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Get thee behind me, Amazon...

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Ah, yes. My UPS guy is here so regularly that my boys dressed up as him for Halloween. (Not as "a UPS guy", as Charlie)


By the way, we have also discovered that friends and family (if you're ok with them logging into your account as you) can also use the Prime. Mine just put in their own shipping address, which then requires you to put in new payment information so they just put in their own. (Of course, the email confirmation still comes to me - I just forward it)

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I am also an Amazon addict. I live overseas and don't have access to Target or Book Stores that have books in English. I think I order from them at least once a week. I try to save it up so it's just once a week, but sometimes I can't help myself. My DH gets the mail at work and sometimes he's not very happy with me. I just play innocent though. "I have no clue why we received another Amazon package honey. I know we just got one yesterday. It must be a mistake."

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Amazon Prime is awesome!


One time I ordered a case of Newman's Organic "Oreos" since I had no idea what could possibly be in a regular one. The case came and they left it at the bottom of my driveway in the freezing rain. It was wrapped in plastic, but out in the weather for a couple of days. I called them and the told me to keep those and they would replace the shipment. The next day the replacement arrived. So, two months later my subscription comes up again. We are still swimming in cookies so I put it off another 2 months. Then on that next shipment, the box comes in destroyed. It was even missing a package and UPS maintained that they had no idea how that happened. Anyway, I called Amazon and again, they sent me out a replacement case of cookies. :001_smile:

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It's about more than just books ladies!!!



I have had such good luck ordering from them, with the fast shipping and good prices, I'm starting to order other things from them. I ordered a new iron on Sat night and had it on Tues afternoon-and that was with Super Saver shipping!

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Yes, all books must sit on my wish list for at least one week before purchase. Books that are pre-planned purchases waiting for release are bought at the book store. I usually don't buy something I can get from the library until after I have read it and made sure that it needs to be part of my permanant collection. I can almost always find books the cheapest at Amazon but I do belong to a book club that offers many new releases for about half price including shipping. Let me know if you are interested.

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