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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. Thanks. I was thinking 14 days might make me feel safe with my family.
  2. Thanks! So helpful!! I thought gymnastics was a bad idea too, I just wanted to be sure. I’d be ticked if someone knowingly exposed us too. Lol So. You say rapid test. Are those the free ones the government mailed out. Sorry I’m a bit fuzzy on all things at the moment.
  3. My positive test was Monday the 11th and my symptoms and the symptoms of 3 of my children started that same day. Tuesday was the day my 4th child started showing symptoms. I have 3 specific events I’m asking about. Will it be ok to go to: 1. My pup’s spay appointment next Thursday. It will be a quick pick up and drop off with a mask. 2 Trying to figure out if we can do gymnastics class on Wednesday. 3. I want to figure out the most careful and cautious date to visit with my parents again. They are high risk, so I’ll go as long as I need to be 💯 sure they stay healthy. I’m just not sure what that safe time frame should be.
  4. It's a actually not my sister’s daughter. It's my brother’s daughter. Thanks for your support.
  5. Right? I probably am overreacting, but when I'm pregnant I am pretty irrational. Even though I know this, there isn't much I can do to feel differently. I mean they both got to say ok to having their pictures on and they sent the pictures. I think I deserve the same options they had.
  6. Thanks. Like I said I might have chosen to consent if someone had just asked first ya know? I just hate being TOLD things will happen rather than being asked.
  7. I mean I'm not thrilled, but if my mom, sister or niece had texted me and said hey send some pics to share with the show I might consider. I'm just not being considered at all.
  8. Thank you. I'm honestly so fragile right now, I'd 100% believe you ladies if you told me I'm overreacting. 🤣
  9. I'm 10 weeks pregnant and recovering from covid and have the worst headache ever right now, so maybe that's it, maybe I have a right to be annoyed. Idk. I know most of you know about my mom’s recent brush with being “famous” 🤣 Well I was just told that when she goes on the today's show that they are going to show pictures of all of us. I am NOT thrilled. No one ran this by me. DH and I super private, I'm not sure how he feels about them putting our kids pictures on either. When I started to complain, my sister in the background was saying well they wanted a picture of HER grandkids. Yep they are her grandkids, but they belong to me not her. Second of all if I did agree I'd at least like to approve the pictures. My dad and I are super annoyed with the whole thing because yes we are happy for my mom, BUT my sister and niece are just going nuts over it all. They both literally act like they've done something and they have not. They are just kind of pushing my mom to do all the things so they can benefit from it. Ugh all this makes me feel uncomfortable. Now none of this is my mom's fault because everything is being coordinated by my sister and my niece. My mom is just caught up in it. Maybe if I felt well and wasn't hormonal I wouldn't feel this way, but I don't and I am and I do. 🤣 Hugs, advice, jawm, whatever you want to offer. I'm usually crying on my mom’s shoulder, but everytime I call my sister is there trying to talk over our conversation.
  10. Ah we love Colombo here even my 9 and 10 year olds.
  11. My goodness! How many of us here on this message board have covid right now? It seems like too many of us. Take it easy and rest up! It's rough. So sorry you all are dealing with it too.
  12. All 4 kids and I have thrown up. I only did once (I'm also first trimester pregnant) Mine have not thrown up quite so bad as a typical stomach virus, but pretty close.
  13. Hopefully that will help him out, bless his heart. I wasn't sure if they were even doing monoclonal antibodies anymore, I haven't heard it mentioned in ages.
  14. I was looking through my pantry and I had a sudden urge to toss out any expired items in there. I regret that choice as I'm too tired to sort it and put it back now, but it's too late. lol De I have a box of powdered milk. The only thing I ever use it for is a bread machine recipe that I make like twice a year. It expired in December 2017. I'd usually say automatically toss something that old, but it seems like powdered milk wouldn't get old. IDK. I'm not thinking clearly. Do I toss or keep it? I also have a bag of powdered sugar that expired last month. It's unopened. Do you think it's still good? This is all probably obvious to everyone but me right now. I should be napping instead of cleaning out my pantry.
  15. Oh no! You all too? Get well soon!
  16. Right? I agree! 3 of my kids and I got sick on Monday and the 4 year old got sick on Tuesday.
  17. Thanks. How many days have you all been sick?
  18. I tried to make the same post earlier, but I've been complaining so much lately I decided not too. I've had 4 puking and feverish kids for 3 days. It honestly feels like a stomach virus. My body is so achy and everyone’s sleep is awful. We are so restless in our sleep. I was up so many hours last night. Get well soon and take it easy!
  19. So far only DH and I have. I would 100% trust my dad to with proper instructions on car seat/booster use, but it hasn't came up. My mom has never learned to drive. I don't really trust anyone else with my kids.
  20. This is the most ridiculous thing I've heard all day. Bless your heart. I would be tempted to contact Kohls and tell them what happened and see if they will make it right.
  21. I grew up seeing my parents love each other and us children by the acts of service one, so naturally that's love to me. Dh is BAD at that. Honestly, though nothing makes me feel more loved than him doing work around the house rather than a full weekend of Minecraft. That being said. Dh likes the affirmation category and I suck at those. I'm not good at praising him. Some people like my kids yes, but people that are arrogant I do not like to praise them so much, but I sure try. Also the touch thing. I do like to cuddle, but a cuddle always makes DH in the mood for *ahem* and I have a pretty low drive and just don't need or want that often. So, if you want to show me love, build me an out building, do the weedeating, paint things, repair things, make things nice and better. 🤣 I don't like help with my chores though like dishes or laundry, but nothing would make me feel more cared for than DH working all day on house projects. My dad is a workaholic and perfectionist (in a healthy way) and still in his mid 70’s he works so hard around the house. Dh’s family didn't really do much of that (they worked hard on their farm though) My dad is all the time trying to improve their house and car and I'd like to be the same, but I just need dh’s help and he'd rather not.
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