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Just like tornado sirens going off when there's a little rain...

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All schools are closed because of 2 children in a near by school have probable swine flu.



Now my questions is will other countries start closing borders. What happens if dh is half way across the ocean on his business trip and say the UK closes borders. Do they refuel and turn around, will he be stuck for a while?


I have a friend who lives in the town over in a different school zone than the kids who have the flu, however, she invited a bunch of friends for a play date some may have children in the school who had the children with the flu. Do I still go on the play date. I am not one to panic, although this area does. Like my title they turn on tornado sirens for every drop of rain we have. Do I bring the kids to the movies? To CiCi's lunch buffet. Stay home?

I need another cup of coffee. Thanks for letting me rant? vent? panic? I don't know.

Edited by lynn
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The little boy who died in Texas had visited Mexico and the media sounded like he just caught it here. Um close the borders(no political debate please).


Then why say it? What do you mean, exactly?


Now my questions is will other countries start closing borders. What happens if dh is half way across the ocean on his business trip and say the UK closes borders. Do they refuel and turn around, will he be stuck for a while?


I read that there are no plans for anyone to do this. They learned during the SARS scare that it much more effective to isolate local populations and outbreaks than it is to attempt to isolate entire countries.



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So far as I know this afternoon, there is no recommendation to suspend travel or close any borders.


I think the concern with this virus is that there's no vaccine for it and making one will probably be quite difficult, since it contains three or four different gene strains.


There may or may not be enough readily available flu virus remedies (this afternoon I'm hearing there's plenty). Because of these things, those more at risk for complications from flu might suffer more or have a serious complication.


I initially heard that those in Mexico who were succumbing were contracting nasty cases of pneumonia. I haven't heard more about this. If this particular virus does generate a fast moving form of pneumonia, then those who are more prone to contracting such would be more at risk and might have reason for more concern. Again, I haven't heard any more about this recently.


I've been hearing that this flu causes quite a bit of diarrhea and vomitting, especially the latter. For those who are more susceptible to these type reactions, anyway, and for older or very young patients, something like this can lead to the complications of dehydration and all that can go along with that.


So I don't tend to think that there's a big scare intended for this flu virus in that it's any more virulent a flu bug than others. However, because it's different, there may be little immunity to it out there and so it may spread faster. Also, if it causes some particularly nasty complications, then certain groups will be more at risk because of those factors, rather than the flu, itself.


If it starts cropping up in our town, then I will look at limiting our outings to some extent. Until then, we're carrying on as usual. If there's no concern over the virus in your town yet, then I don't think I'd limit outside activities at this point. If you wonder about your friend's party, then why not ask if any of the kids who will be attending are from the area where there's an outbreak? In fact, if I were her, I think I'd be letting my potential guests know whether or not that was the case, any way, just out of courtesy.

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I don't understand it, either. Will they close for the remainder of the school year?


I just heard on the news today that they're asking that kids be kept AT HOME, not wandering in public. They said aimless wandering at the mall, etc. defeats the purpose of closing the schools to try to keep the kids protected from the virus. I agree!

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another thing, the districts that are closing schools in this area have all lost 1-2 weeks this year with the whole Ike fiasco. i find it really hard to believe that they are closing schools when there are no confirmed cases of swine flu in any school age kids here.



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I don't get it either. But school is closed today and will re-open May 8. But hte kids are not staying home. They are at the library playing on the computers.


I'm not even sure why it is closed. I don't think we have had a confirmed case of the flu.


And this district will not close for icy roads, even when every district around them closes.


It makes no sense to me.

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I just heard on the news today that they're asking that kids be kept AT HOME, not wandering in public. They said aimless wandering at the mall, etc. defeats the purpose of closing the schools to try to keep the kids protected from the virus. I agree!


Right at home! LOL! If it had been us, all the teens would have been at home. At the home of someone with a cool basement and parents at work! Oh and all that PDA you arent' supposed to do at school? Yeah you can get away with it no problem in someone's basement!:tongue_smilie:


Yeah that's going to work. Nothing will get spread keeping schools closed. (She says rolling her eyes in great sarcastic manner.):rolleyes:

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If we're in the same place, Lynn, they're closing some of the 'hangout' places too, I noticed ... all the children's museums in the area are closing too. We were at the Botanical Gardens on a homeschool field trip today ... felt kind of guilty, actually, to be congregating in a large school group when all the other school kids' trips are cancelled. And one of the workers told me they aren't letting other schools' busses in our area either ... don't know how accurate it is, but if the play museums are closing, then I guess there's not much for them to come for anyway.


