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Natasha Richardson has passed away...

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I am so sad about that. Liam Neeson is one of my favorite actors, he always plays characters with such strength and conviction. I wish him and his family strength during this time.


He plays a man bringing up his (step)son after the death of his wife.



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I just heard this, too. This is so tragic for that family. The skiing accident was so bizarre---it sounded like a small bump on the head on the beginner's slope. It didn't sound like it would be a fatal injury. :(


It's a very sad situation.


I'm thinking the fall was more serious than the articles have made it sound, because her ski instructor escorted her back to the hotel and encouraged her to call her doctor. Trust me, you can fall a lot during a ski lesson and not be escorted off the mountain. I'm also curious about helmet usage.


I feel for her family and friends.

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Well, she hadn't been wearing a helmet (who would?) and was initially feeling fine. The instructor escorted her back to the hotel where she got severe head pain after an hour. All pretty standard for a head injury, to wait its time out.


About the instructor taking her back, well, this was a luxury place and she was a pretty famous person...


We never know our time.

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About the instructor taking her back, well, this was a luxury place and she was a pretty famous person...



Tremblant isn't a luxury place. It's just a ski mountain. (DH skied there a couple of years ago.) And famous or not, falls are expected when you are learning to ski. They usually don't end the lesson or earn you an escort to the hotel.

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but also, there has been some speculation that the fall itself might have been a sign of something wrong with her - that she might have had a minor brain bleed or something that caused the fall in the first place and that they became worse. Perhaps there was something about the fall that concerned the skin instructor. Or perhaps she seems disoriented or dizzy. Or perhaps it just didn't seem right to him. Or maybe he wanted to make sure she got back to the hotel without getting stopped for autographs and photos.

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Tremblant isn't a luxury place. It's just a ski mountain. (DH skied there a couple of years ago.) And famous or not, falls are expected when you are learning to ski. They usually don't end the lesson or earn you an escort to the hotel.


I am not familiar with the mountai area, but had read the hotel was a luxury resort.


It would somehow seem reassuring if she already had a brain bleed, a lot less random than if it was merely from a fall on the beginner slope.

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I have read some good articles about helmet use that have been linked to her story. The most interesting thing I have read so far is that for every sport except skiing the increased use of helmets has reduced death rates. When skiing is looked at individually, even though helmet use has dramatically increased, the death rate due to head injuries has stayed the same.

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I have read some good articles about helmet use that have been linked to her story. The most interesting thing I have read so far is that for every sport except skiing the increased use of helmets has reduced death rates. When skiing is looked at individually, even though helmet use has dramatically increased, the death rate due to head injuries has stayed the same.


This is interesting. I would be interested to know if anyone has compared how speed affects this equation. If slower speed + helmet = reduced rate of injury vs. higher speed + helmet = injury regardless of helmet usage. I guess my question is: do the ultra light weight helmets for skiing only protect at lower speeds/impacts?


My kids aren't allowed on the mountain without a helmet. Period. And their helmets were the most expensive piece of gear I bought. But if they are flying down a mountain....will it make a difference?

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I was skiing, hit the ski lift pole and was unconscious for three days. I have no memory of any of it--just waking up in a hospital three days later. Official diagnosis was concussion, broken jaw, and stitches on my chin. I did this during my freshman year and my grades took a serious nosedive that spring. Also, I had memory problems and awareness problems. But those eventually subsided.


Since then I have read a couple of books about Traumatic Head Injury and the possible changes to personality, behavior, abilities. They are positively frightening! I feel so blessed to have escaped death or serious injury!



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