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Writing Program for 9 year old


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My son is almost 9 years old and is not a very good writer. We haven't done much of it because I just haven't found something I love. What are you all using/would use?


Also, I have a 12 year old. I started using IEW A with him. We only made it through the first lesson. I like it and so does he, but it's so time consuming. We are running a full-time business on top of homeschooling, so simpler is better. But I want it to be thorough and of a classical nature. So any help for him too? In fact something that works for both at the same time would be fabulous!!!




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I agree with Writing Tales.


Writing Tales 1 would probably seem a bit young to your 12 yo though. Can anyone comment on that? I have not used WT1 but am currently using WT2 with my 11 yo. The grammar is a bit on the easy side for him, but the writing assignments are fun and I have yet to encounter complaints about them.


I personally wish I had started with Classical Writing Aesop a few years ago and used that program instead. Not that I find WT inferior to CW, but because it only goes to level 2 and level 3 won't be available in the foreseeable future. I will be jumping into CW next year. Classical Writing would probably not be a good choice for your situation though as it is more time consuming. Writing Tales is super easy to follow, with minimum teacher time.

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I love these books - simple and cheap:

Fiction Writing




There is a second workbook for each subject too, if you need them. The SAT mentioned is the UK SAT, taken at about age 11. You can see samples here and here but Book Depository offers free shipping.


The books don't work at a sentence or paragraph level - they are more about putting pieces together.


Best wishes



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Shalynn, we are using SWI A for a 10yo girl. Have you downloaded IEW's lesson plans? They divide the lectures into more manageable parts.


Plus, you can go at your own pace. For example, the teacher at our house is having a hard time making herself do school ;) today, so she had the 10yo make a keyword outline of the article about Oysters and tomorrow we'll write it up. It was quick!


I'm sure you'll get some great suggestions for other programs, but I thought I would suggest tweaking IEW since you've already invested the $ and it is a good program.

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I use the SWI rather than the teacher's version (TWSS) with my 9 year old. That way, she can watch the lesson on DVD without me. Then she completes the outline. The next day, she does the draft. The day after that, she does the final draft. It takes almost none of my time at all. I just read the final with the check off sheet that comes with each composition.

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