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Everything posted by Once

  1. Killdeer seems to be full of cabins. A few others are in that area as well. Do you know if he rents out just the lodge per night without the whole activity package? We really just want to hike, rest and bonfire stuff. :tongue_smilie: Maybe ride a horse for a few hours but that is not a deal breaker.
  2. Anyone have a recommendation for a cabin rental in the North Dakota Badlands? I would prefer indoor plumbing but otherwise I am happy with rustic and homey. It doesn't even have to be close to any parks or cities.....just the Badlands in North Dakota. We plan on relaxing, hiking and having a bonfire or two. Anyone? :bigear:
  3. My daughter is just finishing up CTC and we did SWI A with friends. It was not that hard to have her do the 5-8 sentence writing project for the last day of the week in the IEW format although some days she took longer to finish the written work into her notebook. They mesh well in my opinion and I think that the RTR has IEW in the schedule. If you are willing to be flexible on the 4-5 days to finsh the notbook page.....I would say go for it. IEW is impressive with its ability to adjust to any topic. It may take you a while to feel comfortable with the direction and expectations though.
  4. Ice cream and some toppings from a jar or two. If you are feeling rich take some bannanas.
  5. It has not been very sunny lately but have seen some about the heatwave in the news and wish I could send the weather over to you. Kids are loving being outside! Sending cool thoughts your way!
  6. The most memorable bout of food poisoning we have had was over noodles (there were two containers in the fridge and one was older than the other by a week :confused: It was bad.). We have not forgotten that starches are just as probable. It looks fine and smells fine. Any other disenting votes before I make plans to use it?
  7. I have used coloring things to share. Maybe an Abeka Art book and some other things. We are moving and do not need a ton of crayons and such. I guess they would all be used if that is agreeable with the people in Joplin
  8. That's what I thought originally but I panicked. I started thinking about agar plates and the starches and had second thoughts. It didn't have meat in it so it is just pure beans.
  9. I made dried beans in the crock pot over night (not last night but the night before). I turned it off at 9am and it sat out on the counter cooling until that same night at 8pm. I put it in the fridge at 8pm but I am wondering if it is OK. I had a sudden worry that maybe it was too long on the counter. It was not hot here yesterday....high 60's low 70's. It was out maybe 10 hours cooling. Would you eat it?
  10. Just prayed. Please take care of yourself. It is an easy thing to let slip when everyone is worried about someone else. You may need to be very strong for your husband in the next few weeks and you will need the reserves. Sorry you are having to go through this. :grouphug:
  11. :grouphug: to you. I am sure you have thought all of this through but you have made a wonderful difference in his life. Your love and caring will carry him through many years. I hope that you find a way to transition out of your very important role.
  12. North Dakota is cold all winter but the sun shines when it is bitter cold. The summers are georgeous! 70-80s with sunny days and not much humidity. The wind keeps the hot down. If you can handle the winters and the summer mosquitoes then North Dakota is worth considering. It has the added benefit of a stable economy as well. It is the only state with a surplus now and no housing bubble is here. Low crime rates as well.
  13. :iagree: Especially this when I get a fact wrong or write something quickly with spelling errors and punctuation problems. I guess you could say I have killed a few kittens in my time. I still remember the times I posted something unhelpful about granola bars and pizza dough. :blush: I have had one person on ignore but she is not around anymore. It was because she clearly did not like me.....(and I was not being sensitive).
  14. Thanks for all the links. I was looking for them to confirm or deny this article. My life lesson today was about looking for reliable sources. I thought of myself as someone who avoids sensationalism and recognizes it for what it is, but I guess certain topics I still have automatic bias for. Thanks! Wolfram and Hart......had to google it but it was worth it! :001_smile:
  15. We have the same problem. Our bedroom window is north and still gets the buildup from sun on the west facing roof so we leave the windows open all day even when it is cool at night. We had them replaced so they would accept a room A/C unit. A window A/C unit would be less expensive then adding insulation which is what it sounds like you need. When it is really bad we just abandon the room and hang out downstairs.
  16. I think I am going to borrow your approach. Only I may do it many times a week. We are moving in a few months and I feel like I am drowning in clutter yet I still have to find a way to organize and pack up the essentials. Hopefully, it will fit better into the new house!
  17. Thanks, Jean. I should have search it first. It is old news but I am just hearing about it. I have some reading to do tonight!!
  18. Has anyone seen this? Anyone have more information or better links? The article was written in January but I am just hearing about it now. Why? I don't trust Monsanto and this concerns me but I would like to read about it more and get an idea of what others are thinking. It seems to me to be a big step backward and a loss for the organic and small farmers. http://www.politicolnews.com/tag/monsanto-buys-out-whole-foods/ ETA: Please ready the whole thread and all the links within. The link in this post is sensational at best. Whole Foods was not bought buy Monsanto. Sorry for the confusion.
  19. The whole thing is so sad. She seemed to be considered a good teacher but he was clearly looking to make trouble. Who, in their right mind, licks a window without shame at the age??? As far as the comment (here or in one of the links) about there being no discipline at home.....perhaps there is too much discipline and not enough guidance. Seems he has learned to use intimidation well. Sad for him as well if that is the case. Homeschooling is a breeze if that is the option.
  20. Your son"s boxes look like they would make a wonderful 4H woodworking project. Thanks for the link and pictures. My son is wanting to do a woodworking project but we needed a simple project to start off with. I will look closer at this next fall.
  21. Fuel alcohol works if it is clear, some are not. Isopropyl (rubbing alcohol)is better but dilute to 70%. Too much and it dehydrates....too little and it won't be preserved. Methanol and ethanol will work as well. Display cases ...they are hard to make. 60 specimins would take 8 by 12 or 12 by 16. Bioquip sells 1042 series display cases for under $25. If he has some big butterflies or dragonflies he would need a big one. The kit does come with labeling stuff for 100 specimins. Hopefully this is helpful!
  22. In similar but not exactly the same line of questioning I have said, "Everyone has good and bad days. Lately, we have had more good. " My kids are use to my honesty and understand that I love their company so I would not worry about them overhearing. If the person persisted I would have ended the conversation politely and talked with them later if I thought they needed my reassurance.
  23. The set I mentioned does not seem to have a display case....only a collection case. You may want to price those out. Also it only has one size of pin but depending on the variety of bugs you have the one size might work.
  24. My husband buys from bioquip.com. Your son will need pins of different sizes, vials for the alcohol specimins, forceps, spreading board, and a pinning block. Husband thought the $36 special Student Insect Collecting and Mounting Kit looked good. I hope this helps.....if you have more questions I can ask him for you.
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