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If you have olders, what do you do with your Ker?


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Next year I will have kids in 7th, 5th, 4th, and 2nd grades. I'll do Apologia Zoology 3 with the younger 3 of those, and we'll all do a Diana Waring RRR/WP All-American I combo together. I'll also have a Ker. Part of me thinks I should just add her in with what the rest of us are doing, but part of me thinks I should get something to do with just her, some WP or SL or SOMETHING. But then I wonder how I'd have the time for that, and it'd be must easier just to include her.:tongue_smilie:


What do y'all do?

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I have 2 olders doing grade 4/5, and then my Ker and a toddler. He joins us for science,history and art when he wants to. I have them do independant work (phonics/vocab/cursive etc) so that I can work with him on math, printing and phonics. Later when they are doing their math or whatevber I read books to him, either from FIAR or from our theme of that week. In total I spend probably an hour one on one with him though it is broken up into smaller peices. I do the same with m,y toddler, she gets about 45-60 minutes one-one a day, broken up into smaller chunks to fit it all in.

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I have 2 olders doing grade 4/5, and then my Ker and a toddler. He joins us for science,history and art when he wants to. I have them do independant work (phonics/vocab/cursive etc) so that I can work with him on math, printing and phonics. Later when they are doing their math or whatevber I read books to him, either from FIAR or from our theme of that week. In total I spend probably an hour one on one with him though it is broken up into smaller peices. I do the same with m,y toddler, she gets about 45-60 minutes one-one a day, broken up into smaller chunks to fit it all in.

Ah, that might be what I can do! During my school time with her, once we're done with the 3 Rs I can just read her some fun books. But then let her sit in on history/science (which she likes to do right now anyway).

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then by topic, adjust for age-if dd9 is doing Boston Tea Party, he gets a lower level book about it. When we did explorers, I had him also do whatever maps we were doing. He even did a salt map of the 13 colonies because that's what older sis was doing! I really think they can do more than we think. I definitely do more with him at his age than I did with dd as far as hands-on projects, just because I let him do many of the ones I have planned for her. For science I just read him Magic School Bus, Let's Read and Find Out books, CLP Nature Readers, etc. I don't stress on content for him or try to have a "curriculum" for these areas like I did for dd (the guinea pig) when she was that age!


He does reading and math too, plus copywork for handwriting. Bible we do together-we do other stuff but Bible Study Guide for Ages is a favorite because the whole family can do it at their own level, yet together!


The rest of the day he plays independently, which thankfully he likes and can do for a LONG time!

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I have always just had my K'er do whatever science and history my elementary aged kids are doing. My real focus for K is getting them reading well, penmanship and math.


:iagree: Same here! Although my K'er ds is rarely interested in joining us for science or history as he prefers worm hunting to book work.

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Well I'm total newbie to all this given DD has been at preschool. However given the different ages of my kids the boys don't work together on the same stuff so DD will also have her own curriculum. Maths and Language Arts of her own and a unit study at her level. She can join in with other stuff as opportunity arises but I wanted to plan some things just for her at her level.

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I've got a 3rd, 1st and pre-K. I'm having my 1st grader go along w/ us. We're doing MFW Adventures and I have him doing his own phonics/math, but he's doing all of the rest of Adventures w/ us. For what it's worth, my pre-K guy sits in on the readings and does the activities w/ us, too.

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As you can see from my sig line, history is the only thing we do together. I have tried to make his science units somewhat match hers, but I can't for the whole year. She is very independent in her work so that has helped me tremendously. I start off the day with her while I let him play. She goes to do independent stuff while I do his school work with him. I read history to them while they eat lunch and do activities after. He's done then, so I finish up with her after that.

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then by topic, adjust for age-if dd9 is doing Boston Tea Party, he gets a lower level book about it. When we did explorers, I had him also do whatever maps we were doing.

The rest of the day he plays independently, which thankfully he likes and can do for a LONG time!


I have a story time for my 4 and 7 before I read to the older kids. I usually can find a FIAR book that goes with whatever topic we are studying in history.


Oh, and I cannot help but put another plug in or Aaron's Thinking Putty. My little ones can sit forever with this stuff on hand.

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