Ah well. The butterflies and turtles were cute, and probably not carrying any kind of flu.


Scary though.

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This morning, dh was telling me that based upon past experience and simulations and studies, the CDC strongly believes that closing schools is the single most important thing that they can do to stop the spread of diseases like this one. Other factors slowed the spread by a day or two, but closing schools completely changed the dynamic of how diseases spread. I don't know a lot about it myself, but I'm guessing that's the reasoning behind these choices, despite the appearance of futility. :)

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A lot of those kids with closed schools will prolly be out wandering around malls, libraries, wherever, because there won't be anyone at their house to *keep* them home -- parents who can't take the time off work and don't have anyone to come stay with the kids will end up with kids home on their own, or just with an older sibling, friend from the neighbourhood, etc...doing their own thing...

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The third one is actually 12 bottles ( $5.75 ea). But the other two... those people have no shame! :toetap05:


No, its one 12 oz bottle, if you read the review:



THIS IS WHAT WAS ADVERTISED (which has since been corrected):

"GO-JO INDUSTRIES / Purell instant hand sanitizer with aloe pump bottle, 12-fl. oz., 12/carton / GOJ963912CT / Sold as 1 Carton / Mfr Part # 963912CT

Other products by Gojo

No customer reviews yet. Be the first.| More about this product


List Price: $82.68

Price: $4.79

You Save: $77.89 (94%)

Availability: In Stock. Ships from and sold by Shoplet."


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Amazon is spazzing out on me. The reviews aren't showing up.


Ok, if I click on review up by the product image it shows it to me. I see that the review is posted May 12 of 2008. Was there a flu scare then? Weird. Did she pay $4.79 price she mentioned or the (then) listed price of $82.68? What is this $77.89 savings she speaks of? It sounds like she paid $4.79 + $7.50 shipping for one bottle thinking she was getting 12. It also sounds like her money was refunded.


Absolutely price gouging goes on at amazon. You've got to be careful with 3'rd party sellers--especially around Christmas time.


Odd that one bottle weighs 11 lbs too. Third party shipping gets a little bizarre sometimes. I can't decide which is worse--amazon or ebay.

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CDC is saying it's no worse than any other strain of flu. The little boy who died in Texas had visited Mexico and the media sounded like he just caught it here. Um close the borders(no political debate please).


Now my questions is will other countries start closing borders. What happens if dh is half way across the ocean on his business trip and say the UK closes borders. Do they refuel and turn around, will he be stuck for a while?





I cannot believe you said that and act like it is perfectly okay that a child has died -- but add in your "political" agenda with "close the borders" mentality. If not for the grace of God, that could have been my child or yours. Have some compassion or a shred of dignity. That poor child was visiting the USA from Mexico -- fell ill while in Brownsville, TX -- was airlifted to TX Children's Hospital (a highly respected medical institution -- my child's doctor works there) and died.


TX Children's is for the critically ill children from all over the USA... we travel 250+ miles 3 times a year to see our specialist for our rare disease. Each time we go into that hospital -- it is painful to see immediately ALL of the critically ill children. Children with cancer, incurable diseases, babies born at high risk... we go out of that hospital depressed to see so many hurting children and feel blessed even with our rare liver disease we are "healthy" enough to go home.


Your political words are very shallow and immature. Here is a nice tidbit to chew on... the place of origin of the Swine Flu? Veracruz, Mexico. A village of many people were ill with the flu in Feb/March... and kept complaining to the govt it was due to the large pig farm polluting the groundwater. Govt ignored them until the CDC pointed a 5 yr old having the Swine Flu from that outbreak. Then everyone starting getting sick elsewhere. Guess WHO owns half of that pig farm that the villagers are complaining about? USA owned Smithfield Ham.




Big companies go across the border to make cheap sliced ham flavored with H1N1 influenza virus. They don't care if poor illiterate villagers get sick and die. Wake up. Corporate America only cares about their bottom line: $$$. We all are merely pawns in the game.

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I cannot believe you said that and act like it is perfectly okay that a child has died -- but add in your "political" agenda with "close the borders" mentality. If not for the grace of God, that could have been my child or yours. Have some compassion or a shred of dignity. That poor child was visiting the USA from Mexico -- fell ill while in Brownsville, TX -- was airlifted to TX Children's Hospital (a highly respected medical institution -- my child's doctor works there) and died.


