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A question: Do you believe in free will? (not necessarily cc)

Guest Virginia Dawn

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Guest Virginia Dawn

This topic came up in conversation with one of my older kids last week.


So, do you believe in free will, that we always have choices? Or do you think something else determines the path of our life, even though we may think it is our own will at times?



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I think we are all free to make our own choices within certain limits. For example, we can choose what we do with our resources, how we respond to others, etc. but we can't necessarily control what our options are. We may desire/will a flying caror the ability to teleport, but if the technology doesn't exist then we are able to choose those things, KWIM?

I don't think that it is possible to have that freedom if there is an all powerful being that is 'in charge' of everything though.

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Yes, but we always act according to our nature. For example, a tiger out in the wild has the freedom to eat anything he wants - nuts, berries, grass, etc. But, he eats meat because he is a tiger. That is his nature. I am assuming that this question had spiritual connotations so, bringing that into the human/moral realm, I believe we have a sinful nature and so we act according to that nature. I don't think that means we always choose to do the wrong thing, but when you think about it - it is the virtues that we have to train into our children. The vices - lying, fighting, disobedience, rebellion, selfishness come naturally. I don't know anyone who has ever had to teach their child how to lie.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I didn't necessarily expect answers with spiritual connotations. I'm interested in as many points of view as there are people willing to express them. At least in this thread. :-)

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