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Tackling Wednesday Together, 1.3.24


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Good morning! 

Well, back to work! DH goes back to work today. He works from home, but must resume work now after his nice vacation (he always saves to be able to take 2 weeks off at Christmas/New Years).  Which is good, b/c I have not done *any* school prep so far this break, and must do so. 

So, today:

....prep K & 1st for Monday

...prep 2nd for Weds
....make the placemat & folder for the new 1st grader joining us
....pay DS's tuition 
...mark the  ones who've paid me so far for January
...text the tutor mom later on to get spelling lists and check about the partial payment I got yesterday

...text Grandma, see how her bday picnic was
...remember to cook dinner early 
...remind DH to change the sheets on the bed
....see if that also means time to do laundry?? Presumably (he took over at Covid when he came home to work)
...if I get my school stuff done in time, do some more sewing on the quilt project
...DH & I leave at 5 to go fence at a different fencing club; several folks are going as well
...Remind Oldest to take DS to church; we will be home in time to pick him up
...pick up DS, maybe watch the finale of the Holiday Lego thing? 
...veg out, go to bed

Happy Weds that feels like Monday, folks! 

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We picked up the toilet yesterday, and dh's friend is coming in 30 minutes or so to help him change it out. 

I still have a stuffy feeling in the back of my nose/upper throat and can't smell much. It has affected my taste, too. The no-smell thing started soon after I realized I had some sinus nasal spray and used it to try and clear my sinuses. The opposite seems to have happened. 

I slept in and spent this morning getting the bathroom clean and sweeping all the floors. 

We went shopping and out to dinner with some friends, so I didn't accomplish much yesterday. 

  • make a list of all I need to do for school before Monday
  • meal plan/grocery list (picked up a few things I knew we needed yesterday)
  • contact a couple of friends about getting together to exchange gifts since my sickness delayed it
  • clean out and organize some paperwork in the office
  • meals
  • not sure what else today



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Good morning!

I slept late, had coffee and a leisurely quiet time. Need to get going!

Shower ✔️ 
Pick up milk ✔️ 
Grocery - quick! ✔️ 
Lunch with friends (Dd is going too, moms and daughters) ✔️ 

Electronic chores ✔️ 
Chx for fajitas into marinade ✔️ 

Walk?! Or go to the Y. It’s gray and cold outside. Unmotivating.

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printed K & 1st grade stuff

did all the tuition chores

texting the tutor mom now

calling the vet - we had to take our mutt yesterday for a growth he's had; today it's a zillion times worse, so calling to see if we can get him in and get it removed sooner than later (he had a fever yesterday so they wanted to wait). That will derail the rest of the day, if so; luckily I got done the "must do" stuff. 

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Well, the vet says that until he's over the infection, we can't do the surgery, so just do our best to keep it wrapped. Blech. They suggested putting an old tee shirt on him all tied up so he can't get at the bandage, and hope that helps. Debating whether one of us needs to stay home w/him tonight to make sure he doesn't chew some more - we may  have to get him a cone. He'll hate that. 

Got all my books swapped over for 2nd semester for school. 

DH started laundry; I'm swapping over the sheets. 

Need to run to the store for paper and more gauze/bandage stuff for the mutt. 


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Good morning!! Took mother in law to the doctor this morning, so I am getting a late start.Plans include:

put up the groceries-done


clean out the garden tub we use for storage-done

put away Christmas

church tonight


organize freezer

put away the clean dishes



defrost small freezer


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Hi guys, happy Wednesday from Iguazu falls!  Love this place.  Our hotel is located within a [Brazilian] national park, and there's wildlife walking around, as well as a direct view of the falls from the front of the hotel.  Look up Iguazu falls to see what I'm talking about.

Yesterday we hiked a little and had a boat ride under the falls.  Then it poured.  We were so drenched, we didn't feel like doing much else.  The dinner buffet was excellent though.

