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Everything posted by jewellsmommy

  1. I side more with Yes-that's a problem, but voted maybe because I would need more info on the set-up/chaperones/situation. Will they have access for a purpose, like part of a game, pictures etc? Is this access for the entire time? Is the time strictly controlled and scheduled, moving from one activity to another? Or are we talking about hours of unstructured, just hang around and do your own thing? I ran all of our church's lock-ins for years. I got to a point that I said, "Never again!" and then stopped. I switched us over to having more frequent events over a couple hours time, and it was much more successful for all involved.
  2. If it is nerve related pain, a TENS electrical unit might help. You can buy them at most pharmacies. Get one that allows for flexibility of placement. ETA:I assume you have checked for signs of blood clots, correct (since you mentioned google)? If not, definitely do that!
  3. I completely understand! I would have had all the same thoughts you expressed. I tend to be overly sensitive to people and situations that really are only momentary. I have learned that in these type of situations time really is your friend. Any minor irritation on the part of people you are dealing with (caused by them or you or just simply by circumstance) will be forgotten and replaced with new interactions.
  4. If you don't mind me asking (trying to figure this out)...did the reaction spread much beyond where contact occured? Have you had reactions that were blistery looking or acne like? I ask because nephew is using Eucrisa. I put it on him twice daily over 3 days time last week when he was staying with us (birth of other nephew). It didn't seem to bother me then as far as I can tell. But he may have rubbed up against my face yesterday morning. The eucrisa would have been on his face because he has an eczema breakout on both sides of his face right now. But there is no way he contacted down my neck and onto my chest.
  5. I wouldn't think that the oil would make that big of a difference. You may have even discovered a new culinary delight! Let us know, I'm curious! Fusion foods are a real thing.
  6. Yikes. No, thankfully I haven't. I don't eat real or imitation seafood.
  7. We watched it and liked it. I'm looking forward to the next season.
  8. Natures Miracle enzyme remover could help if you can find the spots that are responsible for the smell. It just depends on where the smell is emanating from, as in what type of surface, and how much of it is there.
  9. That's interesting. Seems a bit delayed (48 hrs) but I guess it could be. I know I'm fine with fenugreek (took it in capsule form for supplement after dd was born), cayenne, cumin, and black pepper. Not sure if I have ever eaten fennel, turmeric, or coriander. Curry was the only new spice on Monday. I am fine with melons and latex too. This guessing game is so annoying! I am considering just calling my family doc tomorrow, seeing him, and getting blood work done. I would feel better knowing for sure that I am not exposing my nephews to anything communicable. It's just so hard to accept allergic reaction when it doesn't itch! I will be sure to tell him, though, that I tried curry for the first time on Monday.
  10. Do you usually have a fever or any other symptoms? I was tired yesterday but no fever or specific pains. TMI warning: I was pretty sure I had a yeast infection late last week. I got Monistat One and used that Saturday. I did mention this to doc who just sort of glazed right over it. Could that be a thing? At what point would you go to the family doc to look at other possibilities?
  11. I don't think shingles fit. The pattern is wrong and there is no sensitivity to touch or pain. I don't know if this matters, but I edited op to include that I had a tick bite back around May 6 or 7. It was attached for maybe 12 hrs. No symptoms post removal. That seems to far removed though to be a factor.
  12. No clue. Don't they hurt? There is only warmth. Doc jumped quickly to allergic reaction. She floated no other theories. I will go look up shingles.
  13. Has anyone ever dealt with or heard of an allergic rash that does NOT itch? Last night I discovered a blistery rash in front of my left ear. Within 15ish minutes it had spread down my neck and had reached my forehead and cheek. I took a benadryl, not knowing what was going on. It continued. There was no itch, but it did radiate heat. I had not been feeling the greatest, and so I was concerned it could be viral. I am watching my nephew everyday,and he has a brand new baby brother. I needed to be sure that I had not exposed them to anything, so my dh took me to an urgent care place. The doctor determined it to be an allergic reaction. She said that there were at least 2 hive like patches. SHe asked if I had been in the yard or eaten anything new etc . I asked her if it was strange that it didn't itch. She said, "actually, yes, that is strange," but prescribed me what she called a high-power benadryl. She was going to give me prednisone, but then changed her mind when she saw that I was on meds for an ulcer. I took the meds, but have stopped because I want to be conscience now! The label says to take every 6 hrs as needed for itch, but there is no itch! I think it has stopped spreading now. It is across my whole face, but most dense in front of the left ear. It is on my neck , down to my chest, and there is a small patch on my right hand. I can't figure out what could have caused it. Any theories? Mowed lawn last Saturday. No poison plants that I know of. I usually react strongly to bugs and poison ivy etc. (intense itch, redness, swelling) Dinner was boneless, skinless chick breasts with Trader Joes General Tsao sauce and green peas and half my plate were bell peppers. None of this new to me. The last new food was Monday night. I made Coconut Curry chicken ( a recipe posted here actually). I had never had curry before. No new detergents or cleaners ETA: I had a tick bite back around May 6 or 7. It was attached for maybe 12 hrs. No symptoms post removal.
