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Everything posted by TravelingChris

  1. As many of you have read in the past 6-8 months, my youngest daughter has osteoporosis of unknown etiology. She is currently on Fosamax once a week, vit D and calcium every day. She broke a toe a while ago and had a upcoming appointment with the orthopedist for re-evaluation of that. On Wednesday, she moved her arm like making the motions for the front crawl and got a bad pain in her lower shoulder blade area (scapula). SInce she had an appointment on this coming Monday and I wasn't sure she broke it, I gave her ibuprofens. On Friday late afternoon, after the doctors went home, she bent her shoulder and back a bit to look down at something while sitting and heard a loud crack and that same area now hurts a lot more. I have her in a sling and am giving her 600 mg. ibuprofen every 4 hours. I will be giving her benadryl to help her sleep since her sleep has been so bad with the pain. Tomorrow we get xrays. If it is broken where she has the pain, mostlikely the same treatment will be prescribed though I want them to also prescribe her narcotic pain killers since she still has pain with 600 mg. and even that is too much ibuprofen for her. If it is broken, the next course of action will be a bone biopsy since we can't really wait to see if the fosamx will eventually work while she breaks bone doing normal movements. I am tremendously worried. I don't want my child who did swim team and diving for the first time this summer because I thought it would be okay exercise for an osteoporotic child to become completely immobile. SHe isn't having the typical breaks of the type of osteoporosis where the chidlren outgrow in puberty. Please pray that the doctors are able to manage her pain, figure out what is going on, and if there is a way to stop it, to do that.
  2. I didn't do anything extra although she studied American Literature at the same time. I guess you could call our vacations and field trips extra since we visited Minute Man Park and Roger Williams Historical Park and the New Bedford National Historic Park and Salem MA. We will be visiting some more places with our vacation starting next week too. We also have been slowing visiting places here in the DC area.
  3. I had my daughter skip it. NOt because it is a bad book to read but it was part of AMerican Lit and she ended up reading two Melville novels and so is life. She did read the Autobiography of Frederick Douglass.
  4. I have a gifted daughter in math. I let her use a calculator. My problem is that while she is gifted in math, she doesn't like it. I know the reason is arithmetic so I am not stressing that and encouraging her to focus on higher level math ideas. SHe does have her arithmetic down and that is why I no longer feel a need to stop calculators.
  5. I am going to be using BJU Biology with the DIVE CD. DD is unsure yet about her career field and may want to pursue the medical field so I want a very rigorous yet less memorization based program.
  6. Why did you cry? You mean they offered her to pay only 1/8 tuition? Or did they only offer 1/8 tuition scholarship? I think I will be extremely happy if my last dd gets 7/8 tuition scholarship.
  7. :iagree:with Leanna's post. My hardest problem is that my dh has very high standards about things and he compares stuff. Like we have volunteered to do coffee service for our church once a month. This takes a few hours plus we need to buy milk and hopefully snacks. THe normal thing is to bring 400 cookies. Some volunteers bring other things like fresh fruit, banana bread, exotic desserts, etc. I do the very basic- I get 400+ assorted cookies from the store. I do not bake 400 cookies. I am not embarassed, put down, or anything else. If I didn't have three children, four pets, and live 10 miles away from church and in traffic jam land, I might have more time and energy to do more. I don't and can't. I also didn't let anyone try to shame me about other of my choices. I didn't breastfeed my children. In case you really need to know, I had health issues where I needed medication that was incompatible with breastfeeding. I didn't do much crafts or reading aloud with my children either. I leave others alone and expect to be left to my choices too.
  8. High school band is not important. Playing in a band for a band instrument is very good once they are past beginner. Except for the logistics of public school scheduling and teacher availability, I don't understand the whole idea of throwing beginners straight away in band. I tried that route with my son with a homeschool band program and it failed. With my youngest, I had her take trumpet lessons for 1 1/2 years and this year she will be in homeschool band. She really had to learn the instrument first. I would recommend looking into community bands, church ensembles, and community colleges. SInce you child is high school age, they may be allowed to dual enroll in a band class at the CC. Those usually meet only once a week.
