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Thursday Tackling June 20

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Hope to have another productive day!!




paint a closet-painted the first coat

clean the microwave and the cabinet it sits in-done

organize part of the storage shed


work in flower garden

clean the stove-done

call my parents

talk to my sister about cooking meat from parent's freezer


Bible and prayer

water plants-done

clean out my phone-done

Kindle book

Edited by math teacher
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Good morning!  We're in the middle of a heat wave.  I finally got  the bright idea to cover the second skylight yesterday.  I covered the first one a few years ago and loved the result, so I'm not sure why this one took me so long except we use it as a breezeway.  Anyhow, one white curtain later and the temp in the house dropped 10 degrees.


  • laundry
  • clean out the fridge
  • take the trash to the dump
  • label all items (including gloves!!!)
  • get skates sharpened/pick up last minute items
  • pack
  • clean the car
  • make a snack box for ds.  This one is hard because he's allowed snacks in the dorm, but doesn't like much that is shelf stable.  So far we have jerky, peanut butter crackers, and protein bites.  I'd like to find one or two more items to put in there, but it needs to be single serve, no dried fruit or nuts, not messy, and low sugar.  Apparently the camp had a problem last year with the younger children overindulging.  They have changed the recs this year to no sweets or candies.
  • dinner: might grill.  We have everyone home tonight.
  • 10,000 steps
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@HomeAgain - As far as snacks, does he like/will he eat any of the various bars - either the Belvita "breakfast cookies" or the granola bars/Kind bars type?  I guess he wouldn't have access to a microwave so you could put popcorn...? Those are hard limitations you're dealing with! Good luck!


My day today:
....wash my wool stuff

....finish the skirt up
.....clean the sewing room back to normal
.....maybe start something else??
.....purge the rest of the shelf
.....figure out dinner
.....touch base with my sister, her area ended up getting some of the afternoon bands of rain yesterday
....check the mail, see if the toll tag for my car came in yet
....remind DH to contact the car insurance, see why Oldest got dropped off the list - he should not have been
.....cook, eat, go to fencing
....come home, go to bed

Have a good day all! 

Edited by TheReader
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Good Morning

tree removal people coming today to remove the huge oak tree that was damaged and dropped 2 of its huge branches on my outbuilding.  Sad to see really old tree go. They may reschedule if it starts raining again which is forecasted.

pick up groceries

I have not heard anything about my cousin lately not sure if I should text her sister or just wait. It’s been 6 days.

move dog obstacle course and other items before tree people come.



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1 hour ago, TheReader said:

@HomeAgain - As far as snacks, does he like/will he eat any of the various bars - either the Belvita "breakfast cookies" or the granola bars/Kind bars type?  I guess he wouldn't have access to a microwave so you could put popcorn...? Those are hard limitations you're dealing with! Good luck!



He will not, but he will eat the Nature Valley peanut butter or almond butter biscuits, so I threw a few of those in there.  I also found Quest tortilla chips on sale.  He's never tried them, so I got  two flavors that don't compare to other chips he's had.  If he likes them I can keep them as an option later for in the car snacks.

Hopefully that gets him through the first day or two. 🤣  There is a snack bar that he will be utilizing the afternoon for pizza and drinks.

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Well, I have reached the point in making the skirt where I have discovered I am, indeed, out of my element. Ha! Pondering/looking up info on how to get myself out of this predicament. 

Reminded DH about the car insurance. 

Looked up kidney stone info - Oldest texted last night he's adding a cough to his sore throat, and also, more blood in his urine. It is likely, as I thought, the stone making its way out of his body (hopefully). He has meds to deal with that, so hopefully it's quick and not too painful, poor guy.  Also, hopefully he gets rain rain rain so that he can have a light day at camp. 


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@history-fan, I'm sorry about the tree, and I pray things are as good as possible with your cousin.

Good morning! 

I slept in and made myself some boiled eggs for breakfast. 

Dh decided to make homemade marshmallows, so I helped him learn how to use the mixer since he doesn't cook much. 

A friend is coming this afternoon to start watching The Chosen and play a game or two. 

Ds is going to see the girl again before she leaves for vacation. 

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I don't know if you all saw my update last night, but the student who left home came on Father's Day to visit his dad. His dad said things were awkward, but it says a lot he came from Mississippi to be there. 

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@history-fan, Oh, it's so sad to lose an old tree like that! I'm sorry. 😞  And praying still for your cousin; that has to be hard. 

@mom31257, I did see the update but forgot to comment - such good news! Definitely a positive start, at least!