  14. CRV and sedan looks like a better savings for you. You're not just saving gas. If you rent a van for the vacations, you're saving mileage/wear on your main vehicle. Whatever mileage you would be driving is adding wear to the systems and tires, necessitating additional oil changes and less time between tire purchases etc . So that should be factored in too.
  15. I'm not an email guru or anything, but maybe send yourself an email. If it goes through fine, it is probably on their end.
  16. I agree. They absolutely should not feel badly! You can only work with the info you have and most moms are doing the best they can. Some women feel guilt about things they shouldn't though. I tend to be one of those who looks back and says, "If only I had zigged instead of zagged..." Even if I was going on the best info I had. Then there are other people in our lives that try to instill guilt in us, like the mother-in-law that would read that article and tell her dil, "see! I told you that diet sodas were bad! I told you how I only drank water when I was pregnant..(blah blah blah)." You see this type of thing over foods with picky eaters or moms who have to put kids in daycare or vaccinations or breastfeeding/bottles etc.
  17. I would call the her doctor. I have no experience in this matter, but the thought that stitches might be in order came to mind. If you don't have a family doctor, then one of the urgent care type places could help. Hopefully someone else will answer soon, but it wouldn't hurt to at least call a doctor. ETA: Sorry, Tibbie and I were posting at the same time!
  18. I had a very difficult toddler! Despite supervision and child locks, dd was a climber and could get just about anything. All I can say is, "Thank God for non-toxic cleaners!" I highly recommend them. Anything that was caustic was put in an actual lock and key (not baby lock) cabinet in the garage. I had to call poison control three times when dd was 2! She was totally fine each time thankfully. One was stored bathroom cleaner concentrate (behind child locks), one was a wrinkle release spray I was in the process of using (she was under the table and just grabbed it when I turned to put clothes in the basket beside me. By the time I looked under the table, she was spraying it into her mouth!). Third, was my grandmother's medicine she brought with her and had in her bag not thinking that dd would get into her suitcase. Well, she did, I thought for sure poison control was coming to take my dd away after that many calls! I got really good after that at being the mom of a sneaky, adventurous, physically adept child!
  19. That could be an interesting new avenue to explore. I hope that more studies will be generated to confirm or rebuke this theory. I am left with several thoughts: I would think that there are also plenty of women who drank aspartame-containing-beverages and did not birth children with autism, so I wonder what other mechanism would be in play. And...this seems like a fairly easy thing to change, if accurate, that could help curtail the rise. But, I hate to see autism linked to something that is related to maternal consumption/anything decisions. If it is accurate, then of course it's better to know. I just know that it is easy for moms to bear so much blame/shame/guilt for stuff like this as it is. It feels like the weight of the world is on every decision we make for our children!
  20. First, hugs to you! Those foods sound great. Plus, baked potato or sweet potato (plain) and applesauce are good. Maybe, Jello and fruit juice popsicles too if you have them.
  21. I wanted to make sure you were aware of the recalls associated with Ritz and Goldfish and, I think, Swiss cake rolls. I know it was posted here on the boards but wasnt sure if you had seen it. You mentioned camp, and that could be a source of snacks that maybe you didn't know about.
  22. Yes. The doctor and I agree that she has anxiety. She disagrees. There was a lot of emotional damage while ds was in our home. It is all wrapped up together and is part of the reason that she is resistant to any intervention that resembles mental health care. It is an even longer story than this one, but we have a plan. It is just not as fast moving or aggressive as I would like it to be. At least she has made some concessions on the matter.
  23. I see Schipperkes whenever I look out my kitchen window because my mom (next door) is part of a Schipperke rescue group. I don't think you see many Schipperkes otherwise. My brother has a pit boxer mix and the mom to my dog (a terrier mix). We have a terrier/pom mix. I see mostly mixes in the neighborhood. I asked dd what do we normally see around here, and she said, "the small fluffy kind and the pitty kind and some chihuahuas." She also mentioned the doodle mixes such as the crapadoodle or something? ? Um, no such dog...I had to google it to prove to her ?.
  24. We printed off the volunteer application for a local fine arts center. Dd is a proficient artist and skilled with crafts. She would be able to to do art projects with children in their art programs. She is excited by this.
  25. I have wondered this myself. I don't think exaggerating is the problem but more like being more sensitive to certain behaviors. The driving bothered another passenger besides dd and friend acknowledged that it was uncharacteristically wild. They did not seem as vocal as dd about it. The drinking depends on your POV. A 13 yr old drinking in secret with older teens/adult is a big deal to me. I do understand what you are getting at, and I am trying to look at it from all points of view. ETA: Dd has some anxiety and can jump to worse case scenario pretty easily. Dh and I are like this too, honestly.
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