  9. If anyone remembers, this is strictly a reading and discussion class since DD will be doing Writing the Novel Way plus practicing SAT essays plus plenty of writing in her non English classes. This is a tentative plan and I would welcome any comments particularly if I am scheduling too much or forgetting something very important. I am skipping DIckens since she has already read A Tale of Two Cities in 9th grade and the same for Frankenstein. Beowulf- 2 weeks, selections from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight- 2 weeks, Canterbury Tales- 3 weeks, Shakespeare- 6 weeks, Poetry -1 week, Paradise Lost- 4 weeks, Pilgrim's Progress- 2 weeks, Gulliver's Travels- 3 weeks, Pride and Prejudice - 2 weeks, Poetry - 1 week, Middlemarch- 3 weeks, Heart of Darkness- 2 weeks, Poetry- 1 week, Dubliners- 1 week, Poetry- 1 week, 1984- 2 weeks, wrap-up- 1 week She likes to read and write poetry and likes Shakespeare. Any comments?
  10. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. I am recuperating and I am going to be picking up dh at the airport soon. I just hope my probiotics get here soon and that my rheumatologist listens to my plea and argument and puts me back on steroid and off the methotrexate. I was on a low dose of Medrol for four years and had normal bouts of sickness. I have been on MTX for a bit over one year and have been sick over and over again with 2 cases of a severe stomach problem and this drug resistant cellulitis. It seems to me that it is the more dangerous drug at least for me.
  11. I don't know either. Many of the PCA members do drink socially and only drunkeness is prohibitted in the Bible. Smoking isn't mentioned since there was no tobacco in the Old World.
  12. This is my third and final child doing this so you would think it was easier but no. MY oldest did pre Algebra and ALgebra with EPGY. My middle did Saxon Agebra 1/2 and then went onto Jacobs ALgebra with no problem. Now I have my youngest who is the only one who is actually gifted in math. I was planning on having her do Chalkdust Pre-Algebra because she is very perfectionistic and argementative and I didn't feel like have more confrontations with her about how stupid math conventions are or some other dumb argument. SHe liked the sample on the web but then she started watching SAT MAth prep that her sister has and decided she doesn't want the program after all. She said it was going to slowly and it was boring because of that.. Fortunately I haven't ordered it yet. She was using the Calvert 7 program this last year but neither of us liked the scarcity of examples on some of the concepts and she isn't doing the Calvert program this year anyway. I guess I want something to prepareher well for Algebra but self teaching since she prefers to read the explanation herself.
  13. It was the first year when I ordered. In fact, I am going to have to see what I need to do this year because we turned these two big volumes into a two year course. THe teacher and student material other than the books was all online.
  14. DD12 is a trial right now. In fact, she has been a trial for the last two years. I was going to be ordering her Chalkdust Pre Algebra which she said looked fine from the online web sample. Then she looked at her sister's SAT MAth prep and decided it is boring. SHe thinks he moves to slowly. Now the only reason I was going to go for a video class is not because I can't teach math but because this child is so stubborn and perfectionistic that it is hard to teach her. Add to that her talent is in math and we have problems. SHe doesn't want to do either ALEKS or Florida Virtual. SHe wants me to teach but I have had so much resistance this last year. So I guess I am asking for either other math suggestions or helps for very cranky and obstinate almost teen girls.
  15. There is one giant government health program that I have not heard about what will happen under these plans. That is Tricare and the VA system. Does anyone have any idea what is happening to the military, the retired military, and the veterans under these proposed plans? I can't see why anyone who gets a decent plan would want to take a chance on this. It will bankrupt our children if not us. It will lead to much less freedom of choice. You may not get your naturopathic or chiropathic practioners and my daughter would maybe not get proper treatment for osteoporosis since she isn't the typical patient with it and not even the typical child with it. THe people who are exempt from this plan is Congress. That's nice for them. I don't understand why anyone needs more funding for right to die counseling. When I was in the hospital and each time I have ever undergone even a relatively minor procedure, they come out with advanced directive papers and hand you booklets about this. The only problem is that there is no checkmark for living. That is why one of the things on my to do list this Fall is to get a health power of attorney designating my husband who is as strong a right to life person as I am. None of this, well I am sure she would like to starve to death here.
