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frequent diaper rash question

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Ds keeps getting really bad diaper rash about every 6-8 weeks. It is so frustrating!:banghead: Ten days of nystatin use later, he is fine and stays that way. Then for no apparent reason, it comes back! It's the rotten yeast kind of rash, so I know it won't go away with regular diaper rash cream.


Have any of your dc had this problem? Is it something I will just have to deal with until he's potty trained (hopefully this summer)? Any thoughts or advice? BTW, what's the OTC cream that's similar to nystatin?

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We had to use a prescription kind, I think the dr called it "Miracle Cream". Maybe you could call the pediatrician and they could tell you another kind that works well.


I know the dr told us to run warm air from a hair dryer after changing our son.


I hope you can find some relief soon!!!

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Have you tried Bag Balm? We never had diaper rash issues after the pediatrician told me about it...with baby #6! He couldn't believe that I had never heard of it with that many babies to my credit. I don't think it is as commonly known in Southern California as in Oregon.

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Have you tried Bag Balm? We never had diaper rash issues after the pediatrician told me about it...with baby #6! He couldn't believe that I had never heard of it with that many babies to my credit. I don't think it is as commonly known in Southern California as in Oregon.



:iagree::iagree: Yes ma'am! That's the ticket!


I'm so glad my MIL told me about that. We used it with every change. Never had another bad rash again.


It's also the only thing that keeps my hands from chapping so bad they crack in the coldest part of winter.

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My older dd had awful diaper rashes. It wasn't until just before she was potty trained :glare: that I discovered that she was lactose intolerant, and it was the cow's milk she was drinking that caused the rashes.


So that would be my first thought.

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Have you tried switching the type or brand of diapers? My youngest had horrible diaper rash. It was awful. We were using cloth diapers and I had even gone to setting a timer and changing him every half hour just to try to keep him dry. It didn't work. Due to other circumstances, he ended up in disposables for a few days and suddenly the diaper rash went away. I was astonished. Cloth is supposed to be better for diaper rash. Apparently not for this child.


Anyway, if you are using cloth you might try disposables. And if you are using disposables you might try cloth.


Good luck and I hope you little one feels better.

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:iagree::iagree: Yes ma'am! That's the ticket!


I'm so glad my MIL told me about that. We used it with every change. Never had another bad rash again.


It's also the only thing that keeps my hands from chapping so bad they crack in the coldest part of winter.


Does it still work if the rash is due to yeast?

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My first dd had terrible rashes. For at least her first 9 months. I found that -- a) I couldn't use baby wipes, and b) if she still got a rash, traditional OTC diaper rash creams didn't work, even Bag Balm or Aquafor (another one that was recommended).


When I took her somewhere where she would be in someone else's care (like church nursery), I'd put a sticker on her clothing and on the diaper she was wearing, warning people not to use wipes. At home and out & about I used a damp washcloth to clean, and a dry one to pat dry. If she wasn't dry enough, she'd break out again.


Nystatin worked well, but you're only supposed to use it on the rash itself, not skin w/o rash. So I used Vaseline on the healthy areas, and that worked well. On areas where the rash was really bad, and painful, especially when the Nystatin was applied, I found that Neosporin worked well. So well that I mostly used Neosporin on rash areas and Vaseline on healthy skin. Cost less than a prescription, and I didn't have to worry about overusing the prescription meds, which I think was a warning on the drug info sheet.


Sometimes the prescription for Nystatin was for the cream, and that definitely did not work as well as the ointment, so I'd ask for the ointment.


So, yes, I tried just about everything under the sun and found that Vaseline (any brand of petroleum jelly) and Neosporin (or any brand of triple antibiotic ointment) worked best (for us).

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My older dd had awful diaper rashes. It wasn't until just before she was potty trained :glare: that I discovered that she was lactose intolerant, and it was the cow's milk she was drinking that caused the rashes.


So that would be my first thought.


Yes, this would also be one of my first thoughts. One of my dc (I've lost track of which one :tongue_smilie:) would get a severe diaper rash (crying in agony) if she had ice cream.


Before you accuse me of being a bad mom for feeding my baby ice cream, I'll confess that each of my four dc was over three years old before they were toilet trained. :blush5:




ETA: All of my dc are fine with dairy products now, so it was probably an ingredient other than lactose that caused the problem.

Edited by LBC
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My daughter is lactose intolerant and I could always tell if she had some because she'd get bad diaper rash and it would smell acidic. She's pretty sensitive down there anyhow. She gets yeast infections and then these other weird infections that I went to the dr. for and he pretty much said it's like acne (it was little pustules) and would come and go. And it does. Strange. I'll be so glad when she's potty trained. She just turned 3 and has absolutely no interest.

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Aloe Vera Gel, each time you diaper change....Rinse area, pat dry, apply a decent film of it. ( I think I used Jason's...just one without perfume and colors...) and voila....it could work for you, too! And ...if it's yeast...then I'd be doing something else. I'd ask about over the counter yeast infection medicine. Just a bit...and see if it works.... I used that for my son's yeast infection when he was a baby....(on his little manhood parts:-)

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I'd definately stay away from commercial wipes. I kept a small supply of baby washclothes in a certain color for "butt wipes." That made a huge difference in the rash situation here.


Milk allergy can be a biggie...


I also made "Butt Mudd" fairly regularly. Use a cotton ball to dab it on after every change. It worked much better for me than the prescription stuff.


Butt Mudd--Mix equal parts of:

Mylanta or Maalox (liquid)

Desitin (regular, not creamy)

Lotrimin (cheap generic works just as well)

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This stuff is known as Magic Butt Cream around here---our pharmacy will even mix it up if you want. The children's hospital uses it for their patients as well. GREAT STUFF>


[i also made "Butt Mudd" fairly regularly. Use a cotton ball to dab it on after every change. It worked much better for me than the prescription stuff.


Butt Mudd--Mix equal parts of:

Mylanta or Maalox (liquid)

Desitin (regular, not creamy)

Lotrimin (cheap generic works just as well)

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Both of my daughters had a peach and strawberry allergy which manifested itself as a yeast diaper rash. They had to not eat those fruits for a couple of years until they grew out of it. So, it may be something that your child is eating (or you are eating if you are nursing).


Also, my youngest, had issues with a certain kind of diaper so switching diapers was a the relief that we needed.


Since, all 3 have suffered yeast rashes we have always kept on hand Lotrimin powder to use as we needed.


Good luck. I hope you figure it out.

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Have you tried switching the type or brand of diapers? My youngest had horrible diaper rash. It was awful. We were using cloth diapers and I had even gone to setting a timer and changing him every half hour just to try to keep him dry. It didn't work. Due to other circumstances, he ended up in disposables for a few days and suddenly the diaper rash went away. I was astonished. Cloth is supposed to be better for diaper rash. Apparently not for this child.


Anyway, if you are using cloth you might try disposables. And if you are using disposables you might try cloth.


Good luck and I hope you little one feels better.


This was the case with us as well. Ds was allergic to the diapers. It was the same brand we had used since birth...but something about the new type for his age caused him to have awful rashes...constantly. I tried all different ointments. When someone suggested the diapers could be the cause, I smiled, thanked them for the advice and secretly thought, "Whatever." But I decided to try a different brand and we never had another problem.

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