actually think mine are. :crying: Help! It is summer and very embarrassing!
  7. I used it with my daugther for a few of her earlier years. I liked it well enough when I was using it but honestly I had better results with FLL and it was easier to use in retrospect. I like scripted teachers manuals so that is worth keeping in mind.
  8. If you don't mind me jumping in.....I like herbal remedies as well. I heard years ago that Yarrow Tea is helpful for reducing flow. I do not suffer with it but I put it in my memory for just such an occassion. :tongue_smilie: It tastes very bad....I will not ever forget that, but if you are willing to try anything you should google it and think about trying it out. I get my Yarrow from Azure Standard and it is very potent. Good luck!!! Sounds very frustrating!
  9. Congratulations, Joanne. I admire your accomplishment. May the next twenty be filled with the fruits of your labors!
  10. I read somewhere that a mild vinegar solution was acceptable as well. That is what I have been using for a few months. I am new to this as well and I do not know how my cup will hold up over time. Just wanted to add a big thanks to everyone that has posted so honestly about MCs in the past. I would never have heard about them otherwise and I am already sold on mine.
  11. We just had snow today, so we have a wait. This is my first year starting from heritage seeds and I am excited to see how it turns out. The one I am most pleased with is Lovage. I also have two types of cuccumber, three types of tomatoes and strawberries started. I plan on direct planting beans, peas and beets. Pretty simple compared to others but I am ramping up. My kids are helping as well and I hope we are all successful!
  12. Yup. It would motivate him to read (he is young and not quite there yet). He has to get dressed and have breakfast before he watches it each and every morning. After that there is a transition time into something else. He always asks for more. Fortunately, he knows the answer will always be no and accepts it well enough. That has not always been the case. He plays well enough with other kids when they take the creative lead but I do see him gravitate to screens even in resturants and at other people's houses. My husband and I are like that as well. I think sometimes people's brains just respond to TV and they can't stop watching. All of us would just sit and watch TV or a screen all day long if that were an option. I could not imagine having cable in our house.....we would probably never eat!!! I can even feel it myself with e-mail, these boards and FB, so I set limits on myself so I can be the mother I want to be. I am different than the OP....I do feel strongly that my family needs to maintain some limits on our TV time. If we did not we would be significantly less active than we are. I would not be trying to get things done with my kids. My skill set would be much more limited.....I think head knowledge can only take you so far, we need to actually *do* things to build skills. TV is far to passive for that and the way we (my family) watch TV is very very passive. It occurs to me that there are different ways to watch television. Our way is to block everything else out and watch it. I know some families that have it on as backround noise all day long and don't sit to watch much of it from beginning to end. Presumably the outcomes are different. For us watching TV is equal to lost time not doing something else like talking with each other, doing school or making a homemade meal. All of these things need to be done to be successful in life. Other families are not making the same decisions because their viewing patterns are different.
  13. :bigear: Learning about this myself. We don't have cable or watch much but it seems like such a battle to cut back. We are wading into TT and VP History for my son and that increases screen time again. Our rule is; one TV turn each child and they don't always get to watch the other sibling's turns. My youngest gets the most TV, and it breaks my heart. I guess I am one of those people who feels the need to cut back but cannot seem to cut back to a point that I do not see the negative effects. My youngest is the most unmotivated uncreative kids you will ever meet. He lives for his TV turn, and when it is gone, it makes a lot of work for me. Hope I can get some pointers from others.....
  14. :iagree: I have told my two youngest boys that after dinner I will going in to finish whatever job they started. Then I go in and give specific instructions to each of them. They are my legs....I just sit there. Example, "Take this Lego piece downstairs and put it where it belongs. Where does it belong?" They do not leave the room until they give me a correct answer. "I don't know" is a good answer.....then I can talk to them about where we keep stuff. My goal is always have those moments be instructional not punitive. I have failed many times but the more often I do it, the more often I succeed. Good Luck! My boys really loved the last time *I* cleaned their room!! It was so clean and organized they actually liked the look of it.
  15. Not sure if you are asking me but I will try to help, iydm. ETA: Opps.....I just noticed that your child maybe 5 years old.....disregard my thought on CTC and RTR.....but the info on the Miller pads might be helpful! :-) My kids have not done Preparing......we skipped over it and my daughter went on to CTC from Bigger. She was ready so it was easy. I do not think it would be any more difficult than changing into any other new curriculum.....she had to learn a few things like being independent on some subjects but she adjusted quickly enough because she was ready. We liked Bigger and Beyond well enough. Although I really, really like the notebooks in CTC and RTR. Bigger does have a blank book that the child makes up, one page each unit or week. I used a spiral unlined book from Miller pads and turned it over for the Science journaling.....wasn't perfect but it worked and now they each have one book as a keepsake for that year. For my youngest I will probably get one that is is lined on the bottom half of the page and unlined on the top half.....that way writing will be easier for him. It surprises me what my kids remember from that year.
  16. That is how I usually surf through as well and it keeps coming up broken. My habits aren't working today and it is really hard to adjust!!! I must be getting old and set in my ways. :tongue_smilie: Hopefully it will get fixed soon!!
