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Wordless Wednesday for 1/21/09


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My first time with WW :)


The idea is to basically post a pic with no words as a blog post, yes? OK- so I had never done it before so I had to write enough on my blog to explain what I was doing-


oh- and I posted a video instead of a picture (but there are no "words" just music!) :D (the three kids, my mother and my homeschooled sister are all in the video, about 1 min long, that I took today when they came to break up our wintry week for us!)

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How do your kids like Wii Music? Dd's are wondering if they'll like it.


Hi Angel,

They love it, and actually we all do. It's got some things you can do solo but lots you can do as a group or with a friend so it makes a fun indoor activity when kids come over. We only have a few games, with Mario Kart being the favorite, but Music follows it. We've borrowed other games to try from friends but none that we care to actually purchase other than the ones we have.


For us, Handbell Hero is just a hoot. I don't know why but we laugh our way through it and compete like mad!!

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