This morning, we drove to an Argentina park where we were able to hike right over the falls.

Now I'm trying to get some work done.  I've had various technology issues, but things seem to be working at the moment.  I got an email asking me about something that was supposed to have happened days ago, except I didn't know that, because nobody sent me the documents.  However, there's always a way to make it my fault.  😛  So I need to do damage control as soon as possible.  I also have a couple other reports that are needed ASAP but I only just got the needed info.  Oh well, that's what vacation is all about, isn't it?

I think everyone else in our party of 5 is napping right now.  Hopefully tonight's dinner is good again.  Then I may go for a hike on the hotel grounds, but it depends on work and the outdoor temperature.

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went to the store for paper (printer paper) and stuff to keep bandaging the dog; the t-shirt seems to be helping, and he hasn't gotten the bandage off again since and even went upstairs! So that's a good sign. This has been a lesson in "don't procrastinate these things" -- he's had this random benign growth for a while now, and we looked it up when it first appeared and everything said "no need to see a vet unless it's bugging the dog" so we didn't. Then it was HUGE, but still not bugging him, so we said "Okay, after Christmas we'll take him in...."  (that was somewhere around Thanksgiving)

Only, immediately after Christmas, it started bugging him, got infected, and is now this disgusting situation we're in, not to mention the nearly $400 visit yesterday to get antibiotics and all, and we have to wait for him to clear the infection before we can go get it removed. And deal with the grossness until then. :sigh: So, ummm, don't procrastinate these things, y'all.  Blech. 

Next up - peel potatoes, b/c I wasted time at Goodwill (I was looking for suitable pants for work, with functional pockets; struck out, but took an hour to look b/c nothing's organized), and then it will be time to cook.

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Good evening

so things done

walk dog at park, did some training

Drove around doing errands 

took oldest to dentist tooth next to wisdom had damage from wisdom he filled it but said it might not work and may need further tx

did more I think?!


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All done. Someone else can clean up dinner. 😉

Took vitamins and having hot tea. Trying not to get the cold that my kids have! I hate giant, horse-pill sized multivitamins. I have a strong gag reflex and choke on them often.

In my jammies, reading. 

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I got some schoolwork done. 

I made a menu and grocery list.

I went to Kroger and dropped off a return at the UPS store.

I used our new air fryer to heat some chicken tenders. 

We played Azul after dinner. 

I talked to my sister. She has been sick the last week but feels better. She thinks she might have had covid again because she is coughing so much. She had already been dealing with long covid symptoms from time to time, so I hope this won't make it worse. 

I have been able to taste/smell a bit more today. The small lymph node behind my ear is still swollen. 

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I took another walk/hike this evening, up to the very end of the falls on the Brazil side.  Man, those falls are something else.  Bucket list stuff.

So I walked/hiked a total of 8 miles today.  A good start to the year.  Only problem - it's so hot and muggy.  I decided to send a bag of smelly clothes to be laundered by the hotel - something I never do - but between the heat, the humidity, and yesterday's soaking, I just can't proceed without getting those clothes washed.

We had another nice dinner tonight.  The girls are being relatively pleasant for their standards.

Still have a bunch of work to do, and I don't wanna.  😕  But I think I will lie down a while before I tackle it.

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@WildflowerMom Sorry to hear you were not feeling good.  I hope tomorrow you get a full day of feeling better.

@ScoutTN Hoping you don't get their cold.  You were just sick!

@history-fan Oh man your poor oldest and his teeth.  This is the one with the sinus holes after the wisdom tooth removal right?  I hope this is the end of the wisdom tooth drama.

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We fenced with the guy, and it was so fun! Oldest ended up dropping off *and* picking up DS, as everyone wanted to go for dinner after (which we did). Got home around 10-ish, then talked with Oldest for a while which was really good -- one of the first "how he used to be" conversations in a long time. He was excited, animated, engaged....I hope we'll keep seeing more of that. 

Now to find today's post....

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