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Which blogs do you read?

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Susan at Short on Words. Her photography is *gorgeous.* She has three boys and homeschools. She lives in Southern California, and I enjoy seeing the scenery so different than where I live. I love her spirit. She posts gorgeous nature pictures on Sundays with a Bible passage. I actually got to meet her this past October and spend some time on the beach with her and her boys. What a blast!


Prairie Prologue. More great photography. Homeschooling mom. Excellent writing. I love, love, love when she posts poetry with photographs. It is an amazing talent she posseses. Lovely glimpse of farm/nature/family.


Blue Yonder. Another homeschooling mom with a great voice, an appreciation for the simple things, 3 boys, and interesting photography.


SouleMama. Wonderful photography (again, do you see the pattern?), very simple and creative, a love for nature, a lovely writing style, and also homeschools (unschooling, I believe).

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you have to HAVE to, MUST, check out her Woman's Colony link!!!!!!!








Not all of the above will be everyone's cuppa tea.


plus also Pioneer Woman, of course, and Foil Hat - but Amy has to give us the new blogger addie!!!!

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I read a variety of books, writing, author and homeschool blogs which numbers around 36. I won't list them all.


Besides Confessions of a pioneer woman and Trivium Academy


Forensics and Faith - author brandilyn collins

The Book Lady's Blog -- writes about her adventures in bookselling at book store.

Murder she writes - several authors including allison brennan and toni causey

Shouldbereading - mizb blogs about books and memes

Murderati - group mystery authors blog including Tess Gerritsen

Lisa's Chaos

Mental Multivitamin

Life is like a lunchbox

West of mars - win a book


Nekked Lizard Adventures

Life with my three boybarians



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Thoughtful, Inspiring Mom Blogs


I will try to cut and paste them here.

A few of my favorite thought inspiring mom bloggers just for fun:


Jimmie at One Child Policy She just makes me smile every time I read her blog. There is something there to always give me things to think about from her life in China. It helps me see where maybe I can be more resourceful. She is such a thoughtful blogger and she is always personally sharing with me great ideas....thanks for sharing about Squidoo.


Lapaz Home Learning I haven't been reading this blog for very long. I love the way she seems to observe her children and discover ways to feed their interests. I secretly have a desire to live in Alaska like they do and her blog photos let me glimpse what that life would be like for our family.


Postcards from Paradise I started reading this blog when they were on an extended stay in Hawaii. My dream homeschool adventure in action. Now that they are back home in the Northwest, I have fallen in love with her style and her way of expressing so many things that I want to say about family and nature and life. I really enjoy her sense of humor.


Melissa at In the Sparrows Nest This is another great homeschooling mom blog. Melissa shares so many ideas and thoughts on her blog. She takes each challenge that comes up and meets it with a spiritualness that inspires me. I have loved watching her journey as she endeavors to be an even better homeschool mom. We share a deep love and appreciation for nature.


Mama Stories This mom shares little glimpses into her daughter's life that inspire me to be a better mom. I can't exactly put my finger on what it is that draws me to her blog but there is that certain "something".There are little gems worth searching for like the windowsill garden and the art table near the window. I am using these ideas with our family now as well.


Mom in Madison I would have loved to have grown up in this household....she seems to ooze creativity and the freedom she allows her boys is amazing. There is always something interesting here, something that I would like to try or share with my children.


I like to read blogs that show how you can mold your homeschool to fit your children and not the other way around. I love to see how families incorporate art and nature study into other subjects. I love to see other parts of the world and realize that the people who live there have their own unique struggles but are making it work. I love to read blogs that just give me a great feeling of what motherhood should be like....the easy give and take of every day life no matter where in the world you are at the time.

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