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Help...I am tired of grading MATH pages..is there a solution?

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I have 5 children and possibly more coming and I just can't stand the thought of grading page after page of math for...how many years? :svengo:


I only have one child to grade many pages for right now...someone please tell me there is another way?


We are using MUS and I want to add Singapore in also. I do have her do all the pages in MUS because I want to make sure she understands it and I think the extra practice is good for that. However, I could do without all of the checking of problems and rechecking for ones she has to correct.


So, is there something else?


Why can't math companies come out with a computer program that checks the work for you??!!! I know a little about TT, but I have heard something negative about it, so I don't know how much I trust it.


Anyway, has anyone else come up with a solution to grading math worksheets?



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During my morning sickness routine for the past several months, I could not keep up with the grading, and my kidlets just graded their own. They would grade it, show it to me and then correct the mistakes and then check the corrections. Probably not completely ideal because I prefer to know exactly what they are missing just in case I need to reteach something, but it worked well for us. With my 2nd grader and K, they do the page, bring it to me and I correct it on the spot then I can help them if they need it. That keeps those two math books from piling up on my to grade pile.

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I have tried having my children correct their own work, but it puts me too far out of the loop. I also ran into trouble with my high school son failing to understand concepts when I was not on top of it.


Now, I have the children (all 4 of them) bring me their work as soon as they finish it. It takes about 2 minutes to correct the twins lessons and about 3-5 minutes to correct the older two children's work.


When we used R&S the papers would pile up because I didn't correct them immediately, and then I would feel totally overwhelmed. I used to grade those papers. Now, I only grade tests/quizzes. That has made things so much easier also.



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The only thing that is working for me is grading them weekly at our piano lessons. I have a notebook with a pocket divider for each child. I take all of their work as they complete it and place it in the front of their individual pocket. I have a bag that has all of the answer keys, a three hole punch, and pens (someone here recommended doing this when I posted a similar question and I'm so thankful). I grab my notebook with their work and my teacher's bag when we go to piano (actually, I can easily grab the bag and take it anywhere) and I spend the hour grading, and if I have time I three hole punch the work I want to keep and get it ready to file in the child's binder and place it in the back of their pocket. Work that needs correcting by the child or if I need to go over something I leave in the front of the pocket.


Ideally, I would grade daily but I just can't seem to make it work. I like the idea of grading their work as soon as they're done, but I'm usually teaching another child.

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Math on the Level only has the kids doing 5 on paper problems per day, so maybe your kiddo doesn't need to do so many. With MOTL, once you are sure the kid knows and understands a type of problem, you cut down from reviewing every day to every second day, then every week, every fortnight. If you notice they start forgetting, you can go back to reviewing more often. Would something like that work?



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I must admit I have felt overwhelmed by the amount of marking I need to do, with only two children. Although, truly, it only takes a couple of minutes for most things and it does keep me in tune with where they are at. I think that is the key. You can leave the marking to them- IF they are responsible enough to redo their wrong answers, and IF they will let you know if they are struggling.

My solution has been to find one child an online program where he puts the answers in and had to redo them and get 100% before he can move on. Its mathematics.com.au- an Australian program. It also teaches him with a voiceover like TT. It has been such a relief to have someone else teach him math- saved a lot of conflict between him and I!

And for the other child, she often marks her own. However, I have found it is of greater benefit if I take the time to go over her work with her. It makes her feel connected and loved that I stick my head in her work, even though she is capable of doign it alone. At least, if I am having a bad day, she can do it herself, though.

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Thanks all.


I have considered MOTL, but I am concerned about them retaining the information. Plus, I love Mr. Demme teaching the lessons!


I think the kicker for me is letting the work pile up, I need to check it sooner!


Retention isn't a prob in MOTL, from what I've read on their message board, because they are constantly reviewing material. The theory is that large amounts of work might plant the info in their short term memory, but it's the frequency of revision that moves it to their long term memory. That's why MOTL does less on paper problems, but keeps them on review for longer. Or as long as you feel is necessary. If they suddenly forget, you can re-teach it and go back to more frequent revision. Still, Mr Demme wouldn't be there to teach it for you and that's definitely a downer ;)



Edited by Rosie_0801
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We check our work immediately when it is complete and we do it orally. This allows me to stop the student when he or she has a wrong answer and ask "How did you come to answer it that way?" and they can spot where they went wrong while the work is fresh in their minds. It takes probably 5 minutes unless they miss a bunch and then it takes more, and rightfully so since they obviously needed more help.

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Excel math has a spiral approach and it has "check answers" so basically the kids add the answers to a set of problems and the sum should match the little number in the corner of the box. The kids know instantly to go back and make corrections. The TE is not strong, but the material is, if you add additional fact practice.

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We check our work immediately when it is complete and we do it orally. This allows me to stop the student when he or she has a wrong answer and ask "How did you come to answer it that way?" and they can spot where they went wrong while the work is fresh in their minds. It takes probably 5 minutes unless they miss a bunch and then it takes more, and rightfully so since they obviously needed more help.


This is pretty much what I do. I don't leave any grading for later - part of doing math is checking the answers and filing it away.


Regarding MOTL - it would definitely reduce your "grading" time but it would also increase your prep time. (I've used MUS for 4 levels and am now using MOTL with my kids, so I'm pretty familiar with both)

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