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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. My dh can run a half marathon but hw cannot touch his toes. So, not true at all. He is just not flexible.
  2. I have a first grader, but Im having to think ahead here for his 2nd grade year to have plenty of time to do research. Im expecting a baby in April, so his 2nd grade year is going to be crazy. I will have 2nd, K, 3 year old and 4 month old when we start. I dont enjoy the thought of dvd classes, but it may have to be so or private school. Im just looking for something that is more hands off teaching wise until the crazy settles down around here. My 3 year old Im sure wont be napping that year. All my babies tend to be terrible sleepers, so Im going to be exhausted and super needy and demanding. I just dont have the kind of kids that are content sitting in a baby seat watxhing the rest of us. This one could be different lil. Honestly, I prefer my time spent with my kids playing and having fun rather than teaching. For whatever reason I just do not enjoy it so much. So, what curriculum will pull us through? Im interested in bju dvd for language arts and math, but it seems so time consuming. Please dont anyone tell me Im worrying way to soon. I have to think about this to ease my mind.
  3. Yes, but it is out due to a close friend with this name.
  4. Yeah it has to be Frank. My dead brother was not Franklin or Francis, so that does not honor him at all.
  5. I used to have tons and tons of vivid memories of my whole life. I've always had an amazing memory, but right after I had my first son, everything before that us a bit fuzzy now.
  6. The theme was a complete accident and we only noticed last year, bute if you take the first letter of our kids names order you get S H A and then if we have to more N and E you get dh's name. This of course if we have 5 so who knows really.
  7. Aww congrats. This one was a bit of a surprise. We were just trying to guess and avoid ovulation, but it turns out I ovulated on day 30. Oops. It was my first cycle back after having dd due to breastfeeding.
  8. Omg Im following. My 5, 4 and 1 yr are making me nuts right now. Im tired, pregnant and it has rained all dang week. We are so bored.
  9. I was the same way, but I got my first job at burger king and it worked out I always worked with the same exact people and we all agreed on the type of job we preferred so I never worked at the cash register or drive thru. So my point is a resturaunt might be a good choice if they were hiring someone to work in the back only.
  10. My goodness. If I were a good house cleaner Id get into the business.
  11. I never notice things like that lol. Some people are so observent.
  12. I am horrible at deciding, so I'm starting now. Our oldest is Samuel Gordon - Samuel is my style of name. Gordon is to honor a family member that passed on. Our second is Henry Oliver. Henry is actually a family name, but chosen at random by dh. Def. more his style. Oliver I just liked it. Our third is Audrey Celia. Audrey is mine and dhs style. Celia was my grandmas name and also just a name I would like anyway. With this one, the only family name we are considering is Frank for a middle name only. Bonus points if the name starts with an N to continue a subtle theme, but I cant really think of anything I like except Nina. Nathaniel and Nora are out due to close family and friends.
  13. I just leave it where ever. My house is tiny and Im a light sleeper, so I literally hear and wake up to any noise.
  14. Im not feeling it either. Im 6 weeks pregnant and I still want to be on summer break. I hope things get better for you!
  15. Just an fyi for homeschooler ripleys aquarium offers a great discount for homeschool families and they offer educational programs as well.
  16. I dont think the pods are edible. We tossed em anyway. I cant believe zi stumped the wtm forum. I thougjt you all were better than google.
  17. Come to think of it, google searches about homeschool questions I had is what brought me here in the first place. Funny I forgot that. Great way to search here, thanks for the teminder.
  18. lol We couldnt believe they grew. It was easy. We just planted ,watered, weeded and waited and waited and waited. We thought they were done and the beans were white and we waited still white, finally they took on a purple ish tent and finally black. Tbey grow inside a pod. When ready the pod is very brown and dried up looking.
  19. We let the kids pick what to grow this year. Our 4 year old chose black beans. Dh and I have never had any experience with them. They are ready and we have a ton. How do you prepare them. Do you cook them fresh or do you dry them or what?
  20. My mom never wore make or did her hair. She was all natural and plain jane and Im the same way. My older sister however is the type to dress up and do hair and make up and spend an hour getting ready to go anywhere. I havent had make up on in 10 years.
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