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Is Battlestar Galactica family friendly?

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The new one or the old one?


The new one=no.


I watch the show but sometimes wonder why I do.


There is never any levity in the program. It's always one bad thing after the other. Lots of serious drama. I've never once seen the writers use any kind of humor to lighten the situation or provide relief from the troubles these people go through.


It's a dark program. And the actors mumble a lot. They do it on purpose (I read in an interview) and that can be irritating. So, you'd have to turn it up loud to hear half of the conversations.

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ABSOLUTELY NOT! Do not watch this by yourself, with your husband, or with your children! I hate this show with a passion. There's this man who has a woman haunting him in his thoughts with sexual stuff, and it's quite graphic for my taste.


My husband is really upset that this show had such graphic sexuality, because he really likes SciFi, which is usually family friendly, but this one is not. He wrote the show a letter telling them that he cannot watch this with his wife because it's too sexually graphic. Aparantly one of his friends told him that they "cleaned up" the show, but I still wouldn't touch it with a 10 ft. pole.

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Dh and I love this show - but yeah - not for family viewing (at least not for our family, lol). :) I'd say 15 is probably when we'd let our kids watch it.


I think one also has to watch from the beginning (beginning with the miniseries) - or else you would be hopelessly confused as to who's real and who's only in someone's head. lol


Shows like Rome or the Tudors on HBO were a lot more sexually graphic than this show, but ymmv for sure. :) There are definitely sex scenes on this show - but no nudity, if that makes any difference.

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Dh & I love this show. I think it grapples with a lot of interesting philosophical and political questions. I really look forward to one day sharing it with my kids and discussing it with them, but no, that day is not soon. Dd1 is very sensitive to some topics, so it may well be even after fifteen before I feel it's appropriate to share with her.

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It's not the sexual stuff that bothers me, although I wouldn't let my kids watch it for that reason. It's the language and the "oh my gods!" expressions.


Personally, I want to see how it ends at this point because everything is going to there in a hand basket right now. And I want to see for sure who the last cylon is. I have ideas but nothing positive.

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Your kids are teens, so *maybe*. Depends on what else you find acceptable for them. My kids are younger, and I'd say "no, definitely not" for them...


Think of it as about a PG-13 level in terms of sex, violence... If the language were the same as ours (they use some "equivalent" phrases), I think the language would get it an R.


A lot of politics and plotting. Probably not even *interesting* for younger kids. For older teens though, I can see it making for interesting discussion-starters.

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Funny this came up now. We watched the miniseries that starts it all off this weekend, and our oldest (13) was watching the first few minutes. Right after he went upstairs to bed (under protest), a scene came on that was explicit enough, DH and I both turned to each other and said, "No, E won't be watching this."

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I can't remember if I asked this before, but I meant to.


Can I watch this with my kids?


Depends on your kids. There is a rape scene in Season2 that we had a discussion about beforehand. We always watched WITH the kids (we've only seen up to Season 3 as we haven't been able to get Season 4 DVDs yet). My boys were 12 and 14 when we watched (and still are). We have had some amazing conversations prompted by that show.

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Then who does your husband watch the show with?


He doesn't watch it anymore. He used to watch it with me. Sometimes he watched it alone while I was preping for school or whatnot. He wrote the letter to tell the producers that it was too embarrassing to watch it with his wife.

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