  16. I am not sure what you are talking about. I bought this last year and I paid something for the textbooks and something else for the teacher web contact. I am not sure how much but more than 30 inall.
  17. I used Sonlight for my first few years of homeschooling but one of the biggest reasons I stopped was because of the read alouds. I can 't do much reading aloud since I have Sjogren's Syndrome and don't make enough saliva. Several books dh read aloud. I was able to handle short things like SOTW when we did that. But mostly they read books and sometimes they heard books on tape.
  18. I didn't scream. I was too busy concentrating on breathing correctly and recovering from each contraction. My children were all 6 pounders so I am not judging anyone. Just saying how it was for me. I did have medication though not epidurals. I definitely felt it. But it wasn't the worse pain I have ever felt either. My broken leg was more painful. Some of my migraines are more painful. One or two of my medication allergies or food poisonings were more painful too.
  19. I don't know of one. I sure would like to know and make sure I am not missing things. One thing is time the tests like if you are taking SAT 2's, make sure you leave enough test dates for those. ANother thing I know may help to do now and I think I will work on soon is the homeschool addendum to the common application. Even if my dd doesn't apply with that, the document is similar enough to other homeschool addendum documents I have seen.
  20. :grouphug:. You sure do have a lot going on. Yes, that trup ot LA doesn't sound like a vacation. ONe reason that I am doing so much right now about my dd's college plan is what I have had to endured in our Jobean year of 2008. My middle is a junior this year and I am going to try to get her to do applications next summer if we are not moving then.
  21. There are over 3000 higher learning institutes in this country. Most of them are a good choice for someone. Most of them are a bad choice for most people. Our jobs are to find the good choices for our kids, eliminate the bad, and hopefully get something that is great for our child. Some of our kids have very special career goals or interests that make the narrowing choices easy. Some of us have kids who want to study something like biology or history which is available almost everywhere. If your child has a good idea of what they want to do or study, you have an easier time. Then you have to consider finances, inherent talent and test taking skills, and other limiting factors. What was true in the past may not be true in the future with our economic problems. One very strong warning I will give you all is if you don't have any children yet in college, check out the financial aid calculators if you are going to need financial aid. If you are low income, it may be reassuring to you. If you are middle income, you may be in for the shock of your life. I know that we are extremely grateful that my next child is getting the GI bill. It is funny that we have to go on a payment plan to pay my son's nearly 6000 bill but are expected to be able to pay 44k for my daughter's expenses. As you all can guess, that is simply impossible with our current income and we just will pay her bill with GI bill and yellow ribbon program. That gives us six years to figure out how to pay for her sister's bill.
  22. No, there is no science at all on the SAT. You are probably thinking of the SAT2 which most schools don't require and none specifically require chemistry. They may require a science one but they don't specify which one. The ACT also doesn't require chemistry although it does have a science section. It's science section is more like reading science section. No specific knowledge of any particular science is needed but familiarity with lab procedures and lab report writing is supposedly helpful.
  23. This seems like a college text for a chemistry for non science majors or maybe for science majors who aren't dependent on chemistry. IT looks hard for a high schooler and seems to have much more writing without breaks than a typical high school text. Most high school chemistry texts have some review of math necessary for chemistry early on like units of measure and conversions and significant numbers. This text seems to jump right in to math with no review. JMHO
  24. I don't like writing in books. I had to do this in college and high school some but really didn't like it. Therefore, hardly any books have notes in them so we do share books. That being said, I borrowed Huckleberry Finn from the library for my daughter rather than reading my old and much more fragile copy.
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