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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. I mean to an extent my kids chew on things like a pencil or something, but like if you are making a craft with beads or something he puts them in his mouth or if he finds a button or coin.
  2. Hmm ok. I was just curious. My mom had 3 kids several grand kids and has baby sat many and we just hadnt been around a kid that put things in their mouth past toddler year.
  3. I know this kid that is almost 4 and he still puts everything in his mouth like a toddler. Any reason why he would be doing this? It is not my kid btw.
  4. I always start with fruits and veggies. Or I did with firsr ds. My 2nd 2 literally refused every single bite of baby food I offered. They preferred living on breastmilk. Also, they refused table food until they were toddlers. Ds 1 may have been the same , but I was pregnant when he started solids, so my milk alone wasnt enough.
  5. Thanks so much. Im in my 1st trimester right now and I only want certain things and this hits the spot!
  6. Any free sites you like? He doesnt really need extra practice in the way of school work, but i thought he might enjoy doing some online games.
  7. in whatever post that was, I am forever grateful. You are my hero. That is delicious. I have always wushed for apple slices ready to go as I hate eating a whole apple, but I never liked the lemon juice tip. Thanks again!
  8. That is the sweetest thing ever!
  9. Hilarious. I cannot believe my boys havent had imaginary friends yet. I had lots growing up.
  10. I do, but though it does a good job, I like when it tells you word for word what to say.
  11. So, it turns out I have to have scripted or I get so distracted by my almost 2 year old and everything else. Also Im just not good at teaching things. I need scripted. Is there a list of scripted curriculum to help me with future curriculum decisions. We are doing Abeka for language arts for 1st and it is a perfect fit for me and my son. We are doing Singapore Primary Mathematics and I like it, but I'd do anything to have it tell me exactly what to say.
  12. It used to stress me out like you couldnt imagine. Now I put food on their plates, if they eat it yes if they dont no big deal. They will survive. My toddler only started eating more than a couple of bites of food each day, but it took my milk drying up to achieve this
  13. I guess this post should have been who cant stand my inlaws. lol
  14. Yeah, see this is not at all what Im describing. We are at the inlaws with sil, dh, me and our 3 kids and you would think dh and I were not even in the room. My inlaws do not enjoy the grandkids, they just like to try and correct them and sil is suffocating. The boys were arguing and they very unfairly tried to settle the arguement. Dh set it right though. If my kids are out of hand thats one thing all together. They literally look for things to gripe about.
  15. lol Im a southern girl. For me tea is sweet iced tea. There is no hope for me.
  16. Thanks for the encouragement. My dh will do a lesson or two here or there. My son actually loves this as he like his dad much more than me. His words not mine.
  17. Sounds like us. I am so overwhelmed and kind of wishing to send my kids to school, but dh is urging me to give it a bit longer before I decide. (He knows me) I hope your kids had a great day!
  18. Yeah this a bit different than what Im thinking though. Mostly family is the issue we have. And Im talking, not even giving us a chance, just instantly jumping in. Personal things too, not just your getting ready ti break grandmas family heirloom, just like argiung with his brother.
  19. if it even happens to you at all that people try to parent your kids when you are right there??? The only time I ever intetfere with other peoples kids would be if they were in danger.
  20. until it is dine. Im no help, but all 5 of us shop togethet so there is no way to be on schedule.
  21. Can you tell me what your 4 day week looks like? What months you do school and when you break?
  22. For those wondering about my kids. The baby will be the 4th. In April my kids will be 6, 5, 2 1/2 and newborn. So far I always do well after having my babies right away, so hopefully all will go well. My kids arent a bit independent except the baby, but that is not a good thig hahaha. I guess I will just have dh do something with the 2 1/2 yr old during school to help things run smoother.
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