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Everything posted by Guinevere

  1. PayPal works because it's so immediate. Until that suggestion, I was going to suggest that you offer that she buy you something of a similar cost and have it shipped via Amazon. Friends and I do that sort of thing all the time. One of us forgot to repay for the x, so they pay for me when we go out to eat, or whatever.
  2. Thank you for your thoughts. I think I will go with the middle approach. Some there, some not, but randomly.
  3. The waiting area for parents is actually just off the mats. I'm trying to decide if I'm going to give MORE freedom, not less.
  4. It isnt that he's a man, it's that ds is alone for an hour. I actually said man because I would feel weirder about a woman.
  5. I've had one, and you should definitely take it easy. I really had a hard time just taking care of life for a while after mine. I had bouts of extreme dizziness and nausea, and mild confusion. The confusion would have been enough to cause an accident, or mess up something at work. I did drive the day after mine, but I shouldn't have. I was too dizzy and disoriented. Light was painful, as was sound, and both were disorienting. I'm sorry this happened, but you do need to take the day off and sleep in a dark room. :(
  6. I'm with you. So annoyed I have a lot of places I have to go this week!
  7. I was about to post something similar. My youngest is 3, and I feel like I'm just starting to come up for air.
  8. As long as I can remember, I've always been awake for the New Year. That's not saying much as an adult, though. This night owl is awake to see pretty much each new day roll around, lol.
  9. Has your furnace been on yet this season? Sometimes the change in humidity can cause it, but usually an increase instead of decrease of humidity.
  10. I agree that GAPS is amazing for a lot of things. I just wanted to warn you that you may see an extreme increase for a week or so before it gets better.
  11. I agree about the caraway. And also about not needing to add liquid. Once the cabbage and salt are mixed and smashed, there should be plenty of liquid.
  12. People can only see what I share, right? They can't see all the likes or comments I make?
  13. I've had 3 9yo, and none of mine could clean a whole playroom. They could work for hours at specific tasks, given one or 2 at a time, but not deal with a big mess. Dd12 can do it with ease now.
  14. But she isn't acting like it. I just advocate for meeting a kid where they are and working to build the skills they lack.
  15. Those sound like really big jobs for those ages. Maybe try much smaller chunks at a time. Ask her to put away five things and see if she can do it before you count to 30. Just little games to build her tolerance and confidence.
  16. My oldest is almost 13, and in the last year, I've let go a lot. I figure she has 5 years until she is on her own. She needs to experience being on her own with increasing responsibility. Today is a good opportunity for your dd to step out a little.
  17. I seem to be having cookies.
  18. Try stretching your quadricep. Sometimes I have hip or knee pain, and a tight quad is the problem.
  19. Video runs on delay in case of emergencies? :D
  20. If you have little kids and don't know about the reindeer cam, check out reindeercam.com. You can watch Santa take off at 8pEST. My kids love it!
  21. If you wrap 2 items together, that is half the wrapping time, and probably half the tissue paper.
  22. If you dont wrap it, will it be a huge bag of jumbled little stuff? None of the things you mentioned seem that exciting to receive, so it seems like the unwrapping is the fun part. I guess I can't quite envision a grocery bag full of random things being fun.
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