TX Children's is for the critically ill children from all over the USA... we travel 250+ miles 3 times a year to see our specialist for our rare disease. Each time we go into that hospital -- it is painful to see immediately ALL of the critically ill children. Children with cancer, incurable diseases, babies born at high risk... we go out of that hospital depressed to see so many hurting children and feel blessed even with our rare liver disease we are "healthy" enough to go home.


Your political words are very shallow and immature. Here is a nice tidbit to chew on... the place of origin of the Swine Flu? Veracruz, Mexico. A village of many people were ill with the flu in Feb/March... and kept complaining to the govt it was due to the large pig farm polluting the groundwater. Govt ignored them until the CDC pointed a 5 yr old having the Swine Flu from that outbreak. Then everyone starting getting sick elsewhere. Guess WHO owns half of that pig farm that the villagers are complaining about? USA owned Smithfield Ham.




Big companies go across the border to make cheap sliced ham flavored with H1N1 influenza virus. They don't care if poor illiterate villagers get sick and die. Wake up. Corporate America only cares about their bottom line: $$$. We all are merely pawns in the game.


You are right. I most certainly did not intend for it to sound as it did. I am not a uncaring heartless person. I apologize that it came across as it did. The point most certainly was not the child but the people in general who did not listen to the warnings of traveling and not enough be done to stop the swine flu virus from spreading weeks ago.

Edited by lynn
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You are right. I most certainly did not intend for it to sound as it did. I am not a uncaring heartless person. I apologize that it came across as it did. The point most certainly was not the child but the people in general who did not listen to the warnings of traveling and not enough be done to stop the swine flu virus from spreading weeks ago.



Thank you for changing your original post. I apologize for directing my feelings over the mass-hysteria and folks who say to "close the border" like that will help. The Mexican Govt WAITED 2 weeks before they reported it and got the CDC to help. By then, it was too late. Closing off a country doesn't solve the problem... the virus has traveled extensively in the first few days.


From Newsweek:

"One of my favorite quotes on this is [from Nobel laureate] Josh Lederberg ... He said, "The microbe that felled one child in a distant continent yesterday can reach yours today and seed a global pandemic tomorrow." This swine situation was brought to us by tourists who traveled to Mexico and then came back. Air travel is enormously important in terms of spreading infectious disease very rapidly."




CDC is right... wash your hands, cover your coughs and sneezes, and if you are sick... STAY HOME. My son and I both have a rare disease with a suppressed immune system -- this is why we homeschool. Before this health crisis, it simply frustrated me to no end -- seeing folks go to work while feverish or ill and spreading it 'round. Or when I taught school full time and getting sick immediately when students who were sick were sent to school anyways. It is a pet peeve of mine -- for my son and I, a simple cold or flu can trigger hospitalization, coma, or death. The idea of going to the library has to wait if it is cold/flu season. We can't attend church -- if we do and share the communion cup -- taa daah... one of us gets sick right away. For me, dealing with my disease is one thing... but I have seen folks think nothing of sending their child to my house and I have to say to them, "Sorry, no playdate today." (As the kid has green runny snot and is obviously sick and the family KNOWS of our disease.) Hellooooo? (Sorry -- venting here)


Now during this outbreak... the one message I do want to share to you all is take the precautions seriously. No need to be a Chicken Little and think the world is coming to an end with the Swine Flu. But for those (like my son and I) whom normally are homebound and have to be precautious... please stay at home if you are ill. If you have to travel, wash your hands more often than normal and don't touch your eyes, nose, or mouth if you come into contact with a possible object or person who is ill. Grocery stores offer the wipes for the carts. First thing when you get home -- wash your hands again. Use a wipe to sanitize the remotes, doorknobs, lightswitches if a family member is ill. Isolate that family member so no one else gets sick if possible. Keep them well hydrated. See the ER or doctor if symptoms get worse. It really is that simple. No need to be getting others sick. Hopefully, in a month from now... the H1N1 strain will be contained.


I apologize for the rant... but the virus affects everyone... don't use it as a tool for political agendas. We all need to be working together -- not tearing each other apart.

Edited by tex-mex
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The schools are closing to disinfect, and also those that have been exposed to it that are not showing symptoms can get sick and hopefully over it for the most part by the time the school reopens and hopefully that will cut down on the number of children that could have been infected.


By the way, that toddler that died in TX was actually living in Mexico, and was only in TX visiting family members. The child also had underlying medical conditions - so I don't think there are truly any US related deaths.


I have no issue with the schools closing. I think it is a smart thing to do, given the fact that there is no vaccine developed for Swine Flu yet, so it is going to be more easy to spread, than say regular strains where kids have been vaccinated against.


