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OK - I'm switching to K12 - Care to comment?


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Last week I wrote that I was going to try out K12 Science through our WAVA. (My state allows part-time enrollment and continued "homeschool" status with less than 6 WAVA classes.) In the meantime I've looked again at their LA & Math, and I like what I see. On first look I didn't like the LA, because it didn't seem very phoinics strong (there were some sight words :eek: in K or 1st grade). But looking at it a second time, I really liked the fullness of the LA program. What I really, REALLY like is that (xx cross my fingers xx) the prescheduled lesson plans, and the teacher accountability will help me to get it all done! I feel like if someone is checking on me I can do so much more than I'm doing now. That's how I've always been, and I might as well admit, I'm still that way. I clean the house when people are coming over, I get dinner ready when hubby will be home, I do the laundry when we're out of clothes, etc. etc. If something really NEEDS to get done, I get it done, otherwise, I wait until it really NEEDS to get done, KWIM? With this being said, and admitted, I think I will be much happier with myself and my progress homeschooling with someone calling in on me to see what I've gotten done. I'm looking forward to the "government intervention", though I never thought I'd say that. :D

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I think you & I are kindred spirits! I am the same way, and that is why I have been considering it myself. I'm still torn and not sure what I'm going to do. I did fill out the open enrollment form though, just in case. A lot of things make me nervous, especially the tendency we have to get off on bunny trails-but good bunny trails. I don't want to be like a drill sergant with my dc because we aren't getting stuff done in a timely manner. I will be very interested to see what your experiences are.

:lurk5:(Dd was watching & wanted me to click this):auto:(and this)

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I have been working for a K12 VA in a different state for two years and have not enrolled my dd, partly because of that "government intervention" issue - also wanted to do it "my" way - but as the accountability teacher, I really do love what I see and am strongly pulled to do this for 6th grade next year! (bonus - one less student on my class list!!!)

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I'd give it a try if someone else was paying for it. ;) Let us know how it goes.


Me, too. I've been able to sample their literature course for 3rd and like it a lot. Unfortunately we don't have a virtual charter option in this state, and don't have the money to sign up with K12.

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Hello, though it's just been a few days I wanted to post an update on our use of K12.


My children love the Science lessons, which are mostly on-line, with some hands on projects. My son loves the K level, which has some on-line games that go with the lessons. My daughter likes level 4, and she has made an experiment testing which things will decompose and which things will not in a pile of dirt & water. She made this in a jar, and she'll test her predictions in 2 weeks. This is the first real science experiment we've ever done. I think this is going to work for us very well.


I had our first conference call with our teacher. She was very encouraging and inspiring. I am thinking this is just what I need at this stage of homeschooling. Encouragement and inspiration that's just a phone call away, and accountability at my fingertips right on my computer. I'm very encouraged.


We'll see how it goes. I'll keep the updates coming as long as anyone wants to read them.

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My 6th grader is doing everything except math and I fold the second and fourth graders in for his history and art. My 4th grader is doing K12 LA (which is all offline making the monthly fee seem less worth it), but overall I am extremely impressed with the program and enjoying it much more than I anticipated I would. Personally I'm glad I'm not in a VA b/c I don't think I could keep up. We don't get everything done on our recommended schedule every day (by a long shot). I'm a lot like you in often needing external motivation to get things done, but at the same time I also resent having someone looking over my shoulder. It would be awfully tempting to get the curriculum for free were it an option for me though. Anyway, the material itself is extremely thorough and well organized. I have found K12 to be a great asset in the arsenal of tools available to homeschoolers these days. Enjoy it as long as it is working for your family, and, as with everything, you can always change directions if it stops working.

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Last week I wrote that I was going to try out K12 Science through our WAVA. (My state allows part-time enrollment and continued "homeschool" status with less than 6 WAVA classes.) :D


I am not familiar with WAVA. Can you explain that? And can you talk more about WA State's "part time "Homeschool" status. I wasn't aware of this either , when govt funding is involved. I am very aware of the "alternative" legal status labels for many of the school district's offered Home and School Patnership programs - and that these partnership programs revoke your legal homeschooling status.


Is WAVA the virtual curric thru Ft Steilacoom Sch District?




