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Everything posted by Once

  1. Oh FaithManor, It sounds serious. I will be praying for both of you as you wait to see what needs to be done. I pray that his body fights it welll and you see clearly a speedy recovery. :grouphug:
  2. I missed that one I think....the (2008) one in Grand Forks had very conservative speakers and attendees. I still learned some things in the seminars but I do see some repeat topics in the flier for this year. Makes me want to attend the repeats as they may infact be heavily requested for very good reasons. Alas, I want to attend now if only to listen to Andrew P......we are loving the SWI A and look forward to starting up the next DVD soon. Several of his topics for sessions and workshops look very interesting. Have a blast!!!!
  3. Nope. Not me. But I would love to listen to Andrew P. Have you ever been to a ND Homeschoolers Convention?
  4. Mine is what I wish I looked like.....and perhaps what I might have looked like 15 some odd years ago. Sad. I know. I hate almost every picture that is taken of me and not many do.
  5. At the risk of turning this thread into another topic altogether. These things happen in the USA as well. The following is an example of the courts interveining not the doctors refusing to do the procedure and this is not the only one I have seen in the last few years, it is just the most recent. http://www.myfoxphilly.com/dpp/good_day_philadelphia/021011-judge-orders-surgery-for-teen-wrestler Back to the Canadian example, if many doctors have looked at the situation with Joseph and come to the same conclusion then I am inclined to defend their right as professionals to refuse to do a procedure they feel is painful and unneccessary. It seems that the child will be going home (just not with the trach) so at least they will have some time at home with their child. Having lived in both systems, I prefer the Canadian one. It looks like there are several Canadians that have posted already who feel the same way. It is a system that does not deserve the negative view it has from people in the US. This example is not a version of the dreaded death panel. This is a child that is dying tragically young and the story is of many peple trying to provide love and care as they process their own emotions and painful knowledge. These doctors get no pleasure or bonuses for holding these views or defending them. I doubt that the money issue has even come up. Many have posted that End of Life decisions are never ideal, no matter what is finally decided. I agree. After working through school as a home health worker and doing some work in palliative care, I know, without a doubt, that these doctors are working with the numbers against them. It is sooo sad to hear of their pain, my hope is that between all of them they can find a solution that meets the needs of this suffering family.
  6. This is talking a bit over my head but I am determined to try to understand it. Could you please tell me when this crash course was first presented.....is he explaining the housing bubble or did he predict it? I do not think of myself as an alarmist but some of the information he presents is fairly alarming! Especially the numbers on federal debt.....I mean I knew it was bad but I did not think it was that bad! It seems to me that the combination of emergencies has the posibility of being incredibly disabling and can create a significant change in international power. Am I wrong? ETA: Looking at the second link is so much more comforting and helpful.....perhaps I should have waited until I looked through all of it.
  7. My kids love their Spelling Workout books.....but we changed from SWR. Even I think it looks more fun. The rest is not high on their fun list so I did not check it. History is the self paced course with Veritas Press and that has been wonderful for my son. My daughter just loves History anyway (with HOD).
  8. No, but I can understand why people occassionally feel that way. Having a new child requires a lot from you.....physically, mentally, and financially. If you have other plans then it just gets more confusing especially if you know the value of life and want to celebrate it.
  9. I am a homsechooling parent and I am proud. (Of my kids and even myself!!!)
  10. I just started considering it for next year. My daughter has ALWAYS struggled with math, and although she is smart, she is behind a little as she finishes 6th grade. If TT is a little behind it may actually work for her next year. She is also wanting a Math curr that is independent as she is wanting to take on more responsibility and has shown she can do it well. :bigear:
  11. Do you have your kids do Standardized Tests for these subjects? I hope so, because if they are not learning what they need to know you should probably have a professional teach them. Just sayin'. :D You ladies made me laugh out loud.
  12. My husband teaches manners at the table. :D He takes them to and from swimming and does their swim meets. This I am thankful for. Three summers ago I had this grand idea that he would do a Latin curr with the two older ones but that never actually happened. When my daughter was having a hard time with math (for about 6 months) he checked her work every night. His expertice is Science so I defer to him if one of the kids has a question I do not know how to answer. He is home every night for dinner and puts the boys to bed each night. He is a great dad but not a "homeschooling dad". He supports me as I home school, but I am given full responsibility and freedom (including budgetary freedom). ;) It works for us.
  13. It just occured to me that if you wanted to just keep the cost of nut flours down you could "cut" them with brown rice flour in smaller portions and reduce the cost that way. You would have less brown flour if you were concerned about over doing it but still get the cost down. Just a thought. I hope your experimenting is going well!
