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What is the flu like?

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Ladies, I am sick, sick, sick. SInce Wednesday I have had a fever and head cold. My lungs are a little yucky, but mostly my head. It isn't a sinus infection, I've had those and my head is not nearly as painful as that. I feel weak, dizzy and just really, really sick.


Is it the flu? WIll it go away? I felt better(ish) Thursday after laying around all day Wednesday, but then Friday had to get up early and go to a gymnastics meet all day and it really did me in. I was super sick yesterday, slept all day, and feel passably better today. I am hoping laying around today will help even more.


DH is gone M-F, so tonight he has to leave. I am wondering if it is worth it to go sit in the ER today while he's home to get some medicine, or better to lay around since he is home and rest. If it was a sinus infection, then yes, I would need antibiotics, but if its the flu, what can a Dr do?


I don't know anything about the flu, only that I haven't been this sick in 10 years.

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I'm sure it can feel different for different people, but I felt like I had been hit by a truck. Really. I could barely function. My whole body ached and it was just awful.


I have a terrible cold right now and even though no fever, I have chills, coughing, headache... lots of blah-ness.


I hope whatever you have that you feel better soon.

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I thought I was going to die when I had the actual influenza virus. My fever was high (103 degrees), aches, chills, uncontrollable shaking, and like the others have said I felt like I had been hit by at least one truck if not many.


The last time I had the flu I was in college and had a group project due. My prof told me I had to be there even if I was on a stretcher. I came in and he after we were done he apologized for making me come in.




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A definition of flu that I was given by a doctor. If someone left a £100 pound note on your lawn, and said you could have it if you collected it within the next half hour, if you had a bad cold, you would make it out to get it; if you had the flu, you wouldn't be able to move that far.


I remember that the only time I had the flu, I crawled downstairs (literally crawled) to the kitchen to make myself some tea, then sat on the bottom step for... I don't know how long, unable to make it to the kettle.


I hope you feel better.



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I thought I was going to die when I had the actual influenza virus. My fever was high (103 degrees), aches, chills, uncontrollable shaking, and like the others have said I felt like I had been hit by at least one truck if not many.





Yep, that was us last Feb. It took an hour or so to go from not feeling well to all out flu with severe body aches, the worst headache I have ever had, and a high fever. I did feel better a few days in, but it took a couple of weeks for all of my energy to return. A sinus infection usually starts out as allergy trouble for a few days and progressing to and infection. If it is the flu, then there is not much the docs can do for you. The anti-viral drugs must be taken within 24-48 hours after on set in order to be helpful, but if taken right away they work REALLY well. My little guy is immune compromised, and he got the anti-virals last year about 2 hours after his first symptoms, and within a few hours he was fine and never had any more symptoms. Crazy.


Hope you feel better soon :grouphug:

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the flu can be VERY serious!!! my best girlfriend went to the emergency room friday night - had been sick for a few days, fever spiked up, major body aches...she's STILL in the hospital! she has the flu!!!! I just talked to her about an hour ago and they are keeping her again tonight and will possibly release her tomorrow after lunch!!!


Go to the Dr.!

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Here's the CDC page for the flu. There are different types of flu and they affect people differently, so the symptoms can range from mild to severe. If it is the flu, I think you've already missed the window for taking the medicine that can shorten the duration (unless it's changed - it used to be 48 hours), so I would probably use the time before your dh leaves to rest rather than going to the ER. Since the flu is a virus, there is no cure and it has to run its course. But make sure you stay hydrated and go to the dr or ER if you have any trouble breathing! You might want your dh to stock up on ginger ale and soup before he leaves.



Edited by LizzyBee
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Well, I guess it is the flu! The "hit by a truck" sounds about right. I've been falling asleep in weird places (the bathroom!) and am just a mess- shivery, shaky, yuck.


I've never had the flu. I never want it again, thats for sure.


Wish DH didn't have to go, I'm quite freaked out by that.:crying: The poor kids already had to fend for themselves on Wednesday and Thursday last week, looks like tommorrow will be the same.


Thanks for the info, I am going to skip the Dr (can't get an appt anyway and would have to go sit in the ER) in favor of rest and liquids.

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the flu can be VERY serious!!! my best girlfriend went to the emergency room friday night - had been sick for a few days, fever spiked up, major body aches...she's STILL in the hospital! she has the flu!!!! I just talked to her about an hour ago and they are keeping her again tonight and will possibly release her tomorrow after lunch!!!


Go to the Dr.!


Oh my, hopefully your friend gets better quickly. People don't realize how dangerous the flu is even for otherwise healthy people.

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At the time I didn't know I was severely anemic which probably compromised my immune system making me more likely to contracting the flu.


It hit fast. Like others have said, it moves quickly from feeling off to being bed ridden. I think I was in bed for ten - fourteen days. And one of the times I ended up with a post influenza myalgia . . . I literally could barely walk, use my hands . . . all my joints were swollen as if I had arthritis. My dh had gone to work so I phoned my best friend and told her I couldn't get out of bed (and I had three young kids). She came over, took me to the doctor, who told me I had to wait it out. For two weeks I couldn't open jars, turn on taps, etc. I felt like an old lady. I was scared that I would be permanently crippled with theis arthritis. And then I got better.


I have a new appreciation for the flu. It is brutal. (Oh, and arthritis.)


BTW, since taking care of the anemia I have not had a cold or flu. Two years with no illnesses.

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I had the actual diagnosed flu. They let you know 6 weeks later. :) I was sick with fever for 10 days and wanted to die. My husband was at one end of the house madly finishing his dissertation , my 5 year old playing quietly because he had mono and I was upstairs begging for it to end. I managed to remind dh about lunch for ds and then ds napped all afternoon with me. I have no recollection as to my dd, then 7, getting to and from school what happened after naps or anything. I went to the doctor after 6 days only to be told I would live.


Whatever you have I hope you feel better very soon.

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