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Tackle thread Thursday 25th July


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Did I do that right? 

Off to a non-flying start today! Yesterday was hectic and I found out late in the day that one of my tutor students who wasn’t going to start back this term is after all, so woke up thinking I needed to do some prep. Only to get a message that he’s sick so that’s off the agenda. Then got a phone call from the orthodontist - I totally forgot oldest appointment today. Luckily they rescheduled and he can get himself there but I feel pretty bad for wasting their time. Started unstacking the dishwasher and dropped a Corelle plate on tiles… you all know how they are!  Then youngest ds said he has a sore throat and headache 😞 he had a sleepover with friends with four kids and two in childcare yesterday 🤞we it isn’t Covid or flu. (Negative RAT for the moment).

It can only get better from here right???

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Posted (edited)

Today I need to

Feed lambs x 3

Print some stuff for work


Tutor X 3 students 

Write up tutoring notes

Drive to ortho

Drive home

Feed chooks 

Feed birds

Prep dinner

Fold massive couch full of washing 

Try to order filter for my non working vacuum 

Wash DDs wool school uniform skirt 


Edited by Ausmumof3
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It's still the 24th here but oh em gee, I am so excited because tomorrow our janky old green house with brown trim is being pained... PINK!!!! Sherwin Williams color "Oleander". My very own "Little House" on the hill with apple trees all around. 🙂 My main focus will be somehow keeping 6 energetic kids inside while the painter works. 

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25 minutes ago, wisdomandtreasures said:

It's still the 24th here but oh em gee, I am so excited because tomorrow our janky old green house with brown trim is being pained... PINK!!!! Sherwin Williams color "Oleander". My very own "Little House" on the hill with apple trees all around. 🙂 My main focus will be somehow keeping 6 energetic kids inside while the painter works. 

Oh that is a pretty color.  One of my kids would love a pink house!

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I hope your day got better, @Ausmumof3!

@wisdomandtreasures, that sounds like it's going to be a gorgeous change. ❤️


Today is low key.  We've still got rain off and on, but it's also Air BnB changeover day, so traffic will be yucky.

  • coffee
  • make ds lunch
  • sit down with a new homeschooling mom to go over material samples
  • pick up ds
  • supervise cake baking
  • dinner: probably the ravioli that's been on the menu for 3 days now and nobody has been home to eat
  • 10,000 steps
  • violin
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@Ausmumof3, what a start to your day. I hope it improved and your son feels better! 

@wisdomandtreasures, sounds neat! I hope keeping the energetic ones inside works out! 

I woke a little before 6 but haven’t been able to go back to sleep. I’m still in the bed trying not to wake dh.

I am supposed to go to the Gardens today with a friend, but it looks like too much possibility of rain. We’ll reschedule it. 

I’m not sure what I will do with the day, so I’ll check back in. 

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Hello, all! @Ausmumof3, thanks for starting us off! I hope your youngest feels better and the day improved! 

Woke up early - DH had been up since 4 a.m.! Yikes. Got up, had him make coffee, we played our morning video game, and now - time to get to work! There will be an early nap, I'm sure!

Today I need to:
...finish transferring the 3rd Grade plans   ***Okay, not finished. But almost. History/Bible left to go. 
...move a shelf around to try and make our office/dining area work better
...declutter that top cabinet/fridge area
...start working on the quilt -- *** this is getting carried over, again. But mostly did the list today! So that's good.
...get food going in the crockpot for dinner/fencing tonight
...order some shirts for DH
....go and buy some underthings for DH (and probably more paper for the printer....)
...call and make the dentist appt and haircut appts
...get ready for/go to fencing after dinner
...come home, go to bed

"Reader, isn't this the same list as the last many days?"  Yes, yes it is. I *am* staying productive, but not on the things on the list. Today, buckle down and do the list. Really. 

Edited by TheReader
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Ds slept 13 hrs! He’s off to practice for today.

I have had coffee and b’fast.


Take an exam. ✔️ 
Pick up milk
Prep for AHG ✔️ 

Think about meals and take meat and chx out of the freezer

Check in with Ds about homework. ✔️ 

AHG mtg tonight


Edited by ScoutTN
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My friend and I are going to lunch since we didn't get to go over to the Gardens. 

