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1 hour ago, Wheres Toto said:

I'm going to apologize for hijacking Scarlett's thread, but I'm wondering if I may be dealing with diverticulitis myself.   I've had lower abdominal cramping off and on since around Thanksgiving.  I've basically put it down to eating somewhat unusual foods, more junk than usual, etc.   I do have Benefiber in my tea each morning, plus have a fairly high fiber diet and generally things move along fairly well and regularly (sorry TMI).   It's been more achy and uncomfortable than painful - enough to keep me from sleeping well but not enough to stop normal activities.  Advil would get rid of the pain completely.  

Today is the worse day I've had, enough so I don't want to do anything, but still pain level is probably only a 5 or so (bearable), although Advil doesn't seem to be helping as much today.   I had popcorn last night which I know is not good for diverticulitis, but I didn't really think about that until late last night.  

I had my first colonoscopy earlier this year and it did say there were some diverticula in the colon, although everything else was pretty much normal.  

I have a doctor's appointment on Friday afternoon so I guess I'm asking if this sounds like it could be diverticulitis and if I wait until Friday to see the doctor (it doesn't seem ER or urgent care level of pain), what is likely to help?  Sounds like liquids?  Clear only? Soft foods okay?

Thank you

Diverticulosis (the presence of pockets in the intestinal wall) is common as we age. When a pocket becomes infected that’s diverticulitis and can cause pain. 

As I understand it, some of the newer approaches to treatment - with a mild onset/episode - involve clear liquid diet and a delay to begin antibiotics. But a painful episode requires an ER trip and abx, and repeated incidents can require surgery. It’s just really hard to say what advice your own doc will give you - I can only speak from my personal experience and what my own doctors have told me. 

I try to really listen to my body, eat right, exercise, avoid stress, but there’s no predicting when I may have another flare. But I have assembled a good care team and have an action plan that includes if:thens, for my own set of circumstances. If I had to give you advice today it would be to take a day and do clear liquids, and talk to your physician to see what s/he recommends. For the back burner, do some research to find the good GI docs and surgeons in your area and position yourself to be able to use their services if/when needed. (For example, my surgeon only operates in one hospital among many in my metropolitan area, so that’s where I’m going in an GI emergency rather than another closer to my home.) 

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Thank you for replying.   I'm going to try and do liquids and some soft foods considered good for diverticulitis for the rest of today and tomorrow and see if it helps.  I will definitely mention it to my doctor Friday.    I'm in a pretty big metro area so should be able to find a decent GI if needed.

Scarlett - pain is fairly centered but somewhat to the left.

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54 minutes ago, Wheres Toto said:

Thank you for replying.   I'm going to try and do liquids and some soft foods considered good for diverticulitis for the rest of today and tomorrow and see if it helps.  I will definitely mention it to my doctor Friday.    I'm in a pretty big metro area so should be able to find a decent GI if needed.

Scarlett - pain is fairly centered but somewhat to the left.

Left is certainly more the norm. 
I hope you go see the doctor. I am glad I went . 

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@Scarlett @Wheres Toto how are y’all feeling?


Scarlett, I find reports like that can sound scary because of all the medical terms. Hopefully your doctor can explain better what’s going on. I’m guessing you’re probably still feeling fatigued and likely nauseous from the meds about now, but hopefully pain is subsided. 

Anyway, I was wondering about you both and hope you have a relaxed weekend ahead for recuperation. 

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19 minutes ago, Grace Hopper said:

@Scarlett @Wheres Toto how are y’all feeling?


Scarlett, I find reports like that can sound scary because of all the medical terms. Hopefully your doctor can explain better what’s going on. I’m guessing you’re probably still feeling fatigued and likely nauseous from the meds about now, but hopefully pain is subsided. 

Anyway, I was wondering about you both and hope you have a relaxed weekend ahead for recuperation. 

Thanks. The reason I think it is worse is because according to CT scan it is my ENTIRE colon.  I am still in pain but I think I am improving. My diet is very bland and soft. White rice, mashed potato, hard boiled egg, peas, chicken, Greek yogurt plain….


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2 hours ago, Grace Hopper said:

@Scarlett @Wheres Toto how are y’all feeling?


Scarlett, I find reports like that can sound scary because of all the medical terms. Hopefully your doctor can explain better what’s going on. I’m guessing you’re probably still feeling fatigued and likely nauseous from the meds about now, but hopefully pain is subsided. 

Anyway, I was wondering about you both and hope you have a relaxed weekend ahead for recuperation. 

