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How many times do you change your mind about curriculum for the new school year?


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I feel like I have been going NUTS for the past few months. How many time are we "allowed" to change our mind when it comes to curriculum choices????????????:confused::D:D:confused:


Okay, can you tell me NOW how this plan looks for my 11 yo daughter???


Galore Park LA Grammar Town Series-Grammar, Vocab, Poetry, Writing

LoF Fractions with CLE Math 4 moving into Grade 5

Galore Park-So You Really Want To Learn Science-Physical and Life-Bk 1

Winter Promise-Rock Around the Earth-Earth Science

Winter Promise QAW-History, Literature, Bible, Art

Lively Latin book 1 moving into Book 2


PE: Karate, Basketball, Softball

Music: Instrument lessons at public school

Library: Computer Tech Teen, and Tween Advisory Board

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I am going through a small crisis over that. I find myself chanting over and over, "I like what I bought; I will use what I have."


I go back and forth between knowing that for me, there is no perfect open-and-go curriculum and deciding that sure there is, but I haven't found IT yet. I am afraid this board is contributing to my unwellness!


Yours looks solid. I can't look again, though, or I will be digging out my WP catalog!

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Let's see, for math for my 12 yo we've gone through 5 different programs. But one of those was because he finished the book. Honestly!


This must be a new record for me. He finished Jacobs' Algebra in November so we automatically went to Jacobs' Geometry 3rd edition. But he was struggling so we tried Jacobs' Geometry 2nd edition. But that was still a struggle so we went to Jacobs' Mathematics: A Human Endeavor so I could have some time to think. I've had enough time to think and he has been complaining that there is no point to MHE because it's not an "official" high school course so we are going to try TT Geometry. Whew!

Edited by EKS
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Your plan looks good. I haven't personally used any of those items, but it looks like a solid, well-rounded year!


I've changed my mind several times over the last few months. In fact, I need to do a search of my posts to even see what it was I *thought* was a good idea in Jan/Feb. LOL

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You have two full language arts programs and two full science programs (and maybe two full math programs? - I've never seen either one, so I'm guessing here.) You could just choose one of each and be fine. But, I'm really not one to speak about using more than one program per year. :)

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I feel like I have been going NUTS for the past few months. How many time are we "allowed" to change our mind when it comes to curriculum choices????????????:confused::D:D:confused:



Cindy, every single spring I decide to unschool, then talk my way back to homeschooling. I'm in the throws of it right now. Even though I know it's coming, I always do it. It's like Pon Farr.

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Uh...changing the mind...that would rather imply I'd actually made up my mind at some point :lol:


Well, I know we're sticking with Horizons for another year. So that's math covered.


I'm leaning towards Apologia for Science.

TOG Year 1.

SOTW Year 1.


Debating odds and ends. There's so much I want I want I want, but on a tight screaming budget. *sigh*

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I have definitely had these problems. I get something, get started with it and then decide there is something better. I had a 'revelation' this winter though as I was lamenting enjoying a certain curr/sub. We were about 1/2 way through and I was ready to quit it and start something else like I had done the year before. My dd was not happy about that thought. She really wanted to finish something! I had to look at the way I had jumped around and how it had been affecting her. Now after saying that I have changed LA curr as the one we were using she HATED and really wasn't working but I am going to do my best to keep going with the curr. that are working for my two and that they enjoy.

I also found that within me I was unhappy with the one curr. because I hadn't brought in much organization with it. It was to hap hazard for me. I took a week end and organized it all to the end of the book and I found that I enjoyed it much more and we finished it. YEH!!!!

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I change my mind constantly. We've been using the same history curriculum for years, but we've tried a bunch of different LA programs (spelling, writing, grammar, combined). I have several math and science curricula sitting on my shelves, too. Don't feel guilty about changing your mind. We all do it! :) There are so many terrific resources out there now -- homeschoolers from years ago would be green with envy.

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