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At what age did your DC thin out from baby fat?

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DD1y is chubby. She was only like the 20th perentile for height and weight at birth.(6lbs 18 inches long) Now, she's at the 40th percentile, but looks so chubby.


By contrast, my oldest has always been long and thin, even though she was over the 97th percentile from birth. (She was born 8.5lbs and 21in. long)


I breastfed DD5 for three months, but dd1 is just weaning at 13 months. She only had mostly breastmilk and then a little jar food close to a year. Now she's on table food.


I'm not stressed at all, because I'm not overfeeding her. This isn't an "I'm freeking out" post- I'm just wondering if anyone else had a chunky baby who thinned out.:001_smile:

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My daughter was 26pounds at 5mo, 32 pounds at a year and 47 pounds at 2 years. She was also 47pounds at 5years :) Until she took prednisone for her kidney issue last year, she's been skinny for most of her childhood.


My ds was a chunky baby, but was a skinny toddler, so much that I worried about it for years. Unfortunately, meds made him gain about 20 pounds when he was 8 and he's been 20ish pounds overweight since <sigh>


So my kids with chunky, skinny, a little overweight <sigh>

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My older son was stocky/solid but not overweight for length. He had a big head and no neck, which added to the effect, LOL! He nursed for 8 months and we made all his food (except for cereal). It was puberty that changed his body shape. At 17, he is tall, strong, and lean. Perfect shape for the runner that he is.


Younger son was lean from birth and remains that way (age 13).

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My babies thinned out when they learned to run. They were chunky babies who became long and lean by age 2. I nursed all of them past age 2.


My oldest was a very chunky baby. He had chubby cheeks, chubby wrists, chubby thighs, delicious rolls everywhere. He took his sweet time learning to crawl and walk. He got pretty lean by 18 months and has stayed very thin. Although he didn't look like it because he had chipmunk cheeks until he was 10. At 15, he is 5'8" and weighs maybe 115 and has a 26 inch waist. Good thing the baggy look is in. My second son was smaller, didn't get quite so roly-poly, but he was delightfully chubby. He has a slightly sturdier build, but is thin. DD was chubby and at age 8 is long and lean.

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My dd was so chubby that as a baby people used to say to me in the grocery store, "Oh, she doesn't miss a meal, does she?!" I was so self-conscious of it because I didn't want her to grow up and have issues. (I was pretty chunky as a kid.) She was about 3 or 4 when she really started slimming. And now, she is a petite little skinny thing. So when I see chubby babies in grocery stores I tell the mom how perfect they look. :001_smile:

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My dd was the roundest baby I'd ever seen. Her rolls had rolls and she was off the charts for weight starting from around 3 weeks old (and she was born 6 weeks early!). My grandmother thought she looked like the picture of health, my mother kept assuring me that she would slim down one day...... She's 5 1/2 now, and always complaining that her 6 slim jeans are too loose. She really kept that chubby look until this past year, but our doctors were great about it -- said her weight was right in line with the rest of her growth and could see that she was active. Ironically, this year our ds is the one whose weight came up at the doctor's office, because he came in at the 90th percentile, but looks like he weighs much less than that, which they found amusing. I would worry much less about what your eyes tell you, and much more about offering great food choices and providing fun physical activities as she ages, and I think you'll find she slims down just fine.

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LOL. We have pictures of our our 5th child, who, as a 9-month old little guy looked like the Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man. I kid you not. He was so round - like a balloon - that we joked about what would happen if we poked him with a pin!


Once he started running around a lot he thinned out quickly. By three he was skinny.



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He remained adorably chubby until he was between 2 and 3-I nursed until he was almost 4. He just got thinner and thinner. At 12 now he is tall, thin but not bony. One of my others was a thin baby, chunky preteen and thin teen, my youngest has been slightly chubby all along. He's 75th percentile for height, 95th for weight.

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I've only had one butterball... man she was all hips, thighs and bottom (getting a diaper on that one was a daily miracle). She thinned out by about 3yrs old... she's still not skinny -- but we talk about healthy habits (healthy food choices, importance of exercise, etc.). We do this as a family, though.