Thank you for asking.  I went to the doctor today and I'm getting a CT scan next week.  She feels it could be diverticulitis but wants to check for other possibilities as well due to the location.    Achiness is about the same but helped by Advil and movement so still bearable.  I am eating lighter/blander/softer in the meantime.

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It feels like my pain is subsiding but I still feel swollen inside.  It is a different feeling from being bloated.

I dreamed last night I ate something I should not have. I was like, ‘oh no! I am going to be so sick!’

Probably dreamed that because when we were making chicken pot pie yesterday I ate a couple of pieces of the chopped celery before I realized it. SMH.

I wish I had a better idea of foods I am suppose to add when. 

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@Scarlett, are you on Facebook?  I have found that facebook groups can be super helpful for medical issues.  I've gotten valuable info that I never received my doctor from those groups.  Not all groups are great, but some are fantastic for information and support. 

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16 hours ago, Wheres Toto said:

Thank you for asking.  I went to the doctor today and I'm getting a CT scan next week.  She feels it could be diverticulitis but wants to check for other possibilities as well due to the location.    Achiness is about the same but helped by Advil and movement so still bearable.  I am eating lighter/blander/softer in the meantime.

Ask your dr but family has been advised not to take advil/ibuprofen/NSAIDS with diverticulitis. It increases the risk of complications.

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2 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

Ask your dr but family has been advised not to take advil/ibuprofen/NSAIDS with diverticulitis. It increases the risk of complications.

For right now she's okay with it, but said to watch carefully for any signs of things changing before my CT scan.  Taking it once a day is enough for it to help all day so I'm taking fairly low doses (with food, lots of fluids, etc).   Unfortunately Tylenol didn't even touch the pain and I can't take most other painkillers.  

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Dh is making chicken fajitas. Sides will be Spanish rice and refried beans. I am so sick of rice and chicken . 

Oh he he got cheese dip and chips. 

I want some chip and dip and refried beans. Is this a terrible idea? My pain has subsided but I feel a little gurgley. 

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Chips, refried beans, dip that maybe has cheese? I dunno if that’ll hurt you, but it’s food that would disagree me during a flare up. 

You could try a small serving and see how you feel a couple hours later. 

It’s really annoying, because once I start feeling better I get really hungry, but I try to maintain a boring diet for as long as I’m on medication (partly because the flagyl makes me feel gross). 


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2 hours ago, Grace Hopper said:

Chips, refried beans, dip that maybe has cheese? I dunno if that’ll hurt you, but it’s food that would disagree me during a flare up. 

You could try a small serving and see how you feel a couple hours later. 

It’s really annoying, because once I start feeling better I get really hungry, but I try to maintain a boring diet for as long as I’m on medication (partly because the flagyl makes me feel gross). 


I did half a very small portion of cheese dip and chips and rice and bean and some chicken. It did not make me feel bad….i don’t think. Hours later about midnight I felt a little nauseated but it could be from the meds. 

I just wish here there was a better list of what I should be eating. 

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45 minutes ago, EKS said:

Beans and legumes are apparently number one on the list of foods to avoid.


I looked on the Mayo Clinic site and  understand initially how restrictive it needs to be. But it also says to  slowly add back fiber as soon as possible  I am a week out from initial symptoms …. I just don’t want to over do it. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I saw my GP on Monday (video chat due to weather) and he said my CT scan does indicate it was a bad case.  I told him I am not really in severe pain but something feels off..  He also told me I returned to my high fiber diet too soon…..that I should have stayed no fiber low fiber for about 3 weeks after a few days of clear liquid.  I went back to fairly normal in about a week.  

So I am back to a mush diet as I call it.  It is very difficult to eat this way when I am accustomed to a high fiber diet.  I have eaten very little since Monday.  I plan to stay on this diet until at least through Sunday.  

GP said he would check my white blood count to be sure it was coming down from what the ER visit showed.  He sent me for blood work yesterday and the results came back late last night but I am frustrated because I don’t see WBC in results. I sent him a message through MyChart so hopefully he will explain it to me.  

@Wheres Toto did you get your CT scan?


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2 minutes ago, SHP said:

Did they go over Insoluble fiber vs soluble fiber when adding fiber back into your diet?

No. He did explain to me that the reason for the mush diet during a flare up is because fiber acts as a colon scrub…. Which is good until there is an infection in which case you don’t want to scrub. 

