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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. I'll listen any time. I am always a big ball of anxiety.
  2. So, luckily I am not feeling unbearably sick or having food aversions, but I am TIRED and Im just not thrilled about meals right now. So give me your best breakfast, lunch, snacks dinners or whatever. Just really the easiest ideas to see me through until I get my energy back.
  3. lol I feel the same way anymore. It seems with each kid I have I get further out of the loop
  4. Im feeling VERY blah lately. Im 6 weeks pregnant and dragging right now. I guess the second trimester will be the only thing to get me out of this. In a bright note, so far it has been the mildest pregnancy for me.
  5. That is nice. Im sure they will have lunch and snacks with them though. I offered the guy that installed our hughes net internet a water bottle once and he wasnt allowed to accept it.
  6. So, for 1A it is saying he needs to memorize number bonds through 10. So, how do you know they have them memorized? I know that sounds dumb. Ds understands and can write them all out from memory. Is this good? I mean he thinks about it, he doesnt know it instantly. How do I make sure he realky has them down? I hope that makes sense what I am asking.
  7. Kind of. I'm in the right area generally, but in a tiny house in a neighborhood and I belong in a huge house alone in the woods or on a farm. lol. The only way I can change that is more money and right now thats not happening. Perhaps I might fine a large suitcase of money???
  8. Yes we do this too. My ds doesnt share much through the day, but we chat for hours in bed at night.
  9. I dont know, but my oldest is the same way. His dad is the same way, my dh is a horrible sleeper. Those two are so much alike it doesnt surprise me. Im just glad we homeschool.
  10. I'm now 6 weeks pregnant and I'm only feeling mild, come and go sick. Please keep your fingers crossed it keeps up this way. I was so sick I cant even describe with 1 and 3 and couldnt really eat much at all. I was some sick and very tired with 2. It looks like this baby might be cutting me a break compared to the others and I need that more than anyone could imagine.
  11. Yes. Good for you. Faceboom is such a time suck for so many. Thats why I dont have it.
  12. I dont. I dont care that others do, but I feel I look silly and feel slimy. ick. I also suck at applying it.
  13. Speaking of Christmas, does anyone have any pokemon toy suggestions. My boys just got into them and I tried looking online, but soon felt overwhelmed with options.
  14. I ofen wonder this too, but never have asked. I eatch a few homeschool mom youtube vlogs, I was wondering if any of you do that too?
  15. Its on my list, but I dont think dh likes it.
  16. Yeah, I mean right now it is review. He reads very well. We used the reading lesson and I feel nervous it wasnt as thorough as it should have been and I wanted to be 100% sure with phonics so we are going through abeka. I dont think he will have any problems.
  17. I am easing in and counting. The way I figure the school goes 180 days, but how many kids will have perfect attendance. Really?
  18. The only plan I have is a tablet for each ds and a toy kitchen for dd. Ive got 2 birthdays and 4 cousin bdays in the fall, so thats on my mind more right now.
  19. Ok, so it is just what is on the blend ladders but on a flash card?
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