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My little sweetie is soooo sick right now....

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I would appreciate any prayers you could send her way. We went to the Dr. this morning, and she has strep., and is very dehydrated. Dr. was considering doing an IV to "get her back on her feet". We avoided that, but I need to get about 4 liters of liquids in her in the next 48 hours. She only weighs 64 lbs.!!!! That's a lot of liquid for a little person!


Was just thinking about how blessed we are to be able to drive over to the store and get the meds we need in minutes! I feel so sorry for those who don't have that luxury.


TIA for your prayers, Jackie

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Oh - I'm so sorry you're going through this. We had 6 days of fever last week in two of my kids. Four of those days were at 105!! Yikes.


Anyway, one of my kids had an incredibly sore throat (tested neg for strep) and I could get him to drink water after he'd had honey/lemon juice mixture. Also, they lived on frozen blueberries.

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My almost 9 ds woke us up in the middle of the night to tell us he felt dehydrated and like 'he was going to die'. I took him to the doctor today, and turns out he has strep, too. After reading your thread, I just went upstairs and gave him a bottle of water to take sips from. Thanks for posting about the dangers of dehydration with strep. And I pray that your little one starts feeling better soon, too!



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An IV is not a bad idea - I recall how much better I felt when I had the flu and was dehydrated - within minutes of the iv starting in the ER I felt soooo much better!


I agree. Unless there is a big fear or past trauma involving IVs & needles, I'd give my kids an IV in a heartbeat if the doc wanted it. When my kids were sick enough for an IV they barely noticed it going in.

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:iagree: An IV isn't as bad as it sounds. When dd was diagnosed with type 1 d. they put her on one and it was miraculous. We hope your little one is feeling better soon. oh, Pedialyte is pretty good and doesn't have so much coloring added. I drank it myself when morning sickness had me dehydrated.

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Did anyone get any sleep? Are the two of you keeping things down? (I get nauseated when little guy is very sick).


She is up this morning, and feeling better. She has kept about 20 oz of gatorade down. She has a bladder about the size of an eye dropper, so she's a busy little girl, this morning.


And yes, I get nauseated when my dc are sick, too. I feel like such a wimp!! Yesterday, when dd had blood drawn to check extent of dehydration, she literally only raised an eyebrow as the needle went in. I was standing there hoping and praying that I wouldn't pass out. :svengo:


Needles in livestock? No problem!! Needles in my sweet little girl?? BIG PROBLEM!!!



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