I do agree there is a lot of hype in the media, however I haven't seen anything in TX that makes me believe people are freaking out and going over board. I read an article the other day that stated at least 50,000 kids were going to be out of school in TX due to school closings. And there were a few more of that after the article. One school in our city (Plano TX) just announce d they were shutting down for about a week today. All UIL competition and field trips have been canceled. My 13 year old was going to go on a band field trip to Six Flags this Saturday, and that has been canceled. My 7 year old's field trip to the Dallas was canceled (I thought due to rain on Tuesday) and most likely may not be rescheduled due to the Swine Flu.


Given the fact already over 30,000 people have already died from "regular" flu - the kind you can easily get vaccinated against, I have no problem with the reaction in TX so far. We are far from where they are at in Mexico where they have to basically shut down Mexico City.


My 11 year old has a birthday party to attend on Saturday. We haven't decided whether or not if she can go. Originally it was scheduled for next Saturday, but for some reason was pushed up. However, she had a fever tonight, and my 9 year old is sick as well, and also had a fever (I had taken her to the doctor for diarrhea and a sore throat and of all things green urine Thursday afternoon). So, I am thinking we are going to lay low for a bit.


One thing I am very happy about is that our local school district has stated that not only will all absences related to Swine Flu automatically be excused, but if parents decide to keep their kids home as a preventative measure, those absences will be excused as well. We have very tough truancy laws in TX (excused or not, if you have too many absences you have to go to court!), so I was very relieved.


My 9 year old home schools, and has asthma. Her health, although not the primary reason we pulled her out, was a factor. He three sisters all go to public school. I am seriously considering keeping the two in elementary school home next week so they don't bring anything back to us.

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Thank you for changing your original post. I apologize for directing my feelings over the mass-hysteria and folks who say to "close the border" like that will help. The Mexican Govt WAITED 2 weeks before they reported it and got the CDC to help. By then, it was too late. Closing off a country doesn't solve the problem... the virus has traveled extensively in the first few days.


From Newsweek:

"One of my favorite quotes on this is [from Nobel laureate] Josh Lederberg ... He said, "The microbe that felled one child in a distant continent yesterday can reach yours today and seed a global pandemic tomorrow." This swine situation was brought to us by tourists who traveled to Mexico and then came back. Air travel is enormously important in terms of spreading infectious disease very rapidly."




CDC is right... wash your hands, cover your coughs and sneezes, and if you are sick... STAY HOME. My son and I both have a rare disease with a suppressed immune system -- this is why we homeschool. Before this health crisis, it simply frustrated me to no end -- seeing folks go to work while feverish or ill and spreading it 'round. Or when I taught school full time and getting sick immediately when students who were sick were sent to school anyways. It is a pet peeve of mine -- for my son and I, a simple cold or flu can trigger hospitalization, coma, or death. The idea of going to the library has to wait if it is cold/flu season. We can't attend church -- if we do and share the communion cup -- taa daah... one of us gets sick right away. For me, dealing with my disease is one thing... but I have seen folks think nothing of sending their child to my house and I have to say to them, "Sorry, no playdate today." (As the kid has green runny snot and is obviously sick and the family KNOWS of our disease.) Hellooooo? (Sorry -- venting here)


Now during this outbreak... the one message I do want to share to you all is take the precautions seriously. No need to be a Chicken Little and think the world is coming to an end with the Swine Flu. But for those (like my son and I) whom normally are homebound and have to be precautious... please stay at home if you are ill. If you have to travel, wash your hands more often than normal and don't touch your eyes, nose, or mouth if you come into contact with a possible object or person who is ill. Grocery stores offer the wipes for the carts. First thing when you get home -- wash your hands again. Use a wipe to sanitize the remotes, doorknobs, lightswitches if a family member is ill. Isolate that family member so no one else gets sick if possible. Keep them well hydrated. See the ER or doctor if symptoms get worse. It really is that simple. No need to be getting others sick. Hopefully, in a month from now... the H1N1 strain will be contained.


I apologize for the rant... but the virus affects everyone... don't use it as a tool for political agendas. We all need to be working together -- not tearing each other apart.



(5/2/09) This story appeared in today's news -- the child from Mexico who visited the US while ill with the Swine Flu -- came from a very well known and wealthy family.




Again, my point is not to use a political reason (or use this H1N1 influenza virus) to overreact and label -- or "scapegoat" -- those who cross our borders back and forth. Germs, viruses, and diseases care less about nationality. Air Travel alone promotes the rapid spread of diseases far faster than border crossings. Let's be prudent and wise. That's all.

Edited by tex-mex
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