Got figured out the skirt, but need more rick rack, so napping then will go to the store, then come back and finish. I really want it to be nice, not sloppy, so taking my time and figuring things out. 3D things are so much harder than quilts! 

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Howdie, happy Thursday!  I set my alarm for 6am because I was supposed to send something up before business hours.  But I slept through it.  So when I finally did wake up, I low-key freaked out.  😛  (Not sure what language to use ... I mean I was freaked out by my mellow standards, LOL.  It involved cuss words.)

Well, I got that report out before my 10:30 conference call, but then I realized another client had texted me at like 6:30am asking for a call.  Really?  I told him I'm in meetings but I can talk at 4pm.  So I have a few hours to get all his stuff done in between everything else that comes up.

I'm here on WTM because I need to get chill before I transition to that client's work.

I guess I should also eat breakfast at some point.  😛

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Dh is getting a taste of what it's like to try to organize people in this house.  LOL  He set ds14 a list of chores yesterday and told me that he's handling it, I don't need to say anything to ds.  Okayyyy...  Ds did none of them, and all were necessary for today.  Lovely start to the morning.  Oldest ds added his half-done work, putting his clothes in the dryer but not starting them.  I compiled a list, through dh, of what everyone needed at the store this morning.  It's tourist season and I needed to get there before it got awful.  Well, the list was incomplete and dh is now back at the store.  Final words, "they're trying to kill me, aren't they?" (referring to the two of them).

So yeah, today's going great and I'm merrily sitting here because it's not my circus today.

  • grocery store - done
  • dump run - done
  • gas up the car -done
  • get the skates sharpened - done
  • snack box - done
  • items labeled - done
  • packing - done (my own stuff, not ds's.  That's a hot mess)
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2 hours ago, mom31257 said:

I don't know if you all saw my update last night, but the student who left home came on Father's Day to visit his dad. His dad said things were awkward, but it says a lot he came from Mississippi to be there. 

I missed that.  Great news.

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The storm I guess caused power outages somewhere around town, which in a domino effect knocked out our internet for a while this morning. DH took advantage and played video games with the kids while I went to the grocery store for things for dinner/fencing, and to get the rickrack for my skirt. So, that's dinner sorted. 

On the way, my mother texted & called, and that put me very on edge.  She wants to behave like everything is fine, but also she isn't willing to change her behavior, so things are not fine. Every time I get okay being just totally done, she seems to sense it and send a text or something that dredges things up again. Bah. 

Checked the mail on the way home - my toll tag is there. yay! Figuring that out, putting it on the car, and then back to the sewing room. 

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Well yay, my client who demanded a call has decided that it would be a better use of time for me to compile and send his draft reports.  (The same ones I was hoping to send before the 4pm call.)  But anyhoo.  IMO that buys me a little bit of time.  So I'm taking a little break.  😛

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@HomeAgain I am sure a similar scenario is unfolding at my house, Dh in charge of making sure chores and other required things happen. But I am not there for the next week to observe the chaos. Trying not to think about the fallout…

I am in MI. First day of the conference has been good! Four sessions and one mini-session. Learned a lot. Have loads of questions. Dinner and social time tonight. 

Edited by ScoutTN
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Enjoy the conference, @ScoutTN

Well, I went and got some work done on the skirt, but now the top thread & bobbin thread aren't wanting to play nice with each other, so taking a break before I try to troubleshoot that. 

Helped DH peel the shrimp for dinner - he's marinating them in a soy/honey glaze and then will do....something?...with them. 

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@HomeAgain, sorry for the chore troubles. 

@TheReader, sorry the situation with your mom is hard. 

@ScoutTN, definitely enjoy and try to not worry about things at home. 

My friend came. We watched some episodes of The Chosen and played Ticket to Ride. 

The marshmallows turned out a good consistency, but dh added some honey in with the corn syrup. I mostly taste the honey, which I don't like that much. He says he might try them again this summer but without the honey. 

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Whew, time for a breather.

The client I was referencing before - I was 98% done with his draft report when my computer got hung up, to the point where I had to reboot.  Which of course means closing all the files I was using etc.  UGH.  Then it got hung up again (or I was in queue, who knows) while generating a report from the government website.  Finally got everything I needed and sent it to the client.  Only to find that his colleague had asked me for a web meeting about another matter.  Welp, that will have to happen tomorrow!  I also quickly reviewed a few documents to move those projects along.  I deserve a break!

I have aspirations of getting a lot done tonight.  Meanwhile, my kids plan on having a sleepover tonight.  We'll see how it goes.

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