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Everything posted by Luanne

  1. When my daughter was 14 she was riding her bicycle with her flip-flops on (I had told her not to, but ... anyway). She lost control going around a corner (was going way too fast) and the bicycle spokes took off her flip-flop and made a huge gash in the bottom of her foot. It was evening and I took her to the Emergency Room. The doctor who sewed up her foot had the worse bed-side manner I have ever seen. He continually raised his voice to her and didn't care how much he hurt her.
  2. First off, I had two doctor appointments. The first one was because I have another sinus infection. The second one was to see my oncologist. I saw her in February. She sent me orders in the mail to get a bone density test and a mammogram. When I tried to set up the appointment at the mammogram place they said they had to receive the orders straight from my oncologist. So, I tried contacting the oncologist's office by phone... five different times in the last three weeks. Sometimes I was transferred to someone who didn't have any clue what to do, a couple of times I was hung up on.. and the last time (last Monday) I was transferred to a voicemail which said that person was out of the office for the week and not to leave a message at that number, to call back the other number so they could direct my call elsewhere. Finally, I just set up an appointment with my oncologist to get it straightened out. Ok... so my daughter went with me for moral support. (She's 26.) First I stopped at the McDonalds next to my primary care provider so I could use the restroom. Apparently while I was in the restroom (my daughter was waiting in the lobby), a guy came up, stood right next to my daughter and pulled out a lighter saying he was going to set the place on fire. Fortunately, his lighter wouldn't light. My daughter didn't tell me about this until after my first appointment. When we came back over to eat lunch at McDonalds, the police were there. They did apprehend the guy. Then we went to leave... I went to back out, thought I had room and bumped into a vehicle that was in the drive-thru lane. I just barely cracked my tail light and left a small smudge of paint on their bumper. They jump out of their vehicle and start screaming at me. The guy says he is going to call the police. I know that the law here is that on private property, the people are just supposed to exchange insurance information and go on. There was no way this guy was going to let me do that, so I got back in my car and waited for the police officer. Both the guy and his wife were very angry when they found out the officer wasn't going to issue me a ticket. It also turned out that their license plates had expired last JULY. Wow! Anyway... at least I got the stuff straightened out at the oncologist.
  3. There was a ten year old girl here in Colorado who would walk a couple of blocks to a friends house and then they would walk to school together. One day in between her house and the other girl's house she was kidnapped. They found her body several weeks later. I know this isn't something that happens every day, but to pretend it never happens isn't realistic either. Personally, I'd rather be safe than sorry.
  4. It is currently snowing here right now... again ... I'm with you there. I just want the sun to shine and melt all this stupid snow. Colorado was on record for the snowiest February and it is continuing into March. BLEH! :thumbdown:
  5. I'm looking forward to my hair finally growing longer so I can put it in a ponytail. I don't know when my hair will get long enough though since it is just coming back in from the chemo. I'm 50, by the way.
  6. I like the Cadbury mini eggs because you can eat them in one bite. Every time I try to eat the other Cadbury eggs, I end up with it all over myself. :huh:
  7. I understand the people who say that church takes up a lot of time as well ... but it isn't that way around here so much anymore. Pretty much all churches only have services on Sunday mornings which is all right. For those of you who say that churches should change their meeting times to adjust to the sports, what day or time is actually going to work? There is no way you could accommodate ALL the sports and ALL the youth going to that church. I guarantee that there isn't a day or a time that someone doesn't already have some sport event to go to (or practice or whatever). I'm guessing the real truth is, you who say that, have no interest in church and think it is a waste of time for people to even go to church.
  8. Yes, I do. No, I wasn't one. My daughter was going to be one, but when she finally got old enough there was too much crap going on in our lives and she didn't feel like doing it anymore.