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Just now, Scarlett said:

No. He did explain to me that the reason for the mush diet during a flare up is because fiber acts as a colon scrub…. Which is good until there is an infection in which case you don’t want to scrub. 

I meant once you add it back in and for maintenance. 

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42 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

No . What should I be eating when back to normal. 

It depends on you. I have been told insoluble > soluble and no seeds no matter what, back when they thought that was all I had. 

Now I have other things and they still suggest insoluble > soluble except for the things that they have found I cannot digest at all, which is most of the foods. I avoid the worst offenders (things that will cause a bezoar) and eat smaller quantities spread out and in the smallest forms possible of the things I can tolerate. 


Smallest form examples

1. Smoothies. Well blended.  

2. Beans: refried beans


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23 minutes ago, SHP said:

It depends on you. I have been told insoluble > soluble and no seeds no matter what, back when they thought that was all I had. 

Now I have other things and they still suggest insoluble > soluble except for the things that they have found I cannot digest at all, which is most of the foods. I avoid the worst offenders (things that will cause a bezoar) and eat smaller quantities spread out and in the smallest forms possible of the things I can tolerate. 


Smallest form examples

1. Smoothies. Well blended.  

2. Beans: refried beans


Ok. That is different from what I have been told by the gastro to eat when I am well. He just said high fiber. And I eat Whole foods. The current evidence does not suggest any particular food is the culprit. But of course individuals may know if something triggers them specifically. 

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2 hours ago, Scarlett said:

Ok. That is different from what I have been told by the gastro to eat when I am well. He just said high fiber. And I eat Whole foods. The current evidence does not suggest any particular food is the culprit. But of course individuals may know if something triggers them specifically. 

There are different types of fiber. I am shocked they didn't go over that with you. The type of fiber matters

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29 minutes ago, SHP said:

There are different types of fiber. I am shocked they didn't go over that with you. The type of fiber matters

I never have been too impressed with my gastro. He is my husband‘s Gastro doctor also and I literally had to diagnose my husband‘s problem and request the specific test approve it.
but my GP is a really good doctor. I told him what my diet consist of and he says that is a really good way to get my fiber.

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FWIW, part of the soluble versus insoluble divide is that soluble fiber is what can ferment in your gut. Additionally, the medical advice re: avoiding nuts and seeds with re: to diverticulitis appears to be wrong. While those should be avoided before a colonoscopy, in day to day life they do not appear to trigger or cause diverticulitis. 

You want fiber not only because it scrapes things clean--more importantly the bulk of high fiber food produces higher bulk poo, which increases colonic diameter and thus reduces pressure inside of the colon.  When we age, our gut motility goes down, and because things move slower, then more water is reabsorbed in the colon, thus making harder and drier poos and higher intraluminal pressure. You (edit: want/need) consistent even pressure inside your colon so you don't have tiny herniations making diverticulitis pockets. 

Soluble fiber requires a lot more water to move things through. Insoluble fiber doesn't. (This is also why if you are prone to diarrhea also insoluble fiber can cause problems if you suddenly overdose on it.)  Soluble fiber: beans, nuts, seeds, oats, lentils, some fruit & veg including sweet potatoes, carrots, and apples (plant pectin and gums). Psylium husk supplements also fall in line here.  Insoluble fiber: plant cellulose--whole wheat, cauliflower, green beans, potatoes, blueberries, etc. Beans kind of fall in this category also--it's just that they are also high in soluble fiber because of their high pectin count. 

I mention all of this because of the adventures I've had with a relative on their soluble versus insoluble fiber intake.  For them, it really, really matters which kind they have with re: to constipation versus diarrhea versus gut pain.  If you think you might be on a similar journey, I wanted to lay out this issue for you a bit so you could research more on your own. Other jumping off points to have on your radar: FODMAPs, the amount of water your body needs (chances are it's much higher than you think), and gut microbiome....these aren't an issue for everyone, but if you have continued issues, it's worth a gander.

Edited by prairiewindmomma
siri mistyped a word for me, made correction
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Thank you @prairiewindmomma.  I am posting a link to an article I found today. @SHP might be interested too.


I have generally always eaten healthy.  But 4 years ago when I had my first Colonoscopy and he told me to go high fiber I focused hard on getting 25 grams per day.  This is the first flare up I have had since what I am sure was one in 2008 when they removed my healthy appendix.  (I did have the same pain in about 2010 but it resolved itself quickly with out medical intervention)

So I feel like, for me, the way I have been eating, especially for the last 4 years is ok.  I do realize I might have to adjust if I have frequent repeats of this mess.  

