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Tackling Thursday Together, 2.1.23


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Good morning! How can it already be February???

Dh is off to work with his breakfast. Lunch is provided.

The ladies' game night is tonight, and my older sister is planning to come and spend the night! 

  • Bible and coffee
  • meals
  • put a load of laundry in the dryer
  • clean the guest room and make the bed
  • clean guest bath
  • read a bit of books for students
  • look over things for students today 
  • 2 Zoom sessions
  • 1 in-person student
  • grading
  • lesson plans for next week
  • game night
  • enjoy my sister being here
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So, I'm killin' it this week y'all.....remember on Tues I did laundry? Got the 2nd load in the wash......and never moved it to the dryer. Gah! Luckily it did not sour or anything, so tossed it in the dryer when I remembered last night at 9:30. 

Remember how I also called my doc to pick up a refill on my pills? And I was gonna pick them up on my way home yesterday? (b/c I sort of pass right by there)?  Yea, I forgot. Leaving school I thought "I'm supposed to do something...." - couldn't think of it. Got home and thought "I know I'm forgetting something...." Couldn't think of it. Doh!  I wasn't out, so no big deal, I will go today, just means an extra trip. 

Anyway, so, let's make a detailed list today so I don't forget things! 

...chat w/DH when he's available
....grocery store
...***pick up pills***
...gas up
...school prep - I still have a week ahead, but need to do a bit more and revise things for being out, etc. 

...help DS get started on an article research project thing for his psychology class
...remind Middle yet again to DO the dang assignment(s) for his classes 
...tidy up - there's some package trash around (got some stuff, didn't have time to toss the packaging yet)
...take the trash out

...make sure I have everything for tutoring that I need
...go tutor this afternoon

...cook dinner
....do dishes
....talk to DH more this evening

....decide yes/no on going to fencing (leaning towards no - I am *tired* y'all....)   **Decided no; rather stay home
....veg out/go to bed 

I think that's all??? I hope???  I realized last night -- I get *so* tired when DH is gone. Partly, yes, it's because he is pretty good at sharing the load around here, especially on my long days. But I realized it's *also* the flip side of how, when he's around, I am able to relax, be at ease, my spirit just rests when he's home.  When he's gone, not so much.  (not like, if he was at work for the day, but when he's half way across the world like this....yes). Anyway, I'm *tired.* He gets home Sunday morning. 


Edited by TheReader
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@TheReader  Sorry for all the things that are being added to the list today.  I totally relate to what you said about when your dh is gone.  They are so much help and you don't realize it until they are not there.  And yes you just relax in a lot of ways when they are there.  Sending some hugs.  I hope he gets home soon and take it easy while he is gone.  

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Just now, mommyoffive said:

@TheReader  Sorry for all the things that are being added to the list today.  I totally relate to what you said about when your dh is gone.  They are so much help and you don't realize it until they are not there.  And yes you just relax in a lot of ways when they are there.  Sending some hugs.  I hope he gets home soon and take it easy while he is gone.  

thanks; the hard part of the week is over, thank goodness. He gets home Sunday early morning - I'm actually going to a hotel Saturday night, near the airport, and stay there. We'll return there when he gets in (he lands at 5:30 am) and rest and such before coming home to the kids at lunch time. So that will be very nice!

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Just now, TheReader said:

thanks; the hard part of the week is over, thank goodness. He gets home Sunday early morning - I'm actually going to a hotel Saturday night, near the airport, and stay there. We'll return there when he gets in (he lands at 5:30 am) and rest and such before coming home to the kids at lunch time. So that will be very nice!

Oh, a nice little vacation to look forward to.  

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Good morning!! 

Boy is at school, having remembered at the last minute to do some Chemistry HW this morning. Last minute is better than not at all; I’ll take it! Continuing to be thankful for an in-person Chemistry teacher!

Prayer meeting at church this morning. Missing my regular weekly one for this one that is very random and occasional. 
Maybe work at church a bit after? Lunch at church. ✔️ 

Take mom for a haircut and manicure. She will enjoy the outing. Good time for me to read while waiting. ✔️ 

Pick up Ds. Dh will. 
Electronic chores
Call in Rx refill
Make food for my guys’ dinner. ✔️ 

Make a salad and maybe an appetizer? Going to a friend’s for dinner. Decided to take chx wings as an appetizer, since the dinner looks carb-heavy and protein-light. Need a quick grocery run! 

Read and relax.

Edited by ScoutTN
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K & 1st are prepped & printed, ready for Monday

Remembered I *don't* need to print next week for 2nd Grade, b/c Jury Duty

Talked to DH for almost an hour while he worked from the hotel between meetings

Picked up my pills from the doctor

Grocery shopped 

Almost forgot, but remembered in the nick of time, to gas up

Home, eating lunch, and onto the next thing....

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Howdie, happy Thursday!

I had the house to myself for a couple hours this morning, but I spent the time in bed and then working, while drinking yesterday's leftover coffee.  😛  Party party!

Kid came home from school because she burned her finger in art class.  And as we know, the school isn't allowed to apply first aid cream without a doctor's prescription.  😕  She claims she won't be missing anything important if she doesn't go back after lunch.  I'm not gonna fight about it.

Terminix guy was here.  Hopefully whatever he did will discourage the basement mice from inviting all their friends and relatives.

