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Headache experts, what could be the cause of my headache?

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I'm not prone to headaches at all. However, I've had one since Monday afternoon. It starts at the base of my neck and goes behind my eyes. I feel this pressure on both sides of my head. I feel just slightly dizzy--very, very slightly. It is also uncomfortable to read.


I had a cold last week. I'm not congested at all anymore yet my voice sounds like I still have a cold, if you know what I mean. I've never had a sinus infection. I do not have any allergies.


My grandmother and one of my four kids has migraines. Does this sound like a migraine?


I'm not under stress but perhaps this is a tension headache??


Advil and Excedrin do not provide any relief.


I felt a little better Tuesday morning and this morning. Then, it comes back stronger in the afternoon and evening.





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It sounds to me like you either have a tension headache or a sinus headache, but more likely a sinus one.


If you bend over, does it hurt more? Definately sinus.


Also, if you lightly tap your forehead just over the inside corners of your eyebrows, and/or if you lightly tap your upper cheeks below your eyes, and it hurts, those are sinus locations and you have a sinus component.


For me, the signal for a sinus headache is that I take a pain reliever and it doesn't even touch it, and then I take a Sudafed and notice about half an hour later that all of the pain is gone. So you might try taking a full dose of Sudafed to see if that helps.


Wet heat is great for sinusses. A long, hot, steamy shower is good. Breathing steam rising off of a bowl of very hot water for a long time often helps a great deal. A neti pot clears the forehead sinusses, but not the cheek ones.


I can get sinus headaches from sneaky little allergies when my nose is not really all that stuffed up. No fun!

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I started getting migraines a few years back. Took me a while to track down triggers, but for me too much sodium, hormones (PMS), stress, and caffeine can be triggers. Although once you get one, caffeine can sometimes help it go away.


Another weird trigger was barometric pressure changes. For a brief time, I was more accurate than the TV weatherman. LOL.


Anyway, avoid some of those things and see if it helps a bit. And all of the suggestions above are good ones too.


If it's a VERY severe or ongoing pain, you need to see a doctor. My doctor said that the first really severe headache you get needs to be checked, just in case it's something worse going on. (My first migraine sent me to the ER, and he was livid that they didn't run any tests while I was there. Fortunately I was okay.) At the very least, maybe they can call in a prescription for a stronger painkiller to help you out, if you call your doctor.

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A couple of months ago, I kept getting headaches and I found it was very uncomfortable to read because I would feel like I was dizzy or having swimming motions. This went on for several weeks. I was getting frustrated because I read a lot and was finding it intolerable to read. I finally figured that since I was having problems reading I was probably having eye problems. I went to the eye doctor and sure enough I was needing bi-focals. When I finally got my bi-focals, the headache went away instantly and I am back to reading, reading, reading.





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Try the things Carol suggested and that will let you know if it is sinus or not. However, it sounds like a tension headache to me. Tension headaches usually affect the neck and go up around the head. They can be due to muscle tension not necessarily related to stress. Sometimes from just sitting or sleeping wrong. Warmth around the neck usually helps and very light message on the head and temples. Also relaxing the muscles with a warm bath and maybe lying down. Ibuprofen is more effective than tylonol because it reduces inflammation. Also a single alcoholic drink may help as it is a depressant which relaxes muscles. Caffiene is your enemy as it will tighten muscles. Everyone else is right about dehydration as well. Drink plenty of water. It doesn't sound like a migraine. Hope you feel better soon.

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That sounds like my dh's cluster headaches. Unfortunately, he's tried numerous px and non-px meds, and nothing really works - he just has to ride them out. He uses tons of tylenol and motrin to take the edge off. He also has to keep his stress level under control since stress is a major trigger for him.


It could be sinus, too, esp since you're just getting over a cold. But when I get a sinus headache, it's all in the front of my face, so that's why sinus isn't my first guess. Like Carol said, if it's sinus, Sudafed will work but pain meds won't.

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Not a migraine as those usually involve only one side of the head and are typically severe. In the past, I used to get classic migraines and they always made me nauseous as well.


When I have a headache that begins from the neck and moves up, it's time to see my chiropractor as my neck is out. If the C1 vertebra is misaligned, it can cause vertigo. Usually one visit will correct it for me. It takes about an hour or two for it to go away completely. If I don't visit the chiropractor, I can count on it getting worse as the day goes on and continuing into the next day or two.

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I'm not prone to headaches at all. However, I've had one since Monday afternoon. It starts at the base of my neck and goes behind my eyes. I feel this pressure on both sides of my head. I feel just slightly dizzy--very, very slightly. It is also uncomfortable to read.


I had a cold last week. I'm not congested at all anymore yet my voice sounds like I still have a cold, if you know what I mean. I've never had a sinus infection. I do not have any allergies.


My grandmother and one of my four kids has migraines. Does this sound like a migraine?


I'm not under stress but perhaps this is a tension headache??


Advil and Excedrin do not provide any relief.


I felt a little better Tuesday morning and this morning. Then, it comes back stronger in the afternoon and evening.






I've got the same symptoms. You might try going to the chiropractor, as it sounds like your neck is out. Maybe coughing did it. (You said you had a cold.)

My problem turned out to be arthritis on C5, but I am sure that is not your problem. BTW - I started out taking just 600mg of motrin per day, but my Orthopedic dr. prescribed a "therapeutic" level, which is 800mg 3x a day. That did help with my neck pain, but not so much with my head.


Hope you feel better soon!

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