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I suspect UTI in my 3 yo - she won't t***kle in cup...

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Okay, this is one of those delicate issues. I have been trying for the past 5 hours to get her to give a sample into a cup so the Clinic can do the dip test for a UTI, and she just WON'T do it. She says she's scared of the cup.


I have tried incentives, taking privileges away; unforunately, I've shown her all gamut of emotions -- I don't feel like the strong mommy right now. I'm telling you, I'm at the end of my rope. I was actually in tears at the doctor's office (we are now home...) because of this. Sounds dumb, I know, but this is the last straw in a long line of awfulness that is the month of March. In our household, we have experienced the following: 2 streps, 2 UTIs prior to this one, pink eye, bronchitis, severe constipation in my 5 year old, I've had a weird virus for 5 weeks that developed into bronchitis, so I have had the wonderful follow-up infection to too many antibiotics....this was ust the straw the broke the camel's back. TMI I KNOW!!!! I'm just WORN OUT!


So back to the subject...any ideas? While on Base I even took her to the toy section of the BX and told her we could pick out a toy, and then come back and get it after she went in the cup. Nope. I've been shoving the fluids down, and she won't even go normally -- hasn't gone since she woke up at 7:00 this morning, and now it is 2:30. I know it is probably uncomfortable for her to go, but....

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Or you can drap saran wrap over the bowl and cup it down in toward the water of the toilet, so that it makes a large bowl or cup, if you will. She can then use the bathroom as per normal and you can dip the clean container into the urine you've caught, then dump the rest into the bowl.


And THIS is why I post on this board!!! I am JUST NOT THAT CREATIVE! Thanks for this great idea. I'm gonna try it out right now.

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Your dd needs cranberry concentrate. Open 2 capsules and sprinkle in a tablespoon (teaspoon?) of yogurt or applesauce. Do this SEVERAL times throughout the day. You can LITERALLY knock a UTI out of your system in hours if you take enough. (As an adult - I took 6 capsules every 30 minutes for 6 hours and drank a TON of water. I had to pee every 15 minutes. Then I decreased the dose but continued for a few days). It works because it makes your tract slippery and the bacteria can no longer stick.


Can I suggest acidophillus for you.

You can take it orally AND mix it up in a bit of nice cold plain yogurt and apply topically for INSTANT relief. I can knock a bad one out in about 3 days because I really dose myself orally. The topical helps cure it a little - but I do that mostly for comfort.

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And THIS is why I post on this board!!! I am JUST NOT THAT CREATIVE! Thanks for this great idea. I'm gonna try it out right now.


It IS a good idea for something like a basic urinalysis but you really want a clean catch urine sample for something like a UTI. They are going to find bacteria NO MATTER WHAT is really going on inside if you contaminate it.


And I am sooooo sorry your month has sucked.

But hey.....tomorrow is April Fool's Day!

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I hope you can get the sample. I have had UTIs my ENTIRE life, and two of my three girls have had them. UTIs themselves are not dangerous, but they can progress to a kidney infection quickly, which can lead to lifelong problems. Not to mention the fact that a UTI is terribly painful. Poor baby!


I would agree with the pp who suggested going ahead and treating her for a UTI. I don't agree with the overuse of antibiotics either, but this is something near and dear to me. :grouphug:

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I've been getting UTI's since I was 5 years old. It got to a point where I'd have one every year, sometimes twice; more in a bad year.


In the 12.5 years we've lived in this home, I've gotten one or two. I drank cranberry faithfully but got sick of it.


Two weeks ago I awoke with one and was upset because I felt it was far too advanced for anything natural. I heard raw, organic, unprocessed apple cider vinegar would work on them (I give it to my mother daily who is prone to UTI. She was on maintenance antibiotics just to keep UTI away. Two months and counting with none - this is GOOD!) so I made a strooooooooong glass of vinegar water and the infection went away! I was shocked! I've been drinking it ever since.


Try to get your daughter to drink cranberry juice and put some of the vinegar water in. If she'll drink it, the UTI will go away without meds!


If you do put her on meds, please get some good probiotics at the health food store to put her on once she's finished her meds. They will replace the good bacteria that the antibiotics kill. They're completely safe.


Sorry, not the answer you were looking for, but maybe this will help you in the future!

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Oh my, I have been there! My doctor's office insisted we get a sample so we waited for two days and then she felt so miserable she refused to take her medicine. Long story... she ended up in the hospital with a kidney infection and on i.v. antibiotics. If the saran wrap thing doesn't work just get her the meds.


Best of luck!

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Well, I finally got her to go...she thought it wasn't scary to go into a clean metal bowl in the bathtub. :lol: I find that humorous.


Good news is the rapid test came back negative for a UTI, but so did the first one...it was only after the 4 day culture that we found out she did indeed have one. The not knowing is worse than the actual treatment in my mind!

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I've been getting UTI's since I was 5 years old. It got to a point where I'd have one every year, sometimes twice; more in a bad year.


In the 12.5 years we've lived in this home, I've gotten one or two. I drank cranberry faithfully but got sick of it.


Two weeks ago I awoke with one and was upset because I felt it was far too advanced for anything natural. I heard raw, organic, unprocessed apple cider vinegar would work on them (I give it to my mother daily who is prone to UTI. She was on maintenance antibiotics just to keep UTI away. Two months and counting with none - this is GOOD!) so I made a strooooooooong glass of vinegar water and the infection went away! I was shocked! I've been drinking it ever since.


Try to get your daughter to drink cranberry juice and put some of the vinegar water in. If she'll drink it, the UTI will go away without meds!


If you do put her on meds, please get some good probiotics at the health food store to put her on once she's finished her meds. They will replace the good bacteria that the antibiotics kill. They're completely safe.


Sorry, not the answer you were looking for, but maybe this will help you in the future!


Ooooh, I like this idea. I'm going to try it out while we're waiting...she actually LIKES vinegar...her favorite dressing is oil and vinegar, strong on the vinegar!

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For future reference, ask for a "hat". It is a plastic thing that fits in the toilet like an upside down hat. It is designed specifically for urine catching. We have a few of these at home along with the specimen cups, wipes, etc.

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Take her to the clinic and ask the nurse for a "hat". They're like a potty chair catch-bowl, they sit under the lid, inside the bowl - used to measure output in ambulatory patients. (If you gave birth in a hospital, there was probably one in your toilet.)


If she's anxious about going at the clinic, you can probably buy one in a drug store. Then, just pour the, uh, "output" into the collection cup.



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Well, I finally got her to go...she thought it wasn't scary to go into a clean metal bowl in the bathtub. :lol: I find that humorous.


Good news is the rapid test came back negative for a UTI, but so did the first one...it was only after the 4 day culture that we found out she did indeed have one. The not knowing is worse than the actual treatment in my mind!


If she'll drink it, get some sparkling water (like Apollarnis) and straight cranberry juice (no sugar). Mix a splash of the juice into the water. Give her sips of this, or let her chug it if she's willing. Karensn is right -- the cranberry makes the bladder inhospitable to bacteria, and they slide right out. They can't adhere in there. I knocked out a UTI just two days ago with one big ol' glass of the stuff.

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