I need to prioritize and send out lots of work (heard that before, I know).  I've already sent some.  Other than a couple of things, I think I'm in reasonably good shape, as long as I keep focused.  I do have some big demands / deadlines coming up soon.

Hoping to get back to doing my "yoga etc."  I was pretty good last week.  I got jazzed after hearing that my ability to do pushups means I'm strong.  😛  But then I got lazy.  😕  Oh well!

I've been keeping up with the 40 day forgiveness book.  I think today is day 12.  Trying to work in some other reading as well.

The maid is coming tomorrow, so today, I want to get all the laundry done and a bunch of cleaning.

That's about all I can think of right now.

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Had lunch and a nice, long nap. That felt very luxurious! 

Got up, put the baby quilt (for the shower) in the wash - *must not forget to put it in the dryer!!* 

Ds is now napping, so will leave him instructions to work on a different school thing vs. what I was going to help him with (or probably he did already, maybe?)

Middle is starting on their stuff. Or so I'm told. 

Hung the jeans up out of the dryer, and got all the other general tidying done.

HEB did have salmon burgers, but not my favorite flavor, b/c apparently I am the only person ever who bought that one. :sigh: I wonder if they would let me buy regular salmon, grind it for me, and let me mix it into patties at home....? I wonder if that would be insanely cost prohibitive....? We are trying the new flavor, though (crab & salmon) to see what that tastes like. Maybe it will be good. 

Printed the next set of stuff for tutoring, and heading out that direction shortly. 

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Dropped mom off at her place.
Got in and out of the grocery in 15 mins.

Put gas in my car. Woohoo for 30 cents a gallon off at Kroger.

Next up:


and probably dealing with the inevitable homework hassle. 

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Good Afternoon

Another beautiful sunny warm 48 degree day

Took pup to park to walk and get energy release

returned Amazon items

Meetings done

move indoor plants that are in front entry so can move couch out of living room

cleaned floors 

do more laundry

went to fleet farm to get more dog food they only had small bags in stock


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I had a really bad morning because 9f really bad stomach issues yesterday.  And dh ordered wrong kind of  underwear too so disaster happened even w 2 super pads in that underwear and even though I had drink at my bedside table and he could have given me one or 1/2 of 1 4 mg Medrol. He blsmes me, of course, even though I was asleep  I didn't get up until about 12 noon.  

He says I don’t love him because of I do things likr this abd spill things,and all the other stuff I can't do right.


Keep relaundering the two barriers and blanket by spraying pet oder eliminator on them then laundry detergent w fabric softener.

Call coymadin machine people

Make my portions of dinner

Keep track of meds and phone alarms, etc to make sure no more disasters. This disaster was also because w multiple bouts of d, I had to take loperemide which makes me sleepy so didn’t set phone correctly plus my electrolytes may have been off too.

Listen to upbeat music while doing drwad laundry.


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Moved laundry snd did a bunch of other small housekeeping things.

Printed a list

Ordered two books. Hooray for Amazon points and free books! 

Verified that Ds’ English hw is indeed turned in. I do NOT love Chromebooks and the school’s heavy reliance on digital tools, but it is nice to see that work is turned in this way. My ADHD kid will lose the paper or crumple it in his backpack or forget to turn it in. He gets decent grades in verbal skills subjects, just gotta not get zeros for things not turned in! 

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Baby quilt is in the dryer and dried, I need to probably pull it out and fold/wrap the present and such. yay! 

Dinner was good-ish; not probably a repeat flavor for the salmon patties (Well, Middle loved it, everyone else liked it ok enough, but not a lot), was able to talk to DH for a little over an hour - so glad I skipped fencing! That was worth it. 

Showered, and watching Grey's Anatomy on Netflix until bedtime. 

Oh, tutoring was fantastic -- the youngest, who is in 2nd grade, couldn't even get through an early 1st grade reading test when I started at the start of the school year. Retested her today -- she scored "easy level" on all up through the "early/easy 2nd grade" level, and I *think* will do the same on the "late/hard 2nd grade" test, but we ran out of time. I'll do that one next week and see where she's at, but that is amazing!  And the oldest is *remembering* math facts now!  THIS is why I do this. 

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  • Breakfast and lunch meds done
  • Undid dishwasher 
  • Dried yesterday's 2nd laundry load 
  • Didn't argue w dh
  • Texted doctor re what hemotologist said and wrong diagnosis. Not all the wrong ones which I will correct later.
  • Made salad, side, and dealt w lemon for dinner 
  • Drying disaster load

to do

  • Eat dinner 
  • Make bed
  • Take bedtime meds
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@TheReader Love hearing tutoring success stories! Way to go! Hooray for a young reader making real progress. 

Dinner was lovely! 

Helped Ds solve an issue for school. 

Winding down now. Hard when I’ve been with people. Used my magnesium lotion and will take melatonin shortly. 

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I knew you'd get it, @ScoutTN; thanks! Yes, it's so exciting! 


Finished everything on the list except DS and the article - we'll get to that tomorrow. No harm, it's still not due for a week. Pretty good considering yesterday I couldn't remember anything! 

Just emailed DH (our routine - I email when I go to bed, and he emails in the morning, so we both wake up to emails b/c of the time difference), last few mins of Grey's (I've gotten through over half a season this week, LOL!!!), and turning in. whew. 

'night, all! 

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