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No worries. My oldest was in the 95th percentile for everything for the longest time. She grew so fast her doctor almost thought she had a pitutitary gland problem. When she hit about 1 1/2-2 years of age she began to thin out but continued to grow in height. Today she is a 10 year old that is almost as tall as her mother ( I'm 5'6) and is NOT fat. She isn't a skinny minny but in no way is she overweight either. She is just right for her height. My 2nd daughter began to thin out around two and she IS my skinny minny. No matter what I put into her calorie wise she burns, she's blessed in that area. Wish I could be there way. She is 9yrs old and has a size 6 waste but needs a size 7 for length. I supplement her with Pediasure and Carnation Instant Breakfast because she just has a tough time gaining any weight. But the good part is she is growing in height so I'm not to worried. My third daughter thinned out again around the age of 3 or so. She was my overweight baby from the start weighing in at almost 10lbs. But looking at her now you'd never guess she was such a big baby. She is a skinny minnie too.

My youngest was born at 8lbs but due to her health problems she was failure to thrive for quite some time. She is 2 now and just hit the 5th percentile in weight. Her pediatrician almost had a party right there and got all excited. She is still my skinny minnie though and always will be. She is on a specialized formula and calorie booster though to get her to gain.


My husband is 6'5 and will NEVER be fat even if he tried.


In the end the only one who is overweight in our family is me. Due to a thyroid issue. Sigh. I feel so out of place.

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At 18mths, I could buy our dd2 pants....because they didn't fit her waist. She could only wear dresses and one piece outfits. We don't overfeed, and we eat healthy, it was just her body. Then she started walking all the time, instead of crawling/walking. She has only gained 5lbs in 6mths and she has grown several inches.


When she was a year old, we had to open up the creases in her wrists and ankles to wash her. We had to lift up her cheeks to wash he neck. Her cheeks were so big, they dipped down and sat on her neck!



At 24mths she is wearing regular clothes, even jeans.


She is still in the 95th percentile for height and weight but looks very proportionate now.




Ds14 was always at or above the 90th percentile on both charts until first grade when he didn't grow for a year. He wasn't ever really chubby though. Just heavy.


Dd10 was always at or above the 90th percentile till she was about 3 or 4, she was always tall, but not chubby after that. She had huge cheeks until she was about 2 but quickly changed to have a very thin face.

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So when I see chubby babies in grocery stores I tell the mom how perfect they look. :001_smile:

Good for you! Moms hear so many unsolicited negative comments on things that I'll bet they are grateful for your encouraging words!


My son was a pretty chubby baby from early on. When he started walking he thinned out a little. Then for several years he would get chubby then hit a growth spurt and thin out. Just in the past year or so this has stopped and now he is like a string-bean.

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Is it true that breastfed babies are chubbier, or is that a myth?


I once saw a doll in a collectible store that had dimples in her fingers and elbows and rolls and creases and the owner kept telling me how "real" she looked.


I thought to myself, "I've never seen that on a baby before."


Well, *sigh* now I see it every day.:001_smile: I need to go back and buy it.

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I have never had a really chunky looking baby (but maybe that is mommy denial), but Nathan was pretty heavy. He was at 40lbs shortly after he turn 2. At 4.5 he is now 45lbs and very healthy looking. His twin brother is a string bean. The baby of the family followed Nathan's footprints. He is about 36lbs now (so not quite as heavy as Nathan was), and until about 2 mos ago he had to wear 3T pants for his waist but they were to long. Suddenly some of the 3T pants are starting to get short and are falling off his waist. Needless to say the kid has shot up in the last couple of months. So of my 2 chunkier kids, between 2-3 they stopped growing out and started growing up.

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Is it true that breastfed babies are chubbier, or is that a myth?


I don't think it's necessarily true. I've known skinny breastfed babies and fat formula babies and vice versa. Both of my own (exclusively breastfed) babies had some nice baby fat on their arms and legs, but only one was really "chubby" (he's my skinny one now -- the other was slimmer then and remains slim-but-not-skinny).

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