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Everything posted by Audrey

  1. Oh? That's nice it does download for US customers. I just know it doesn't work for my bank, and at least a few others. I'm in Canada, though. I was using the Cdn Quicken before. As far as I know, there isn't a Cdn version of Mint.
  2. Agreeing and using this as a jumping off point. There are quite a few budget tracking and finance management programs out there. If YNAB is leaving you feeling too scrutinized, maybe give something else a try. I realise you (the OP) have paid for YNAB, but there are free programs that may be worth a try. We used to pay for Quicken and have since switched to Mint. Mint is free and has both desktop and mobile versions for tracking on the go. It doesn't let you download transactions from your bank, so that eliminates some of the microscopic feel. It's all manual entry, but you can enter on a desktop/laptop, on your phone, on your spouse's phone and the versions all sync to each other if you use the same log-in on all devices.
  3. That whole thing about every human being having worth? Nope. I don't buy that saccharine pap. There really are people out there who are of lesser value than dysentery.
  4. I'd do it. I'd definitely put my own spin on the "challenging" part of the request. How about critical thinking and scientific methodology for starters. I mean... I've corrupted tougher asshats than his ilk before. Fun times. ;)
  5. Ironing board. I use the fold-as-you-go method. That's just how I was taught to do it.
  6. Yes. But, I like to iron. I'm pretty sure I'm not a psychopath. I do not judge unironed sheets or the people who prefer them.
  7. Possibly yes and possibly no. Application is on a formula per acre. If you're going to spray, you were going to spend that amount per acre anyway. Without some more input on the weed data, it's hard to say if Azure's situation would necessarily cause neighbours to have to spray more often than they would normally. It's not fair to say, "I have to spray because of your weeds," when you know darn well that you spray every year anyway. It is fair to say, "Because of your weeds, I have to spray more often." I would like to know what the general farming philosophy is of the neighbours. Are they large scale, small scale, family owners, corporate owners, sustainable practitioners, use-it-up-while-you-got-it practitioners, organic practitioners, etc.? This information would define the issue, as far as I'm concerned. Because I think here is where I would like to point out that, despite the common perception, not all farmers play nice with each other. Some are real assholes if they see someone else doing something different, something new, something "not like we always did it." And, they can get very defensive and even aggressive towards other farmers that they think might be getting ahead doing something different or something new. In other words, there are jackasses in every business, and farming is no exception.
  8. I though of muzzles. Then, I was picturing tiny chicken muzzles for sale at the feed mill. Maybe bedazzle a few with rhinestones for that special, sassy rooster in your life. LMAO all over again.
  9. I have never laughed harder in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. There is that. It's too bad that they can take advantage of a situation like that to get a door opened. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. I don't know what anyone should do. I guess it's up to the individual. I don't get all pissy at them because I think it doesn't do any good. But then, I don't get very many out here. We don't live in town -- where I hear it's more common -- so maybe we're just not worth the trip. We used to have a very large farm dog who did a good job of running off anyone who wasn't a regular. He wasn't vicious or anything, but he was huge and would run down the lane to greet anything coming that way. It was an intimidating presence, for sure! Our own fluffy hell hound. Lol! At any rate, while I am offended on a personal level by anyone attempting to spread their religion to me (any religion), I just don't feel it's worth my time to show them anything but a firm "no thanks" and my closed door. I've heard very humourous stories of people doing bizarre things to try to frighten or shock off proselytizers, but I think those are more bragging and urban legend than anything else. And, I think it's counter-productive, too. It just gives them more fuel for their religious fires. It confirms all the horrible things they spread about non-religious (or not the right kind of religious) people.
  11. Most of the door-to-door types don't seem to think Catholics are Christian -- or Christian enough. I live in an area that is almost entirely catholic, but gets lots of JW, Mormon and Baptist proselytizers. The Baptists, especially, like to leave anti-Catholic Chick tracts shoved into the door jambs. It's incredibly rude and obnoxious. But again... don't answer the door, or if you feel you have to, just tell them "not interested. Please take this address off your list."
  12. I've known a few of the 'in-your-face' types, but they tend to be very young or new to it. It's kind of like any new converts -- they've got some kind of extra zeal they just can't/won't contain. The phase usually passes.
  13. It seems counterproductive to drop off a bunch of immature kids to go proselytizing. It kind of sets them up for disaster, not to mention abuse. But... if you don't want to listen to them don't answer the door, or just tell them you're not interested and to please take your address off their visit-list.
  14. If my own kid said something like that, I would be appalled, and there would be consequences to pay (starting with a good lecture and progressing to loss of privileges depending on the circumstances). I don't care how old they are, talk of violence is not acceptable from my kid. Period.
  15. It doesn't necessarily mean it will be a lifelong problem. I stuttered as a child so badly I couldn't say my own name. Today, you would not be able to tell that I ever stuttered. My son has a stutter that has improved greatly, and only now shows up if he's very rushed or over-excited to speak. We are both very aware when we do speak and employ techniques to be able to speak easily. For me, it is like second-nature. Ds is still on the learning curve. For both of us, music helped greatly. For me specifically, it was my mother who noticed I never stuttered at all when I was singing. She picked up on that and would sing what she wanted to say to me, to encourage me to respond to her by singing what I wanted to say. Later, I became involved in musical theatre and theatre which helped even more. Today, I give speeches and presentations on a very regular basis. People tell me all the time that I have a lovely speaking voice. I think it is because my speech employs a lot of musicality, which many people wouldn't recognize as such to be able to state that, but which, intuitively, they understand as melody. My son uses music similarly, but rap music, which didn't exist when I was a child, has been a better therapy for him.
  16. My own little guy looked like an alien/spider monkey hybrid. No one ever said anything about his looks, though. Most people have the decency to either say nothing, or give an obligatory "he's/she's so cute."
  17. The jetted tub would be a no go for me. I don't want to be in one of those things because of the icky germy factor, and I also don't want to be cleaning that thing perpetually. Disclaimer: I have OCD, but I know others who don't who also dislike the jet tubs for the same reasons.
  18. In the local culture here, it is the reverse. Given the OP's post, I think the she should do whatever feels most comfortable for her, but I don't think there's any obligation to go to both events, especially considering that this is not a particularly close, nor a familial relationship.
  19. I was firmly pro-vax, even rabid about it, until my son suffered a very serious reaction to an MMR vaccine. That sure does wake up an arrogant ass pretty quick, IME. Since then, I cannot say I am pro-vax, nor anti-vax. I think that there are benefits to vaccination that cannot be denied, but I would not ever again try to talk someone into vaccination. IME, most people I've come across IRL who do not vax, do so for very good medical reasons. Online that picture seems to be different, but I choose not to engage with people who have no valid scientific/medical reasoning to offer. In short... I'm not out to change anyone's mind on this issue.
  20. Leave out the gold and you should be fine. White makes jewel tone colours pop, in an elegant way. I would steer away from adding any other colour to the mix -- no pinks, reds, blues, other greens. Keep it clean and classy with just the green, white and black.
  21. Sorry it took so long to reply. After I stopped laughing my ass off, I had to go find it and put it back on again. The answer to your question is: no.
  22. ooooo! I'm not even a Star Wars fan, but I think that set is AWESOME! We do not have one, but I've seen it at toy fairs.
  23. Lego is for everybody at every age AFAIC. Arguments opposing the above statement will be patently ignored. ;)
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