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I am not familiar with WAVA. Can you explain that? And can you talk more about WA State's "part time "Homeschool" status. I wasn't aware of this either , when govt funding is involved. I am very aware of the "alternative" legal status labels for many of the school district's offered Home and School Patnership programs - and that these partnership programs revoke your legal homeschooling status.


Is WAVA the virtual curric thru Ft Steilacoom Sch District?





WAVA stands for Washington Virtual Academy, and yes it is through the school district you mention. It is a public school offering a virtual option. If you are not living in the Steilacoom district, you can still participate by filling out a request for a district transfer form. It's very flexible, allowing for enrollment in anywhere from 1 course to all classes. The parent is considered the "learning coach" and the student is assigned a teacher, who is available via e-mail or phone. If you don't enroll in full-time courses, then you have to sign an Intent to Homeschool letter, which means you are homeschooling for the courses that you are not enrolled in. Your student is a public school student for the courses he/she is enrolled in. He/she is required to meet all the public school requirements for attendance and progress, which is kept track of online through your own personal website. The curriculum used is K12 (k12.com). It is a very rigorous and thorough curriculum, in my opinion. We just did placement assessments this morning, and my daughter who has already been in 4th grade Rod & Staff English and Math will start at the beginning of K12's 4th grade lessons. From what I can tell, they are more advanced than most of the curricula I've used. It's not the same curriculum used in the public schools (as far as I know), but it is considered public school, and is paid for with tax dollars (no extra charge). I'm sorry if this doesn't answer all your questions, I'm not quite an expert yet, I've just started, and I still have a lot of questions of my own. There are informational meetings going on all the time in many areas - I think it would be good to attend one if you are interested for next year. If you are interested for this year, the enrollment ends in a few days, so you would have to just jump on board and enroll, and figure it out as you go along, as I have to do.


You may be wondering why I would opt to put my children in public school from home, and the short answer is for the encouragement, inspiration, and accountability of the assigned teacher. I really want a rigorous and thorough education for all my children, and I have been unable to accomplish my own personal goals without the extra "push" from someone, which I don't have outside of this program. I'm also thoroughly burned out with curriculum research and testing. My house and garage is FULL of curriculum that I've tried and given up on. I'm so ill with all the money I've spent, and time I've wasted. I just really want to stick to something, and I think the preplanned lessons, online point and click ability, and teacher's help will facilitate this. (again, xx crossing fingers xx)

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That is great to hear! What is your impression of the history so far? We would be doing 1st grade stuff, so it won't be exactly what you're using, but I'm interested.




Tammi, I'm not enrolled in the history courses yet, but I plan on using 1st grade for my son, and 5th grade for my daughter next year. 1st-4th is chronological history, which I heard 2nd or 3rd hand was co-written by SWB??. I plan to use it while casually listening to SOTW CDs, which we love with Jim Weiss narrating (that is, if we have time). 5th grade history is Joy Hakim's The Story of US, which is used by Sonlight in Core 100. EVERYTHING I've looked at has been top notch! I'm so very impressed. I had no idea. To me it's classical education SWB style in a doable format with accountability and encouragement along the way. I might be on a false cloud of hope, but to me right now it seems like a dream come true. Another bonus, no more wasted time or money purchasing curriculum that doesn't get used, and no more endless hours on the computer researching for just the right thing. Those days are over for me, God willing, and on to teaching and doing! Finally!

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Tammi, I'm not enrolled in the history courses yet, but I plan on using 1st grade for my son, and 5th grade for my daughter next year. 1st-4th is chronological history, which I heard 2nd or 3rd hand was co-written by SWB??. I plan to use it while casually listening to SOTW CDs, which we love with Jim Weiss narrating (that is, if we have time). 5th grade history is Joy Hakim's The Story of US, which is used by Sonlight in Core 100. EVERYTHING I've looked at has been top notch! I'm so very impressed. I had no idea. To me it's classical education SWB style in a doable format with accountability and encouragement along the way. I might be on a false cloud of hope, but to me right now it seems like a dream come true. Another bonus, no more wasted time or money purchasing curriculum that doesn't get used, and no more endless hours on the computer researching for just the right thing. Those days are over for me, God willing, and on to teaching and doing! Finally!


I swear you could be me!!! I have been the same way you were, both with structure/lack of, and the whole "looking for the perfect curriculum" thing. Which is why I am torn, because we can't enroll in the virtual public school & get it free until September. So I am thinking about purchasing it now so I don't have to wait.

