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Weird design decisions

Laura Corin

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3 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

At my favourite municipal swimming pool, the mosaic tiles on the bottom are set at a slight angle to the wall. When I'm swimming freestyle, I tend to veer. 

Never assume intent when incompetence is a perfectly good explanation ;)

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My husband is in hospital again. Whoever designed the position and number of plug points in his ward did not think this through. There are three at his bed. One is needed for the bed, and then there are two more stuck way into a corner between the bed and the wall, with the button for the nurses to switch off the bell also tucked away.  The drip stand trolley with nasal feed and drips is also in this corner taking turns on the plugs. Independent movement becomes impossible because of the manoeuvring involved to reach anything to get unplugged. And then Doc’s instructions are to get out of bed and move as much as possible🤦‍♂️

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Not so much visual, but technical:

The wiring in my house is SO poorly designed! I know that it veered from the written plans because of the minor changes we made to the layout, but OMG. I still don’t know all my switches 2 years in because there’s no real logic to them.

My car is designed with automatic high beam controls, which are AWESOME for most of my country driving. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a way to override it for when people are walking their dogs at night, and I’m blinding them. 😔.  
Also, I DID figure out how to override the automatic door unlock when parking, but it requires pulling the door handles twice to get out, which is weird. 

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Our outlets are all upside down.

My son's school, which looks incredibly normal on the outside, has a weird freaky third floor hallway that makes it look like you stumbled down to a hospital's morgue basement wing. This hallway isn't repeated on any other floor, and when ds warned me about it I thought he was joking, but no.  To find his science class I have to go down this spook fest before it becomes a normal school again.

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1 hour ago, HomeAgain said:

Our outlets are all upside down

Ours, too! It makes me wonder how can one be an electrician by trade and be oblivious to installing the outlets in upside down? 🤷‍♀️

Dh has corrected a few specific ones, so I can plug in some things in certain outlets in a normal manner. For example, after one correction, I can plug in a nightlight without the nightlight being upside down. 


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13 minutes ago, Indigo Blue said:

Ours, too! It makes me wonder how can one be an electrician by trade and be oblivious to installing the outlets in upside down? 🤷‍♀️

Dh has corrected a few specific ones, so I can plug in some things in certain outlets in a normal manner. For example, after one correction, I can plug in a nightlight without the nightlight being upside down. 


I know it's done in hospitals because it makes the grounding plug on top, so reduces the risk of electrocution if a piece of equipment falls on it.  But that's not necessary in my home.

Plus, I have an outlet 8 inches up inside my pots and pans cabinet, and none in the cabinet designed for my mixer.  It's incredibly annoying.

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We enter our home from the garage into our laundry room. We have to turn it on either from the garage or come into the hallway  and turn it on there.

Kitchen, hallway and laundry room switches are on the same circuit and all have to be accessed from the hallway. Yes, it’s just across thenkitchen, but there are no switches for the kitchen or the island in the actual footage of the kitchen.

The other circuit has 4 switches on hallway wall… Kitchen , dining room, bedroom hall, and living room on it. The dining room is first, when I want the kitchen! 

Our 10 foot island  had only one outlet in one end.  When they were building next door, DH asked the electrical contractor to tske a look about in more outlets as we only have one. He replied, we always put in two outlets in an island. Yeah, no you don’t. Dh put in 2 extra outlets. At  least my original one was by the prep end of the island. My next door neighbors only outlet is at the dining room end of her 10 foot outlet.

Toilet paper holders were so small you could only buy TP at dollar general to fit them. We replaced them. 
There’s more…but I’ll stop there.


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Oh, another one.  At Disneyworld there's a ride called Goofy's Barnstormer.  It's a little kid's beginner roller coaster that lasts about a minute and a half.  BUT, the ride is extended by 300% if you count the exit queue to get back out.  The walk will take you back and forth through a maze of wire mesh and wooden fencing and it's so incredibly long.  Mind you, this is a roller coaster meant for kids about 3 feet tall, at a theme park with a ton of walking.  We have seen parents cajole, bribe, and drag their kids through this trek back to the land of strollers and benches.

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I've been looking at a few homes built in the 1960s, and anytime there are additions or DYI "finished" basements I am simply amazed at the weirdness of people's 'planning' or lack thereof. The biggest 'creative' factor seems to be what weird way can one cover walls and/or floors. Also, how bizarrely can I wall-in rooms.

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Talking of sockets - our favourite chain hotel used to have a socket on each side of the bed, allowing Husband to plug his CPAP in. Now the sockets are being replaced with USB ports. So every time we want to stay, we have to arrange an accessible room, which might be needed by someone with a disability,  just to get a socket.

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There is no way to reset the media app on my car. This is annoying because it gets stuck and no music, radio or anything can play from the car and the only sure fire way to get it working again is turn the car off and wait 20 minutes. There's also a weird song and dance I can do involving opening and closing the door and pushing random buttons in the car in a precise order that takes 5 minutes to do, but seriously why can't the turn off button on the media center just reset the stupid thing.

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Some people in the far future buying my house will think my master bedroom shower is weirdly designed. We placed the shower heads on one side of the shower ideal for my husband and the other side ideal for me. (We are a foot different in height.)

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