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Everything posted by Once

  1. Nope. No Mardel's. I will look for them on-line. Thanks for the idea. I might have to wrangle a friend. I do not scrapbook! What I really want is a 81/2X11 inch page with the definitions on it..certain words in bold with a bit of color coding. Also, a few examples of each ...ie. peson, place, thing or idea examples. I can laminate them myself and put them in the workbox for Grammar, using them when they are needed. My boy would love it! (I looked last night and could not even find a proper software to use....sad, I know)
  2. Just planning for school and cleaning out the school room. I realized that my Grammar posters from last year do not match FLL definitions for the parts of speech. at. all. Anyone have a suggestion for a set that matches the definitions well or repeats them exactly. I have a visual learner that loves FFL and I am not one to make things myself. They never look pretty enough when I do it myself. TIA
  3. Good experiences here as well. My son was sad he was too young for it. They received a book "Junior Master Gardener Handbook" that has been a big hit with my daughter. We have level one but there is at least one more.
  4. Sonlight sells a series called "Come Look With Me". The story about the artist is much shorter and less involved but there is a picture and a few questions to ask so that the child can intereact with the art. I think they have it in the K or first level. We have enjoyed these. If you are looking for a hands on art cirr that teaches the techniques used by an artist "Masterpiece of the Month" by Teacher Created Resources is a fun hands on one. It is less about appreciation and more about doing a peice of art that looks like the orginal. HTH
  5. My kids love it when I bring out this book. It is easy to use and worked for my Ker that did not read very well. It was pricey but I do not regret buying it. I will be slipping it into our spelling rotation on Fridays for an easy quick activity that is spelling in nature. I spiral bound mine and my kids can photocopy it for themselves. I like this as I have mostly mom intensive cirr ad it gives me space to spend with my youngest. I wish she had another book for when my kids get older. Some of the harder words; forward and foreword, pole and poll or pedal, petal and peddle. I hope you get more responses.
  6. As a mom that started off fully vaccinating my first child and gradually reduced to partial vacinations due to reactions that required hospitalizations, I would ask you to consider this. Is it ethically sound to force a healthy child to be vaccinated causing injury or death so that a sickly child can live to roam free in the "herd" with the untrue assumption that they are safe? Are we not then sacrificing one healthy child for the freedom of a sick one? Placing my child at risk does not begin to change the unfairness and dangers of life, it only magnifies it by taking my child's health away as well. Both my partially vaccinated children are mostly healthy now and will remain outside vaccination schedules as long as I have a say in it. (That was hard to type as we are doing a Greencard application medical this week in fact and it may not be in my hands much longer.) I will go down kicking and screaming though.:glare: We all take chances, vaccinators and non-vaccinators. Since I have faith, I put it in God's hands where it belongs not the medical model which has the human factor of error.
  7. Miller Pads have some options that look similar. We have the blank board books and they are very high quality. The lined journals are used everyday here. There are also the Bare Books with pictures on the outside covers for $2.99. I have not bought one of them so I'm not sure how similar they are to the UK version. Here is a link. http://www.millerpadsandpaper.com/catalog.aspx?categoryid=20 GL!
  8. My prayers are with you all! I PM'd you. :grouphug:
  9. My youngest had the same problem this winter. If A&D does not work for you, maybe Carmex would. Cleared up my son's lips in a day or two and it was less than $2 at Walmart. It stung a bit but his case was so bad A&D did not help. Poor guy.
  10. :iagree: I'm constantly tweaking things. HOD is the one that I have followed more closely than others. However, I have sped up at some points and slowed down at others. We happily took this week off and will head back on Monday. I have several extra books I plan on reading these next few weeks and they will fit in nicely. Preparing has a full day off in the week schedule perhaps if you feel like filling it with a self choosen activity or book you could.
  11. I'll post one. If we had the space and money I would seriously consider this. There was an article online about a month ago (lost where it came from) that was supporting stand up desks for kids. They get to wiggle around and the children that use them seem to do better. Now, they also put stools with the desks so kids can sit if they want too. The thing under the table is a foot rest that swings! http://www.ergoindemand.com/school-desk-standup-desk.htm Happy shopping!
  12. Sue, what is your opinion about whether a child should go on with the first book? Have you noticed a *need* for full understanding of advanced division to do the Fractions book? Thanks ahead of time.
  13. What is it about double digit divison that is sooo hard? My daughter is having fits over it and with MUS we cannot just go on. She really wants to start LoF and I want her to be doing some type of math each day but she is just not ready for DDD. So, you have not had problems moving forward with LoF without your son knowing advanced division? Would it be OK to move on under these cirrcumstances.
  14. Hello!!! Not only do you exist but you are valued for who you are!! I know your gone right now Battlemaiden, but I'm boiling water and sending good thoughts your way. I've had far too many of those days myself. :grouphug:
  15. I'm looking to find out just how much division a child needs to know in order to start the Life of Fred books? Dd is on long division and can divide simple questions with remainders. She is unable to divide if decimals are required or if there is a divisor with double digits. Can she start the first LOF book with the basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division?
  16. Yep. Sounds like math at our house. My daughter is almost ten and the drama has slowed down but it is still there. I fully expect that it will get worse before she graduates. :grouphug: to you.
  17. I do not disagree with you. However, even the OT that worked with my daughter danced around therapies based on right left connection (read crawling therapy). The influence seems to remain. We did not complete the full OT but the therapist had several exercises that appeared to make efforts to strengthen the left right conection. From my experience, a parent with a child that struggles must come to terms with their own ideas around whether it works or not. I would be interested in names, dates and links that support your assertion as I am always looking to improve the way I approach my daughter. Perhaps the OP would be able to use them too.
  18. I will give you my experience with my family members. My daughter who may be a slower learner in some subjects, but is a very bright reader, crawled at 8-9 months. She crawled very little and was consistantly walking at about 11 months. She consistantly cruised around the coffee table at about 6 months. My daughter scores 3-4 grades above in reading assessments and she has had perfect scores in the CAT several times in reading comprehension giving her about a 97th percentile. She has sensory issues that may cause her to learn slower than other kids but she reads *well*. However, she did not read early. My son crawled more, walked at about 13 months, is about normal for reading skill. No learning issues to complicate it. My opinion is that for *some* kids crawling theraputically is helpful but for the majority of kids it is just fun to do. It is possible that the fun in and of itself is theraputic but not the way it was intended.
  19. Jessica, this is more of a bump for you. We do not regret losing the land line. A cell phone is a much better choice for us financially. The convenience is a plus as well. I do not know much about the Cricket. GL
  20. I'm not sure this will help but I have a daughter just like your hubbie. My solution, after many years of trying to convince, educate and cajol, was to let her live in it. Eventually, she could not find a thing and everything was bits and pieces of broken junk. She had help cleaning out every few months and noticed how much she enjoyed her space again. This sounds like it would be difficult but it may work faster with your dh. Just quietly move his stufff over to his side of the bedroom each day and keep it piling up. Your dh might find that your side of the bedroom looks so much nicer than his that he starts to follow your patterns. My sympathies go out to you. I hate it when our house is too full.
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