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HELP--dd's been crying for over an HOUR--

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She woke up at 5:45 this morning, sitting in her bed crying. (She usually wakes up some time after 7.) I went in, petted her, asked if anything was wrong, laid her back down, covered her up, went back to bed.


About 15 min later, she started again, & woke baby. (All 4 are in one room.) So I went & got her up. She said her mouth hurt, so I took her & brushed her teeth, & she seemed fine. Probably a bad dream, woke up too suddenly, whatever.


So we go to the kitchen to make breakfast. We're talking, & she seems ok. I'd turned some quiet music on the radio, & she asked me to turn it off. Weird, but fine. When I turned it off, though, she asked for a movie. I told her no, & she flipped.


I've seen toddler tantrums before--no big deal. I talked to her about it, tried to calm her down, started thinking she was just tired. She'd stop for a few seconds, but never more than a minute, & finally, I took her to my room where she asked to lay in my bed.


That lasted less than 5 min & she was back in the kitchen crying. I took her & laid down w/ her, & she asked for a drink. Got up, got her some milk, she took 2 sips, & started crying.


Finally, I took her back to my room & put her in the pack & play to rest. She sometimes naps there. She flipped, & she didn't calm down like I expected her to. I washed 2, maybe 3 sinkfuls of dishes, & when I turned the water off, she was still crying. :glare:


I went in to check on her, got her up, & took her outside. All of my dc have always calmed down when taken outside. We sat there & talked about the birds (she begged me to go chase one, lol), watched the last bit of the sunrise, & she started crying again.


I checked to see if teeth were coming in, found nothing, but gave her orajel anyway. Nothing. stopped. the. tears.


She's back in her pack & play in my room now. I'm here at the other end of the house banging my head on the computer screen.

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Guest Virginia Dawn
Poor baby! It sounds like she has a sore throat. Does she have a fever too? Hold her and cuddle her to make her feel better, and give her a little Tylenol or Motrin.


That's what I was thinking.

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Poor baby! It sounds like she has a sore throat. Does she have a fever too? Hold her and cuddle her to make her feel better, and give her a little Tylenol or Motrin.


No fever. No signs of anything like illness. Except the crying, of course.

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Could she have an ear infection?


My kids were always unconsolable, didn't know what to do with themselves, couldn't swallow a lot cause it hurt etc. It was always, always ear infection.


Is she worse when laying down? Better upright?


Stuck to my leg seems to help. Or in my arms. But she's still wailing there.


ETA: I can't tell a difference in her crying whether she's laying down or upright.

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Could she have an ear infection?


My kids were always unconsolable, didn't know what to do with themselves, couldn't swallow a lot cause it hurt etc. It was always, always ear infection.


Is she worse when laying down? Better upright?


:iagree::iagree: This was my first thought. and my second thought and matter of fact, yep, my third thought. Laying down adds pressure, as does drinking anything. Poor lil one...

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Whew. She fell asleep while I was in here. I'll keep an eye on her ears. Thanks, ladies.


ETA: Nope. Still crying. Got her up, & w/ her first breath, she said, "Pooh." :001_huh:


She's watching Winnie now. Happily. :glare:

Edited by Aubrey
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My DS7 is prone to ear infections.

He never complains of his ears hurting and he never runs a fever.

He will start by either complaining that his mouth or his throat hurts. He cries and is horribly whiny, can't sleep - not his normal self.

I am always baffled... Several hours later, when he actually starts pulling at his ear, is when I realize that he has an ear infection. :tongue_smilie:


Best wishes with your daughter!

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I know you said she doesn't have a fever so my initial idea of "hand, foot and mouth disease" is probably wrong. BUUTTT....just in case I thought I'd mention it. Dd16 woke up one day when she was little with crying and complaining about her mouth. She wouldn't eat and seemed just plain miserable. I took her to the ped and he diagnosed hand, foot, and mouth disease. He told me to mix equal parts of mylanta and liquid benadryl together and have her swish it around in her mouth. Amazingly, she felt immediate relief. She was over it in a few days.


If that's not what it is this time, tuck this info away for future reference.:)

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Could it have been night terrors? Three of my kids have had them. (My 5yo gets them now, on occasion.) If I don't get him completely awake (which takes some doing) when he first wakes with them, the crying and seemingly irrational behavior associated with them can go on for hours.

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Could she have an ear infection?


My kids were always unconsolable, didn't know what to do with themselves, couldn't swallow a lot cause it hurt etc. It was always, always ear infection.



Same here with my DD. She didn't often get them, but invariably when she would wake up at 5 am screaming.... it was an ear infection. I'd say take her to the doctor. Of course, my rule of thumb is to take the kid when the basic personality changes. For me, that is a better indicator of illness than fever.

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Could it have been night terrors? Three of my kids have had them. (My 5yo gets them now, on occasion.) If I don't get him completely awake (which takes some doing) when he first wakes with them, the crying and seemingly irrational behavior associated with them can go on for hours.

One of ours got night terrors after eating hot dogs. It took us about three incidents to figure out the connection. The nitrates/nitrates apparently were to blame. The good folks at Oscar Meyer advised that he never eat their product again. Ds wasn't really awake when he was running around crying and frantic so we treated him like one would a sleepwalker and guided him back to his bed and sat beside him until he was calmly sleeping.

