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How long do I wait for used curriculum to be mailed?

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I need some advice. I don't want to be rude or uncaring so I'm asking for advice here. I bought some used homeschool items two weeks ago using paypal. The person still has not mailed them to me. She didn't mail them the first week cause she had health issues. The second week she said she was waiting for paypal to transfer the money to her bank account so she can pay the postage. This week she says she has health issues again. and is hoping to mail them mid week this week.


Basically, I just haven't said anything. After all, it's outside my control. However, when I sell something I try to mail it the next day after I receive paypal confirmation.


Meanwhile, I told my ds that I had bought a new math book for him so he's been asking for it every day.


So do I let her know that it is frustrating me? I've tried to be patient, but it's beginning to try my patience!! Do I ask for a refund? Do I give up and just hunt the book elsewhere?


See I am torn because I don't want to be unChristian like in my attitude if someone really is sick or having financial issues, but at the same time I want to scream in frustration! If I had known, it would be like this, I would never in a million years have purchased these items from this seller.

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First: :grouphug:


Second: It wasn't me that sold you the book was it? lol, I hope that at least got you to crack a smile:D


Communication is key on both parts. I would let the seller know that you will need a refund of your money if the item is not shipped by X date or a partial refund, upgraded shipping paid for by the seller are also options.


In the meantime you may want to look for the item to purchase from someone else before you cancel this deal. That way you know that it will be on its way.


It is very understanding of you and at the same time you need to continue to home educate your ds.


Hope you are able to resolve this situation as a win-win for both parties involved.


Added note: PayPal payments are available for immediate use to use PayPal shipping. If the funds need to be transfered to the owners checking acct. this shouldn't take more than 3-5 business days.

Edited by jubilee
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Wait. You paid via paypal but they're waiting for money to be transferred into their paypal account to pay the postage? Shouldn't the money already be in the paypal account? This sounds odd.


Having said that, I am horrible at getting things out fast. I have the best of intentions, but am not as organized as I'd like to be. I strive to improve and I hope I have, but end up feeling awful if I make people wait.

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I know how you feel. I have had this happen to me. in the end I just started emailing them every 2 days. they sent the books.BUT, I have been on the other side once. someone bought books from me, then my whole family came down with a tummy bug and had vomiting. there was just no way I could get to the post office to post the books. I emailed the person, and they understood. I sent the books as soon as I was well enough.

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Wait. You paid via paypal but they're waiting for money to be transferred into their paypal account to pay the postage? Shouldn't the money already be in the paypal account? This sounds odd.


It sounds like the lady is waiting for the money to be transferred to her bank account out of Pay Pal so she can pay postage.

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I have had some rough times buying curriculum too. At least the woman is contacting you. I bought something recently and had the seller tell me she mailed them, then not answer my e-mails, then about 3.5 weeks later, they finally show up and they were mailed 3 days before they got to me. I thanked her for them and she never responded. It was the strangest transaction! But at least the books did finally come. :(


I have also had one person (not on this board) totally rip me off and just never send the book. That was from Vegsource and VERY disappointing. :(


I hope she will mail your books soon!

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PM'ing you to see if it's the same person. If so, I'd cancel my paypal payment if you can. It is just not worth the hassle.


I bought something that was advertised as two items and some related books. I only bought it for the two advertised items as I already had most of the books. One of the items arrived. The second still has not arrived. I would not have purchased the items if I had known I would only receive one of the items.


Of all the used curricula I've bought, this is the only time I've had any trouble buying here. On the one hand, it's irritating. On the other, the seller seems nice so I don't want to besmirch her selling reputation. I just keep hoping the missing item will show up one of these days.....


Good luck to you.


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While she may be legit (the same thing happened to me once on the old board - the lady said she was sick, then went out of town, then forgot), she may not be honest. It's hard to tell, KWIM?


Just a suggestion to consider, if you are really questioning her honesty: you can open a dispute with Paypal. If you do open a dispute, send all correspondence through the Paypal site so they have a record of your communications. Once I did this, and the seller promptly refunded my money.


ETA: You might want to send her an email letting her know if she can't send the books by Wednesday (or Thursday, if you are willing to wait that long), then you'd like a refund.

Edited by klmama
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