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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. No but I only have 1 school age kid in first grade, so no big deal. A lesson a day type thing. Not much to plan.
  2. A person in my life is boycotting certain companies because of certain things they support. So, I named a few more companies that support the same thing. Person said they wouldnt be boycotting them because they werent going out looking for places to boycott, but if the company made a big deal about it thats when they boycotted. Is there a difference? I dont think so.
  3. I never would. My dh likely would. He tries to instill the never quit anything you start lesson, but he is quite the hypocrite imo. He starts all sorts of things he doesnt finish.
  4. It would be nice not to have morning sickness. Oh my about multiples. I might just curl. up and die Im not sure I could do that.
  5. Friday when I visit with my parents. Its my only break during the week. I get to eat my mama's food and no work. I just enjoy playing with my kids and my parents do too. So, realxing. Sometimes cousins come by to play with the kids.
  6. I ate some guacamole and oh my goodness my stomach is so gassy right now. No more guacamole for me.
  7. Yep same here. My kids wouldnt touch a cooked pea.
  8. Mine too, they pretend to be horses.
  9. How do they even think to try stuff like that?
  10. My boys eat plain uncooked pasta for a snack. I find that odd, just wondering if they were the only ones. For the record, my oldest will not eat cooked pasta, when we have pasta he asks me to save him some crunchy noodles.
  11. We had a super shady guy come by here. The logo on his truck looked homemade. It was not cool.
  12. Never had too thank God. I wash with dh once and he called because we drive past a yard with an over turned lawn mowet with someones leg under it. I dropped by a police station because I was about a half a mile from to tell them there was an injured deer in the road. I figured that would be quicker than callong. Dh called the sheriffs department once because some loser from our neighbors house drove something i to our fence and didnt tell us, nothing came of it thoughm
  13. Thanks for your kind wishes. I was super sick with 1 and 3 and more tired than sick but some sick with 2. Im hoping for more tired than sick.
  14. 6 week huh? Yeah I literally did crawl into bed and hide for 2 months the first pregnancy and only wanted to with the other ones.
  15. Im 4 going on 5 weeks. I looked at the date of the start of my 2nd trimester and thought that it didnt seem far, if I get sick I will survive. Funny what a few kids can do to you. I remember with my first, each week was so painfully long. lol
  16. If you had it, what week did it start. With my other 3 it was the first symptom, but Im super early in this pregnancy. I wake up every morning dreading feeling morning sickness (all day sickness) again, but nothing yet. Just curious. I seriously doubt I will avoid it, I'm just wondering when to expect it.
  17. OMG I dont eve get to sleep late or take a nap. Every once in a while I'll doze off for 20 minutes rocking the baby to sleep.80% of the time I dont even bathe or poop alone.
  18. How scary. I hope you get some answers soon.
  19. Yes, next year my kids will be 6, 5, 2 and new baby. Dont worry, we will have every possible safety meaaure im place.
  20. You would think id know all this as we have been fairly activr too with babies, but dd (3rd child) was born in fall, so she was a bigger baby in the summer and ds 2nd) was born in spring, but we didnt do things like that because ds 1 was only 1 1/2.
  21. No, the kids dont know about the pool.
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