I had a protein shake and coffee for breakfast. Dh made a protein shake, too. 

I worked on a school to-do list. There are a few things I can't do until closer to starting, though. 

I have several Pinterest suggestion emails, and I looked at some and saved a few pins.  Still have more to go since I've saved them all summer. 

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Confirmed the dentist appt - their software/website autofill changes everything when you autofill one thing, so since DH's insurance info is the same as mine, I let it autofill --- which reset my gender to Male, and my birthday to his. So, had to call and fix that, but now I'm all set. 

Called and scheduled DS's haircut - can't get him in until Saturday morning.  Will put off the shopping errands until then, as it's all rainy and gross out right now anyway, and DH says it's not urgent. 

Eating something and then tackling (had that early nap a bit ago).

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The top cabinet & top of fridge are decluttered - I was able to toss a ton of stuff we didn't need, move most of the "top of the fridge" stuff to better locations, and now all that lives on top of the fridge is the juicer, and the big stack of mixing bowls, neither of which has a better home at the moment. 

If I can ever convince DH that yes, we do have space to put a bakers rack or similar type furniture thing in the "entryway" of the kitchen (he is sure it will interfere too much with the pathway, although the people we dog sit for have the same floorplan, and have long had a thing there, and it works fine), that will free up a ton more space, because I will move the fiestaware stuff to those shelves which will free up lower cabinet space. But until then, this works. Yay! 


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@Ausmumof3hope your day gets better

@wisdomandtreasuresthat is a pretty color. I love my pink bathroom.

took pup out for morning walk-run-smells

call in to dog trainer for private lessons to work on some “stuff”

got list of contractors from Home Depot to call

boil eggs to keep in fridge

clean watermelon and berries

clean celery and carrots 


water outside garden fill bird bath

house clean 

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I scheduled the Zoom meetings for the coming school year, 12 per week, with the possibility of adding another. 

I went to lunch with my friend, and we got coffee (decaf for me) afterward. I went to our outlet grocery store and found a few good buys. 

The groceries are put away, and I started a load of laundry. 

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Okay, y'all....don't be mad. Still carrying over part of the list to tomorrow. :sigh: 


I got a lot more done transferring the 3rd grade stuff (I am copying by hand right now, which is why it's so slow, b/c I need all the adjusted ten thousand times schedules in one place before I can sit down and put it into the computer w/o going crazy). 

I moved the shelf from the sewing room to downstairs, *organized* the stuff in the sewing room that I moved off of the shelf, *and* organized my desk area with the new shelf, and it creates a much calmer area for me, so hopefully this will tide over the whole "I hate this room set-up" thing for a bit longer. 

I already also did a bunch of the other things, BUT, now I am hungry/need a  snack & a break *and* it's too close to fencing time to go wrestle a quilt. So. AGAIN, not quilting. Tomorrow/this weekend, I promise. 


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AHG was good! Need to send a follow up email tomorrow morning. 

This is an element of my life that will be dialed way, way, way back next year, in order to stay sane.  Possibly it will fade away altogether. This makes me really sad! I really enjoy serving my community in this way, even when I no longer have a girl in the troop. But the combination of a new career and grad school will make anything else challenging and since our current troop board is doing things I find troubling, fading out may be wise. 

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@ScoutTN, hugs! Change isn't easy. 

@TheReader, we could never be mad at you! 

I made an early dinner for the guys and put some of it in the fridge for me. 

I went shopping for school supplies and a few extra things. I found a cute plate, bowl, and cup with bees on them I can give to a friend. I bought candles and a ribbon to put the finishing touches on something I bought for myself on our anniversary trip to IKEA. I put a small table in our water closet, and I wanted to finish decorating the top shelf of it. The bottom shelf is for toilet paper. 

I went to the hip-hop class by the same instructor in a town nearby. I really enjoy the exercise, and twice a week will be good for me. 

Back home, I ate dinner and put the school supplies away. 

I started another load of laundry and put the first load in the dryer. 

We watched two episodes of Young Sheldon. 

I talked to both sisters tonight. 

Dh got the clothes out of the dryer, and I helped him hang them and take them to the correct rooms. 

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