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Help me make a simple decision

Do I take the tree down or wait to try and have family pictures taken?  

  1. 1. Do I take the tree down or wait to try and have family pictures taken?

    • Yes- take tree down, nevermind family pictures, at this rate they aren't going to happen
    • No- wait one more week, the family pictures are worth trying to get done :)

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Due to sickness and unusual circumstances we were extremely busy this past Christmas. As a result, we did not take the time to take our yearly family pictures (in our Christmas best) in front of the tree. The kids always get new, fancy outfits for the holidays and this year was no exception. We spent close to $100 on Christmas outfits for the kids this year and I like to curl the girls' hair into nice up-dos for the pictures. 'Cept this year, they never got to wear them.:tongue_smilie: Here we sit, January 7, and I have left the tree up so we can finally get our pictures done. I was aiming for this Sunday, but now something has popped up and we may or may not get around to to taking them that day. I'm saddened that our yearly ritual of 8 years has fallen by the wayside this year. I can't decide if I should call it quits and take down the tree once and for all or if I should hold on to the hope that we can make these pictures happen before Easter.


Do I take the tree down or wait one more week??


ETA: It's an artificial tree, so being a fire hazard isn't a concern! ;)

Edited by plain jane
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Unplug the lights and wait a little longer. The wilted tree, too small outfits (if your kids grow like ours do) and valentine decorations will be a memory you will forever cherish.




Agreed, if you think you'll have a day to set aside. If it starts looking dicey again, though, I'd throw in the towel. It's not worth the stress of that tree staring at you accusingly with Easter baskets in front of it.

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I'm sorry, hon'. Sounds like life just keeps on coming for you, huh?


I'm like you in the sense that I have a few traditions (very few) to which I cling mightily. I'll be honest, though, and say that at one time or other, most of them have gone by the wayside for at least one year. Still, this particular tradition of yours isn't insurmountable. I'd slice it up like this:


Plan A: Leave the tree up for one more week (or whatever deadline you want to set), and get everyone dressed and done for the photo


Plan B: If that deadline passes and you still haven't done it, take the tree down, but set another deadline for getting everyone dressed and done for the photo.


Plan C: If Murphy is working overtime in your life, and the dressed up and done photo doesn't happen by your deadline, let it go until the window opens on its own. Because, really, those dresses can be put on anytime between now and say, April. You'll remember that photo as the one that almost never happened, but finally did! And, the window will open. It will



Good luck and :grouphug:

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If it makes you feel better, I haven't taken down my tree yet either.


Us either. It has only red decorations, I told dh we should just leave it up for Valentines he likes it up so much. :lol: It's fake too, but I want my entire living room back.


Jane, wait and take the photo within the next week. If you don't you will always look at this one year that we DIDN'T do it. If you have to wait another week so what, I bet in five years you forget you had to wait at all.

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Dress up all the kids right now. Forget about the hair, forget about school. Put them all in front of the tree and take about 100 pictures, because you know it takes that many to get one good one of four young children. Then, as soon as you and dh can, dress up and take a few of yourselves. Have someone photoshop the two together. ;)

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