:grouphug::bigear:(Ds wanted me to put these on here)

Good luck, and I'm so glad it's working out for you! Pray for us!:001_smile:


:lurk5:(Dd's choice)

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You may be wondering why I would opt to put my children in public school from home, and the short answer is for the encouragement, inspiration, and accountability of the assigned teacher. I really want a rigorous and thorough education for all my children, and I have been unable to accomplish my own personal goals without the extra "push" from someone, which I don't have outside of this program. I'm also thoroughly burned out with curriculum research and testing. My house and garage is FULL of curriculum that I've tried and given up on. I'm so ill with all the money I've spent, and time I've wasted. I just really want to stick to something, and I think the preplanned lessons, online point and click ability, and teacher's help will facilitate this. (again, xx crossing fingers xx)


It sounds like you've really thought this through. K12 had been my first choice until we figured out that we just couldn't afford it.


On a side note, I would also enjoy an extra push... something to think on...


Hope it continues to go as well as it has started. :001_smile:

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If you would not mind I would love to know what part of WA you are in? I enrolled my kids in a Spanish and writing via the Vancouver School District in WA state. I still file an intent to HS, but they attend two really great classes here in sunny :) Vancouver. I am always re-tooling and what your doing sound successful, not sure we have it here.

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If you would not mind I would love to know what part of WA you are in? I enrolled my kids in a Spanish and writing via the Vancouver School District in WA state. I still file an intent to HS, but they attend two really great classes here in sunny :) Vancouver. I am always re-tooling and what your doing sound successful, not sure we have it here.




I'm in Kent WA. I think that WAVA is available for any student in the state of Washington. There are a bunch of forms to fill out, even if you're just enrolling in 1 class. One of the forms is a transfer of school districts, but I'm not sure how that would work if you were in a few classes in Vancouver, but then needed the "transfer" to attend the WAVA. Hummm. You should call them. They are very nice and helpful. Just go to the website and fill out the question form, and they'll call you the next business day.


Take care.

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I swear you could be me!!! I have been the same way you were, both with structure/lack of, and the whole "looking for the perfect curriculum" thing. Which is why I am torn, because we can't enroll in the virtual public school & get it free until September. So I am thinking about purchasing it now so I don't have to wait.

:grouphug::bigear:(Ds wanted me to put these on here)

Good luck, and I'm so glad it's working out for you! Pray for us!:001_smile:


:lurk5:(Dd's choice)


Tammi, I will pray for you. Here is a written prayer. Lord Jesus, please direct Tammi and her family to the peaceful solution to their homeschooling, which she desires. Protect her from purchasing more curriculum, if that's not the answer. Give her strength to finish out this year according to Your Will. If the virtual school is the answer, give her peace and joy in joining it. Amen.


God bless you and your family Tammi.

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Comments on K12, or comments on enrolling in a government-funded :Dschool?


Both, I guess. The government-funded (actually, tax payer funded, of which I am one, especially in property taxes! ;)) school is a new concept to me, and so is a "boxed" curriculum. It's all very foreign, but I'm likin' it!

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Both, I guess. The government-funded (actually, tax payer funded, of which I am one, especially in property taxes! ;)) school is a new concept to me, and so is a "boxed" curriculum. It's all very foreign, but I'm likin' it!

Once you pay your taxes, that money is government money, to be spent as the government chooses. :-)


Here are some articles about government-funded charter schools for your consideration:


The Problem with Home-Based Charter Schools

Federal Court Insists Charter Schools are "Public Schools"

Charter Schools

And here's the whole list: Virtual Charter Schools (i.e., cyber and on-line government schools)

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Once you pay your taxes, that money is government money, to be spent as the government chooses. :-)


Here are some articles about government-funded charter schools for your consideration:


The Problem with Home-Based Charter Schools

Federal Court Insists Charter Schools are "Public Schools"

Charter Schools

And here's the whole list: Virtual Charter Schools (i.e., cyber and on-line government schools)




I love your first sentence, that should be a bumper sticker. :lol::lol:

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Once you pay your taxes, that money is government money, to be spent as the government chooses. :-)


Here are some articles about government-funded charter schools for your consideration:


The Problem with Home-Based Charter Schools

Federal Court Insists Charter Schools are "Public Schools"

