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Is there such a healthy living cookbook as this..


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SIMPLE, TASTY AND HEALTHY cookbook does it exist.


Simmple as in something that I don't have to run to the health food store and restock my entire pantry. I do have things like wheat germ, whole grains, etc...


Tasty as in you don't sit down and feel like you're eating cardboard and my whole family would enjoy to some degree.


Healthy as in little to no processed ingredients, balanced with proteins, carbs and fat. Easy on the meat, love beans and whole grains


If it exists, I would love the title!

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ingredients? I'm looking for what the OP is, but also reasonably inexpensive. Doesn't have to be cheap, just not too expensive.


Note: I will second Whole Foods for the Whole Family-this is the basic and good cookbook for whole foods.


No. Their ingredients are pretty standard. You can browse their entire archive here. Under the "Food" menu at the top, pick recipes. You can browse by meal/course or by main ingredient, etc. They really don't use prepared stuff, other than condiments, stock, etc.


ETA: After my second daughter was born (and I lost exactly 1 lb between her birth and first birthday :glare:) my husband and I went on the "Cooking Light Diet", making everything from their recipes. We each lost about 40 lbs.

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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