  14. I do not know about the CSDiet, will you give ideas of what you can eat? Can you eat sweeteners? How about other grains? eggs? baking powders? One thing I thought of was Brown Rice Pudding made with water if you cannot have milk. It would be better with a sweetener and/or an spice, like cinnamon or nutmeg. You could try it as a coating like bread crumbs on chicken breast or fish with savory seasonings. You would need to make it into a very fine flour for this though, which is possible if you have a mill. You could use it to thicken veggie soups. A website the I would highly recommend it Chef Brad's site. He has a Wonderflour recipe that I find VERY easy to use. There is a gluten free one and a regular one. If you can make cakes with nut flours you probably have most of the ingredients to make a muffin recipe. http://www.chefbrad.com/grain/articles.php?article=Chef Brad's Wonder Flour™&qid=5 HTH!
  15. I agree. I can also confidently extend this belief to other sujects, such as science. I do not need my kids to have scripture attached to each scientific lesson in order for them to be learning truth. As a person comfortable with a Christian believing an old earth creation story, I do not feel the need to shore up my kids against "secular science" by teaching them from a Christian science text. We have used Christian science curr. but it is not a defining requirement of my selection and a Christian perspective can (depending on its approach) work against my selecting it in some circumstances. And, I hesitate to add this but it begs to be said, there are some subjects that will always present with bias and that is inevitable. Better to teach your kids to navigate it than to try to protect them from it. (This is a statement made by a Canadian living in the US, who does not have a providential view of American history and yet still teaches American history to my kids with American texts that potentially hold that view.)
  16. I thought you did fantastic!!! I love these boards and all the diversity of thought!!!
  17. This is beautifully put. Thank you. For us, some subjects are just not inclined towards faith discussions. Grammar is just grammar. Math is just math. History is just history. Science is just science. There are some sources that are better than others and the faith aspect does not make an unworkable curr. more acceptable just because it has reference to scripture. Certainly there will be discussions about various religious ideas, thoughts and stories within each of these subjects (if it is appropriate) but I am confident that even if there were not that my children will have a clear path to a personal relationship with God anyway. I get tired of unneccessary repetition and I am sure that my kids would eventually wonder about my surety of beliefs if I continued to remind them of my Christian beliefs in subject where you have to work really hard to make it seem topical (for example grammar). These are just a few thoughts that may help clarify.
  18. :iagree: If and when you have the patience to tweek.....it is an excellent series.
  19. I do not know anything about BFSU but my son is using Singapore Science and he loves it. It is not at all like Apologia, it is a textbook and workbook combination and has workbook lines to fill in. Another you could consider is Noeo. It is by a Christian family but not overtly Christian in nature.....in fact I think they have an interesting philosopy about it all. Noeo is more Charlotte Mason in approach, with living books. I hope you can find something that fits for your family! Keep looking if BFSU does not work. ETA: Here is the link to Noeo's science phil. http://www.noeoscience.com/about_us.html
  20. Yes. Our homeschool is very similar to what you described. My faith is VERY, VERY strong but I do not select curr based on the depth of religious instruction. One of my kids uses HOD and I like parts of it but we leave off most of the bible and some of the science. My husband is a scientist (and a Christian) and he wants our kids to understand "secular science" (for lack of a better phrase) even if they choose to disagree with it. I know several families in the area who are in similar situations so I do not feel alone in my thinking. Homeschooling is an incredibly diverse journey and I am thankful for the many options out there.
  21. This is really yummy with cut up cabbage, carrot, bean sprouts, snow peas and red pepper. I just use whatever I have in the house! Soy Ginger Dressing 1/3 cup agave 1/3 cup white rice vinegar (unsweetened) 1/3 cup soy sauce 1 teaspoon crushed garlic 1 teaspoon grated ginger 1 teaspoon sesame oil optional 1 teaspoon chili oil (I don't use it) Combine together in a blender. Toss over some type of cabbage salad and enjoy. The dressing by itself is good for one week in the fridge. I'm going to try the Ranch dressing.....I hate the ones in the bottles but I have tasted one I like....just cannot find the right bottled recipe.
  22. I'm pretty sure I saw one at our Sam's Club last week in the restaurant section. It was on the web site as well. I would love one but out kitchen is too small. Good Luck!
  23. :iagree: We did MUS for years and we had some success. I have bought everything as well and this year we are heading back to Singapore. Especially at 1st and 3rd grade.....it is very fun.
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