Charter Schools

And here's the whole list: Virtual Charter Schools (i.e., cyber and on-line government schools)


Who makes up the "government"? I don't see the government as an entity in and of itself. The government is made up of a group of people, most of whom I didn't vote for ;) this time around, but nevertheless, they are people voted in by the people to represent the people. They have been delegated the authority to spend the money. I wouldn't have it any other way. BTW - "woo hoo" if they spend some to benefit little 'ol me :D. But, that subject aside, I read a few of those articles, and I just don't understand the Trojan Horse analogy. Is the curriculum the horse? If they suddenly change the curriculum to something substandard, I can just un-enroll. Is the teacher the horse? I can't see how. They don't come to your home, they help over the phone, and again, if it becomes an undesirable situation - un-enroll. I don't see what else could be the gift horse. Standardized testing was one of the "reasons not to enroll" from HSLDA, but in my state we were already required to give standardized tests once a year, and in my state we don't have to participate in the WASL unless we are full-time enrolled in the VA, which I'm not, so the WASL is optional. Most of the arguments in the HSLDA article I read about the WI VA seemed like a matter of semantics to me. You are no longer considered a "private home schooler", and the parent is considered the "learning coach". To me, so what? Are the goals for the child being met, or aren't they? That's what matters. If I can accomplish the personal goals I have for my young children being labeled a "learning coach" I don't really care about the label. I'm always going to be my children's mother, and no one can take that title away from me.


Anyhoo, the arguments against don't convince me, though I've wracked my brain to try to understand them. Of course, I could be duped, and if so, then I'm completely duped, and that would be really weird because I was party raised by the believer of all conspiracy believers. :tongue_smilie:

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Guest The Real Janelle

Two years ago, feeling overwhelmed, unsure of myself (as far as, "are they getting enough?", "will they be ready for high school?"), and letting things slide all over the place...we started with WAVA part time (No PE=No WASL).


K12 is a great curriculum. Advanced...definitely. I would say, be prepared to tweak it down, if necessary to learn the material without becoming overwhelmed. My 12 year old has a breaking point when it comes to writing assignments. May not be applicable in younger grades.


For me, the accountability of emails and phone calls was helpful at first. I personally did not use the "teacher" as a resource (I am really the teacher, after all...I know my children), but knowing she had access to our progress, and I would be talking to her was motivation to stay on track. This year, I find it more and more annoying. Partly because we have 2 "teachers" this year. One for the "middle-schooler", one for the younger. It has become just a series of hoops to jump through to satisfy WAVA.


We will return next year to doing our own thing. I feel I needed WAVA for the accountablility...but it has become a burden for us. Part of the joy of homeschooling is those bunny trails, and the ability to be spontaneous and fluid. I have not been skilled in combining the "joy" parts with the VA.


Of course, your mileage may vary:001_smile:.



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Thank you for sharing your story with me (us). I think we have a lot of similarities in our homeschool experiences - needing accountability, wanting to cover all the bases, seeing the need for following a plan, etc. etc. Except, I have not found the joy in going off on bunny trails in any of the methods or curricula I've used, let alone WAVA. Good for you in finding the "joy" wherever you can :D.


I've been jumping from curricula to curricula over the years and from philosophy/style to philosophy/style trying to find the right fit. I like different things about each philosophy and style of educating. But, in the effort to learn everything about homeschooling and philosophies by trying them on my children I feel like I've created, especially in my oldest, some holes and deficits in her education. My goal for now is to just stick with a solid, well rounded program (k12 via WAVA), and give her the basic foundation she deserves, and to stop the curriculum hunting/researching, and just teach and follow a plan for a while. I hope this will develop some good habits for the both of us.


I'm interested in what you plan to do for next year - what does life after WAVA look like? I'm also interested to know about your experiences aside from the irritating parts of reporting to the WAVA teachers and jumping through all the hoops. What are your experiences with the curriculum? Do you feel like the last 2 years were an asset to your children's overall education. What grades did you use? How do the last 2 years compare to your former years education wise?


I've been posting questions on the Yahoo groups trying to get personal stories of K12 and VA's. But, I haven't gotten many responses. Do you have time to share more? I really want to know if following the plan and doing all the lessons has been good for your children's education. (Of course, I'm hoping you say yes, but please answer honestly.)

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