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Super Bowl Sunday vs. Birthday Party (vent)

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I need to blow off some steam. I scheduled ds's birthday party for Sunday afternoon. I am now getting "sorry I can't bring my kid because it's Super Bowl Sunday." This is a lunch party which would be done by 2:30-3:00pm. What time does the Super Bowl start anyway?


His birthday was right after Christmas. We put off his party because it gets lost in all of the holiday festivities. This was supposed to be his first big birthday party. He put a lot of thought into choosing his guests, and now there may only be one actually coming.


I know I goofed with setting the date. I didn't even think about the Super Bowl during the planning stages. Now I feel terrible for my son.


Thanks for listening.

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Oh, that stinks. I'm not sure what time the Super Bowl starts, but do 4 and 5 year olds really need to see every minute? Couldn't they come to your ds's party, then enjoy the rest of the Super Bowl with their families? It's a long game! I share your frustration and disappointment.



P.S. We are SOOOO not a football family here. The only reason we were interested in the Super Bowl last year was because it was played in our city. The only reason we are interested this year is that the local team is playing. We'll probably watch a little bit of it.

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Aw, I'm sorry about your situation. If your son were older, I'd ask him what he would like to do - but since he's 5, I would suggest either trying to reschedule (I know you've already put it off) or just have a celebration with those who can make it. I have a dd with a Christmas birthday and every year (she's 17) I apologize to her :) it's so hard planning something that time of year.


I'm not sure when the Super Bowl starts - we're not football fans - but it tends to run into the evening I think, so yes I think you're right in thinking they would have time to get wherever they're going to be during the game. Maybe they think that would make for a full Sunday?

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Ohhhh, that's a bummer. :( Is there any way you could reschedule it at this point for next Sunday? I'm sure more of the kids would like to show up!


We're huge football people here - and even though the Super Bowl doesn't start until later, we are super busy during the day getting things ready to go, so there's nothing to do during the game except watch! :) A lot of people already have Super Bowl plans to go to someone else's house to watch the game - and many of those parties start earlier in the day, well before the game. And many Super Bowl party plans are made MONTHS in advance.


My kids wouldn't be going to a birthday party on Super Bowl Sunday - not because we wouldn't *want* them to, but because our Super Bowl plans are made so early. Shoot - I had to go to a wedding once that was on Super Bowl Sunday and I grumbled the entire time ("How could they not know the Super Bowl is on today?!?!") :lol: I bolted for the door as soon as the ceremony was over too. (I was also very young at the time - not as patient as I am now... lol)


(and my son's birthday is on Jan 29th, so this weekend is his "birthday weekend". We don't have big parties til the kids are older, though - but one day it'll be an issue for us too. We'll probably have his party a week later if it conflicts with Super Bowl)


{good luck!}

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Superbowl begins at 6:18pm eastern but the pregame begins at 4:00pm eastern. The Superbowl is a big deal for a lot of people in this country, I'm sure that many people will be having or attending parties, that begin at or before 4pm, that need to be planned, cooked for, or traveled to.


I would reschedule. While I agree that your son is way more important than the superbowl, having a kids party on the same day would never work in this country.

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I've already had several 'regrets' because of Superbowl parties (most likely they are going out of town for them).


Luckily dd has had a few accept so the party will stay as scheduled.


I have had to reschedule birthday parties in the past--one of my dd's has a December birthday--once she sent out 20+ invitations and only 1 could come--so we rescheduled and it worked out nicely.


Is there any way you could have the party on Friday or Saturday instead?



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No, I can't reschedule. The grandparents have already made plans to come. This party was planned over a month ago so that it wouldn't conflict with other kids' birthdays, a play, days off, etc. The regrets that are making me mad are from those who previously said yes and now say no because they forgot it was the Superbowl. Live and learn.

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I need to blow off some steam. I scheduled ds's birthday party for Sunday afternoon. I am now getting "sorry I can't bring my kid because it's Super Bowl Sunday." This is a lunch party which would be done by 2:30-3:00pm. What time does the Super Bowl start anyway?


His birthday was right after Christmas. We put off his party because it gets lost in all of the holiday festivities. This was supposed to be his first big birthday party. He put a lot of thought into choosing his guests, and now there may only be one actually coming.


I know I goofed with setting the date. I didn't even think about the Super Bowl during the planning stages. Now I feel terrible for my son.


Thanks for listening.


I would be upset by that, too, Jamie, especially when the times don't actually conflict with the game at all. I would be very hurt in your shoes-- I'd feel like people were choosing a more convenient day for themselves over my child's feelings. If it were me, and I had something going on that evening, even if it were something really important, I would still come to a child's party in the afternoon. I would feel selfish to do otherwise.


At this point, there isn't much you can do except do all that you can to make this a happy, special day for your son. I don't even know that I would mention that these people aren't coming because of the Super Bowl-- I probably would probably say that they have other family plans for the day and can't come. I wouldn't let him know that they really did have a choice and were choosing something else. My children would be hurt to know that someone chose watching something on tv over their b-day, even if it is a special event like the Super Bowl. So I wouldn't tell them that.


Try to think of ways to make it extra special for your son, with whoever does come!

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Maybe some of the parents would actually appreciate this timing if your or DH or the grandparents offered to pick up and drop off the kids DS most loves and would want there? Even if just two or three of his favorites could come, that plus family should do it for a kid so young.


I think the problem with super bowl parties is that if you are hosting, there's no way you could go to a kid's party because you have to cook and clean, and if you are attending at someone else's home, it's not always easy to just show up at the time of kick off - the hostess probably set the time she wants people to arrive and be served ....

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My 8 year old (on Sunday) has this issue every year. Frankly, I resent having to plan my child's birthday celebration around football. I think it's rude for people to arrive late (because my husband's extended family are always at least an hour late) and then run out early. Or, worse, turn on the television so they don't miss the pre-game c-r-a-p while <gasp> present for a party. :glare:


We'll just invite friends over for cake during the week. Your son will have a good time. No worries.

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When did you send the invitations out, and when did they cancel?


The reason I'm asking is..... If we're a big super bowl family, I would have told you as soon as we received the invitation that Super Bowl Sunday was not a good Sunday for me.


Maybe they didn't make the mental connection that the date was the same.


I'd have the party with the guests who come.

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if I possibly could

I would be upset by that, too, Jamie, especially when the times don't actually conflict with the game at all. I would be very hurt in your shoes-- I'd feel like people were choosing a more convenient day for themselves over my child's feelings. If it were me, and I had something going on that evening, even if it were something really important, I would still come to a child's party in the afternoon. I would feel selfish to do otherwise.




But apart from that, I would never have the attitude that it's selfish to not go to every party a child is invited to. I feel free to turn down invitations for any reason, including that DH likes to keep our Saturdays free so that he can enjoy his children.

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