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I recently switched my breakfast from oatmeal with flax and chia seeds to scrambled eggs with mushrooms and cheese and salmon, because I've wondered if increasing my protein would help with weight loss, and my protein numbers seemed really low by every calculator.  I just ran today's food through cronometer though, and am pleased to find out that I ate 42 g of fiber, and I think if anything that's an undercount, because I don't have a great sense for what an NLEA serving of baby carrots is, but I ate like two giant handfuls of them, and if anything I think that was more than an NLEA serving is.  

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3 minutes ago, Terabith said:

I recently switched my breakfast from oatmeal with flax and chia seeds to scrambled eggs with mushrooms and cheese and salmon, because I've wondered if increasing my protein would help with weight loss, and my protein numbers seemed really low by every calculator.  I just ran today's food through cronometer though, and am pleased to find out that I ate 42 g of fiber, and I think if anything that's an undercount, because I don't have a great sense for what an NLEA serving of baby carrots is, but I ate like two giant handfuls of them, and if anything I think that was more than an NLEA serving is.  

That is amazing! Good job!

I am still on mush diet and very hungry for good food.  

Edited by Scarlett
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1 minute ago, Scarlett said:

That is amazing! Good job!

I am still on mush diet and very hungry for good food.  

I bet!!!

ETA:  I eat generally the same thing every day for breakfast and lunch, with occasional tweaking.  I did find when I was doing oatmeal with flax and chia seeds that I sometimes had issues if my fiber got above 50 g a day.  My mom had colon cancer, and I had polyps on my first colonoscopy at age 40, so I am on the every five year plan, so I'm trying really hard to focus on fiber for colon health.  

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3 minutes ago, Terabith said:

I bet!!!

ETA:  I eat generally the same thing every day for breakfast and lunch, with occasional tweaking.  I did find when I was doing oatmeal with flax and chia seeds that I sometimes had issues if my fiber got above 50 g a day.  My mom had colon cancer, and I had polyps on my first colonoscopy at age 40, so I am on the every five year plan, so I'm trying really hard to focus on fiber for colon health.  

Same. Except it was my aunt with colon  cancer not my mom.  But I don’t want it.  

I find it hard to get above 30 frames of fiber.  I did eat fruit, Greek yogurt and chia seeds every day for 2 years. That was easily 15 grams….I like starting my day off with at least 10 to 15.  

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2 hours ago, Scarlett said:

Thank you @prairiewindmomma.  I am posting a link to an article I found today. @SHP might be interested too.


I have generally always eaten healthy.  But 4 years ago when I had my first Colonoscopy and he told me to go high fiber I focused hard on getting 25 grams per day.  This is the first flare up I have had since what I am sure was one in 2008 when they removed my healthy appendix.  (I did have the same pain in about 2010 but it resolved itself quickly with out medical intervention)

So I feel like, for me, the way I have been eating, especially for the last 4 years is ok.  I do realize I might have to adjust if I have frequent repeats of this mess.  

Just over 4 years ago is about when I got so sick with the upper GI crap so I feel your pain. My last flare for diverticulitis was 3 years ago. 

Do they still recommend a follow up colonoscopy 6 months after a diverticulitis flare? 

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42 minutes ago, SHP said:

Just over 4 years ago is about when I got so sick with the upper GI crap so I feel your pain. My last flare for diverticulitis was 3 years ago. 

Do they still recommend a follow up colonoscopy 6 months after a diverticulitis flare? 

IME only if I had recurrent episodes, like two within a year or so. Others’ experience may vary. 

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10 hours ago, SHP said:

Just over 4 years ago is about when I got so sick with the upper GI crap so I feel your pain. My last flare for diverticulitis was 3 years ago. 

Do they still recommend a follow up colonoscopy 6 months after a diverticulitis flare? 

ER doctor said to follow up with colonoscopy but my GP said no since I just had one less than a year ago.  (And he said he new my gastro would agree with him) So I am still on track for another one after 5 years. 

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So it is do hard to explain how my gut feels. 
bending over at my waist hurts. And I constantly feel like I need to stretch out my torso because it feels like something is in the way. 

I can’t google any sort of way to know what might be causing this. 

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13 hours ago, Scarlett said:

ER doctor said to follow up with colonoscopy but my GP said no since I just had one less than a year ago.  (And he said he new my gastro would agree with him) So I am still on track for another one after 5 years. 


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