  9. My nephews and niece are big into sports. We haven't seen any of them for years. They live in Utah. We live in Colorado. When my father passed away last May, only my brother and his wife came to the funeral. Their children were too busy with sports. I'm sorry, but judgmental or not, that is totally wrong. The entire family should have been here. Missing one game for an important thing like a funeral is not going to altar their lives forever. I'm with you OP... I don't understand it either. I'm not against children participating in sports, but it has become more important to a lot of people than anything else in the world. To me, that is just plain wrong.
  10. I'm still at, you don't think children who don't have rich parents deserve a decent education. This is my last post on this subject. You can keep going in circles if you want to, but I'm not going to be here to see it. If you get dizzy, don't blame me.
  11. I'm not saying it isn't possible to make public schools better, but from what I've seen around here, that is NEVER going to happen. The teachers, most of the parents, etc. seem perfectly ok with the way the schools are right now. They see no need for improvement. I chose to homeschool my daughter for this reason mainly, but she missed out on a lot I could have done with her due to lack of funds. You all sound like you are talking in circles by the way.
  12. My mother had surgery this afternoon to fix her bladder (it wasn't staying where it was supposed to). The surgery went well. She will be coming home tomorrow (most likely). I finished my radiation treatment in early November. I still see my Oncologist every three months. I just saw her last week. I have to get a shot on Thursday. I have to wait until April to see an Orthopedic doctor about my knees. They both have been bothering me for some time (before the cancer diagnosis). My daughter walked into a desk and broke her toe... I know she wasn't in the subject line. I gave her a hard time telling her she must have been feeling left out. :lol: Edited to add that my energy level is still very low. They said it will probably be at least a year before I start having much energy at all. :thumbdown:
  13. I love The Intellectual Life. I had to buy a new copy because I wore the other one out from reading it so much. :lol:
  14. My homeschooling days were over back in 2007. My daughter is now 26, but I am self-educating... especially since I don't have the energy to do anything else right now.
  15. Who else on here has read this book? I recently purchased it because I had it checked out from the library and knew I'd want to read it more than once.
  16. Who else on here has read this book? I checked it out from the library and liked it so much that, even before I finished reading it, I bought it. I knew I would want to read it more than once so that is why I purchased it.
  17. Who else on here has read this book? I checked it out from the library and liked it so much that, even before I finished reading it, I chose to buy it. It came today. I know I will want to read it more than once and that is why I purchased it.
  18. I've owned one of these before. I loved it. it was nice to be able to change the mattress when it became uncomfortable for me.
  19. I think you are just going to have to wait until it wears off. I've never been able to get it off my hands when I accidently put it there when using one.
  20. So, basically most people are against people who don't have tons of money (who can't afford private school) having their children educated better than the public schools do? It all goes back to the theory that people should never be allowed out of their social class. Once a poor person... you deserve to stay a poor person... your children don't deserve anything better than what a poor person can afford so the trend goes on from generation to generation. I don't understand that at all. It is easy to tell who has money and doesn't understand what it is like to be stuck and not have money to better yourself or your children. Must be nice to live in your bubble world.
  21. I turned 50 last October. My mother, sister, daughter, and I went out to Famous Dave's (my choice)... that was about it. I didn't want anything big anyway and especially didn't since I was (and still am) dealing with health issues.
  22. I don't mind reading fiction books sometimes. The storyline has to be pretty interesting though. I prefer historical fiction if I read fiction. I really enjoy reading and learning from non-fiction books more.
  23. Am I the only one who can't read or study if someone is making noise? I was trying to read a book in my bedroom and my daughter was singing really loud in the shower. I had my fan turned on high to try to drown her out, but it just wasn't working. My mother said my book must not have been interesting enough if her singing was bothering me. Am I the only one who this bothers?
  24. I find it interesting that the best some people can come up with for NOT vaccinating their children is because of the .1% of cases where something went wrong or bring up the rare cases of someone just not being able to get vaccinated. That doesn't mean 19% of the kindergartners in Colorado don't need to be vaccinated... but those are the facts.
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