  17. I have had three in the hospital, 100% natural. First one was very late and the doctor had scheduled a stress test ultrasound the next day (which may have led to an induction). But I went in to my final labor that night and delivered in the morning. I had a doula and she helped me a ton. Part way through I stalled and I would not completely dialate.....there was just a lip. My doctor said they might have to take some action.....my doula ramped up her efforts and got me up out of bed and moving. I. hated. her. But it saved the day! Daughter was delivered within a half and hour. I had no interventions and my doctor, when I handed her the birth plan a few weeks ealier, was very sceptical. The doctor mentioned to me how it does not usually happen so close to the birth plan. I think she was pleased to be part of a natural birth (she was a Family Physician not an OB). My second was a crazy drive through a terrible thunder storm. I arrived and they thought I was being dramatic when I was actually in transition. They checked me and started yelling at the foot of the bed to get the midwife there. My midwife and doula barely made it....no pictures were ever taken. My son was over 10 lbs and because I failed one blood sugar test early in my pregnancy, they wanted to keep me and my son in for 24 hours. Each hour or so they took a blood sample to make sure his levels did not crash. As soon as the first 24 hours were done, they let me go home....I left at 7pm at night the next day. I suppose another another mom would have been encouraged to stay longer but I was wanting to get home. My nurses just left me alone after labor. I did have lots of tearing which my midwife assured me beforehand that she would help with but I am just made that way......I think it is hard to get away from tearing with a ten pound baby. ;) My third was early (I think due to Staph B). I went in after a day of really strong "Braxton Hicks" that turned out to be labor. After putting me on the machine to check them out my water broke. They gave me antibiotics IV for the Staph. I stayed and within 4 hours he was born. We knew ahead of time that his cord was double chambered....which increases risk for heart problems in the baby. He was VERY blue when he was born but he recovered quickly. My doctor watced him closely for the night and part of the next day and I was in under 24 hours. I returned the next day for the baby to be checked again at the doctors request. All three of my deliveries had minor issues that doctors and midwives could have insisted be handled with more interventions but they did not. Each time I made it very clear to everyone before hand that I wanted as few as possible without putting the baby at risk. They respected that and I am very grateful to each of them. I have a few friends that have delivered at home and, although I support it, I was happy with my hospital births. My doulas were all very very helpful in defending my desire to have my delivery natural. I highly recommend hiring a doula if you want natural birth in a hospital!
  18. I know what you mean and those are the boxes I do not worry about actually doing. It is pretty full otherwise and my kids did not suffer when I surfed over any activities that I did not feel excited about. Parents with kids that are not inclined to play that way might find that this is what they like best about HOD and include it each week. :001_smile: The older years do not have activities as much as skill building tasks or crafts and can be as involved as the student wants it to be (and time allows). As a warning, I breeze past the CtC poetry painting instructions in CtC for the same reason as I feel the same way about that part too. HTH
  19. I have not read through the thread....I am so sorry your son is so badly hurt. I hope he can start healing and you can get compensated for the expenses associated with the injury. It sounded like the slide was not maintained properly. Praying for his recovery!
  20. Excellent point and I would add that it is hard for any curriculum to be a perfect fit. I hope your year is filled with quality learning!!!
  21. I have had the same experience. My two oldest are 3 years apart and at that time my youngest was very motivated to do school and my oldest was lagging behind. Since then I have seen a shift but that is another story (maybe due to our HOD use, maybe not). We did Beyond and Bigger together and my daughter skipped over Preparing. Now, let me be clear.....I do not suggest that everyone do this. This was where my kids were at the time. I do not regret it but I do not recommend it either. The HOD boards are for using HOD the way it is written. I respect Carrie enough to not go to the boards and tell others to use it any old way they please. She wants the boards to be left as a place to learn about how to use HOD as written. It is a different flavor than here but I think she is entitled to have it the way the way she wants since she is paying the bill. I am a stubborn tweeker and have found that HOD *can* be tweeked as my daughter needs it. I can see how that makes extra work for me but I also see the benefits of HOD for my daughter so I do the work. For the OP....... Why I would not use it......if my child did not enjoy it. My daughter does enjoy it, immensely. So we continue even though I hear and agree with some of what PP have stated. I have heard wonderful things about TOG and I do not think you will suffer if you decide to use it. It is fun and a little exciting to look over all the great resources out there. All the best with your decision!!
  22. My husband is a Professor. I wash my husband's clothes the same way everyone elses get washed. I do not iron, he does if he has time. I really do not notice a difference when he has the time to iron vs when he does not. I read something somewhere that said once the person sits down in their car to drive to work (10 minutes for him here) it is wrinkled again anyway. I have noticed that some Docker type pants wash up better than others. There are pants with a no iron finish on them and they wash up without as many wrinkles and look crisper. I think the ones I like the most come from Eddie Bauer. Some cottons just shrink more and show their wrinkles worse. Even ironing does not make the worse ones better, imo. I would not use a dry cleaner because of the chemicals and cost either.
  23. I do take it at night and have never noticed a bad effect. But I think with these things is is all about carefully experimenting and seeing what works for an individual. If it doesn't work for him then keep it for the daytime.
  24. I was just going to post that Calcium and Magnesium supplements help make me sleepy. I always take both together with Vit D. If he has Calcium in the morning, he may feel sleepy at the wrong time of day. Also, I take DHA OmegaBrite at bedtime. I have to be careful of heartburn but it always relaxes me. I hate insomnia and I get is fairly often. :glare: I feel bad for your dh.
  25. Wow! This would be helpful for my child needing drill! Thanks!
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