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Asking for prayers...

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I have a dear friend in her late 30's with two daughters (8 and 16) who found a lump in her breast a few days ago. She went to the doctor and he is concerned. They are sending her for a mammogram and ultrasound this coming week. If you would, please say a short prayer for her. She is very scared, but handling it really well.

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If she wants a place to go and talk, for support and answers to questions let her know about breastcancer.org. They have forums there and lots of helpful ladies. They even have a board for those waiting to have their mamograms.



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There is still hope that everything will turn out ok. My oldest dd had a lump in her breast, the doctor was concerned, he sent her for a mam, it looked troubling, she went for a U/S, it was very troubling. At that point they had the option to do a biopsy and then maybe have to go back in to remove the lump or just do a lumpectomy and proceed from there. We went with the lump. and it turned out to just be fibrocystic. I can not tell you how worried we were as we went through that. Not all lumps are cancer. I hope and pray that it isn't for your friend either.

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there is still so much hope. I'm living through it right now, and I can't tell you how many women I know you have friends and family that have survived breast cancer - it's not a death sentence. Is your friend a Christian? I can't imagine going through this without the daily strength my Savior provides me. Does she have a good medical facility?


If and when she finds out more information, please feel free to privately email with any questions. I am in the midst of chemo right now (while 5 months pregnant!) and I've read a lot! I'd be happy to pass on info to her.


Praying for your friend,


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