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While yall are praying, please include these little girls...

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I just read on my facebook that a friend of ours from high school passed away 2 days ago. She was 40. She got an ear infection and it apparently turned into meningitis and killed her. Her daughters look to be about 3 and 5/6.


I haven't talked to Melissa since high school (she was a bubbly, fun person), but I am always burdened for any children who lose a parent, and these babies are so young to have lost their mother.


If it's on your heart, just say a quick prayer for 2 precious little girls who have no mommy tonight. It just breaks my heart.


**This also just angers me to no end about the "super infections" and how antibiotics are so overused that the germs are getting more and more powerful. My daughter's oral surgeon was just talking to me about stuff like this when her mouth got so infected after her oral surgery. It's scary folks!

Edited by StaceyinLA
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I'm praying for this family for sure. I believe it must be the same family from here in Nashville. My friend's daughter was in her Daisy troop. So unbelievably tragic. This is the second person I've known of who has started with ear/sinus infection and died days later. The Daisies are set to march in a "parade" at her funeral. I heard she was an amazing lady.


Prayers, prayers, prayers.

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