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No real advice here, just :grouphug: for you and your dd.


Since it's almost the weekend, I would suggest making a doctor's appointment for late this afternoon, just in case it is something like an ear infection. If dd is fine and bouncy by then, you can always cancel, but if she still isn't acting right, you'll already have an appointment.


I hate it when kids get sick, but it's even worse on weekends because you can't always get your regular doctor!


I hope it turns out to be nothing and that she'll be just fine soon, but I'd still call the doctor so I had a backup plan!



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Oh gosh, Aubrey...I bet it is the fires (or the smoke in the air from the fires). Poor baby girl! Bless her heart! I hope she feels better soon. Maybe you should put that movie in she was wanting to watch...LOL.


Is she breathing okay? Maybe take her in the bathroom with steam and see if that helps any (it may make her sinuses clear a bit?

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How's she doing now? Did Winnie the Pooh solve all her problems?


She's been a little off all day, kind-of warm before nap time, napped a little longer than usual, but...not. quite. sick. Kwim?


If it's not her ears (& I'm not sure it's not), I wonder if it could be a growth thing. That sounds random now that I type it, but she's just developed so much in the last month. She said her first sentence today, has been learning so many words suddenly, expressing more complicated ideas, & decided she was going to potty train herself. (Besides going to the bathroom today w/out telling me or asking for help, she's just stopped pooping in her diaper. For the last 2-3 weeks, she's been telling me when she needs to go. I think that's bizarre.)


Anyway, I guess we'll see how she is in the morning. She was borderline colicky as an infant, & this morning was...familiar, iykwim. In a kind-of sleep-deprived, nightmarish sort of way.

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About ear infections.... My DD-now7 used to get ear infections w/out fever (at first) all the time. I would know for a couple of reasons. She would take longer naps, but the real key for that she'd CRY and pull off every time she'd nurse. If baby isn't still nursing or drinking from a bottle, how about a sippy cup? They have to create pressure in their mouths to pull the sip, which affects their ear. If the ear is sensitive due to infection, she may be upset, cry, or refuse to drink from it. Has she been drinking from a sippy cup at all?


Have you checked her head to toe? (for things like "owies", strings (great post!), or ticks?). When was the last time she pooped? My DS-now2 had a serious constipation issue when he was under 16mo. Sometimes he'd get super fussy, and I'd forget at first, but then remember, "oh yeah, he hasn't pooped in 3 days! of course he's cranky!" (and out would come the glycerin suppositories! mommy to the rescue! poor kid....learning to walk cured most of this issue - weird, huh?).


FWIW, I will never ignore a cry. It's bad actually, b/c training kiddo to sleep through the night is painful to me. But I had the bad experience of having my oldest (when he was about 2yo) cry a bunch of time once (when we were trying to sleep training him). When I finally broke down and went in to deal with him, he had a swollen mouth. He'd had an allergic reaction to something and his mouth was swelled half shut! and I was unknowingly ignoring him! Poor kid! OMGoodness, it has made me a neurotic mommy - I can't ignore fussiness now!


Anyway, I wish you well. I'd give her one dose of ibuprofin to see if changes her mood at all. If it does, you at least know that SOMETHING is hurting/swelling. From there, if you can't figure it out, I'd take her to the Dr.'s office.


Good luck to you and baby girl!


- Stacey in MA

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I don't think growth/developmental thing is "crazy". Many, many kids have a fussy period (even as they get older) around the time that they're making a big developmental leap. On the other hand, in my experience at least, the fussiness usually precedes the leap, rather than following or even being concurrent. But making all those big leaps at once *could* certainly cause crankiness and restlessness...


But I'd still keep an eye on her for strep / ear infection stuff. And if she's not 100% by Monday, I would take her in, if she were my child. Just because that's so exactly how my dd presents when she has strep and ear infections...


And good for her on the potty training stuff!

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I wonder if this: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=93293 could be what's hurting her?


Sorry, Aubrey. I know it's tough to listen to long bouts of toddler moaning, but she really does need lots of comfort and TLC right now. About six months ago, we had a house burn down near my parents' house -- we were visiting that day. All THREE of my little daughters came down with something the next day -- earaches, sore throats, coughing. I did, too, now that I think of it!


A humidifier helps, as does a nice warm, steamy bath. You could try putting Vicks Vapor Bath in the water, also put on some Vicks cream (on her chest) afterwards. A doctor visit might be in order, if her ears are sore. Pull on her earlobes (gently), if she screams, it's painful.


We like to give our twin toddlers warm mint/chamomile tea with honey when they are under the weather, the honey soothes sore throats. If she has a favorite blanket/toy, you might just be snuggling with her for a while. HTH.

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Vicks is dangerous for babies!




Do NOT apply products containing peppermint oil, camphor or menthol on the face (especially in the nose) or chest of a baby or young child. There have been cases where the direct application of menthol or camphor products (for example, Vicks VapoRub™) to baby's skin resulted in severe breathing difficulties or liver problems (see note from Tom Hale, pdf.gifCamphor Hepatoxicity, Camphor Monograph and Menthol Toxicology).
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